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Voyages: Gold/Silver Skills Leaping About

I know this has been raised before but it is still a problem. I'm on 3.0.1 and have just sent a voyage out that during the build had gold SCI and silver CMD. I chose my crew accordingly and sent it out to see that the gold star is now next to the MED skill (which is bad to begin with, and even worse now that I hadn't targeted crew at it). CMD is still silver, although I suspect that's just luck.

I haven't put a ticket in because I know CS are busy and I'm a bit of a c'est la vie person anyway - and in light of what's happening in Vegas and the wider world too I have way more things to be angry about - but it would be nice if this could be fixed.

Have a good day everybody, stay happy.


  • Are you the Lady Gaghgagh from the old forum, or are you somebody else having a pop at her/him with your username? If the latter you should think about your life perspective; this is a game, no more.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know this has been raised before but it is still a problem. I'm on 3.0.1 and have just sent a voyage out that during the build had gold SCI and silver CMD. I chose my crew accordingly and sent it out to see that the gold star is now next to the MED skill (which is bad to begin with, and even worse now that I hadn't targeted crew at it). CMD is still silver, although I suspect that's just luck.

    I haven't put a ticket in because I know CS are busy and I'm a bit of a c'est la vie person anyway - and in light of what's happening in Vegas and the wider world too I have way more things to be angry about - but it would be nice if this could be fixed.

    Have a good day everybody, stay happy.

    Do you leave the game open for long periods of times or was it a fresh login when you selected your crew?
  • I close and restart the game on my iPhone before I start every Voyage. After 18 Voyages with no issue, my 19th this evening had the skill jumble bug. Populated for CMD/SEC, after I sent it off it changed to ENG/SCI. Voyage will only last about 4 hours now instead of 7.
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    I am also experiencing this bug, still.

    Rebooting before starting a new voyage fixes it prophylactically. If I forget to do that, rebooting AFTER starting the voyage instead will usually result in a different pair of skills and having to recall and restart.
  • I close and restart the game on my iPhone before I start every Voyage. After 18 Voyages with no issue, my 19th this evening had the skill jumble bug. Populated for CMD/SEC, after I sent it off it changed to ENG/SCI. Voyage will only last about 4 hours now instead of 7.

    This is happening to me often, and I have restarted between voyages. Since the better rewards drop with longer voyage, including 4* crew, I am seriously nerfed by this glitch.

    Adding to the lack of ever offering me any specials that aren't schematics, I see obstacles hindering my acquiring better crew. How does DB expect me to staff my ship??

    ~ seeking out new life
  • Shan wrote: »
    I know this has been raised before but it is still a problem. I'm on 3.0.1 and have just sent a voyage out that during the build had gold SCI and silver CMD. I chose my crew accordingly and sent it out to see that the gold star is now next to the MED skill (which is bad to begin with, and even worse now that I hadn't targeted crew at it). CMD is still silver, although I suspect that's just luck.

    I haven't put a ticket in because I know CS are busy and I'm a bit of a c'est la vie person anyway - and in light of what's happening in Vegas and the wider world too I have way more things to be angry about - but it would be nice if this could be fixed.

    Have a good day everybody, stay happy.

    Do you leave the game open for long periods of times or was it a fresh login when you selected your crew?

    Fresh login. It seems to happen no matter what i do - very frustrating.
  • Yes this has happened to me too. I never payed that close attention to it, but I currently have a voyage running that started with "Gold" Science and "Silver" Security, now it is "Gold" Command and "Silver" Security. So the answer is rebooting before every Voyage?
  • It appears that when the time comes, the skills change no matter if you're in a voyage or not.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Do you leave the game open for long periods of times or was it a fresh login when you selected your crew?

    why should it make any difference.??? this would seem to be an update failure issue.
    i have had the same issue come up repeatedly. i have had fresh start Voyages change skill immediately after sending it. there are times when it starts with-out incident, but restart an hour later and find the focus skills change hours after the voyage started. It appears that at some point when the voyage updates skills, it also forces the pre-existing voyages to change also.
    i have also noted several instances of input failure from random "location, crew, and/or event" input. some times giving data query code like; "$location, $ship. $crew", or just "none", this is an obvious data base query failure.

    Because of DBs backlog of tickets i figured there is no point in submitting one on this issue as it's all ready known about.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
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