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Admiral's Gauntlet

In UC a week ago, I stated it would be fun to see an Admirals Gauntlet, Admirals of the fleets competing in a gauntlet, now I know this would be very competitive and rather ruthless I imagine lol. But since then I have gotten some interest from people saying their Admiral's would be interested in such a thing. So I am starting this thread to see if there is enough interest from Admirals and perhaps they can organize such a thing with a forum posting of results for us all to see. I would think it would be great fun. Your thoughts.


  • Although it sounds like fun for admirals to compete against each other only, it would take more programming to create this section which would exclude alot of players. I dont think there is any benefit that out-ways the programming required. This would be available to 1 in 50 players. Not a viable way to use programming resources.
    Again it may be a fun idea especially for fleet admirals but is not practicle. So i must respectfully disagree.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think it is more of them figuring a date and time to enter a gauntlet. The hard thing is the time. Most likely they would end up spread across two gauntlets. Other people would still be in those gauntlets too.
  • As not being an admiral, I would have to say no, like @Jedzrilanna croishven said, it excludes a lot of players only 1/50 get to play, I think DB should focus their efforts on aspects of the game that everyone can enjoy
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

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  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Although I would participate, I don't like the exclusion. It might make people leave fleets and create empty fleets just to participate.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Aldude wrote: »
    Although I would participate, I don't like the exclusion. It might make people leave fleets and create empty fleets just to participate.

    I had this thought as well. Just to get an adm status to get in.
    It has already been suggested in mutiple other threads to seperate the gauntlet into lower levels like the arena setup so that everyone can play more enjoyably. I realize some newer players just cannot compete at all. This would be a better use of resources.
  • (UFP) Garak Ziyal(UFP) Garak Ziyal ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    I am extremely interested in wanting this to happen and don't think any programming need be involved as multiple groups of 200 players, some of which will be admiral rank in fleets in the game. It's a very good idea to have at the top of the game a league that comprises the most loyal and dedicated people so that something can be given back to those who have made the game and this community what it is.
    Account on it's final tour, soon to be retired!

  • It has already been suggested in mutiple other threads to seperate the gauntlet into lower levels like the arena setup so that everyone can play more enjoyably. I realize some newer players just cannot compete at all. This would be a better use of resources.

    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
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  • What for? Admirals are not more special than everyone else(regardless some might think otherwise). An admirals gauntlet is just another ego „bragging rights“ , who has the best fleet thing.

    Instead wasting ressources on such a feature, i am sure there are plenty of other more important things in this game that needs attention.


    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
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  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    Instead wasting ressources on such a feature, i am sure there are plenty of other more important things in this game that needs attention.

    I do not understand where this line of thinking is coming from. This. Is. Not. A. Feature.

    What is being proposed is a one-time player-driven event FOR FUN where fleet admirals try and force themselves into the same Gauntlet to duke it out.

    Nobody is asking for the developers to change the game, add in a new Gauntlet division for Admirals, or for any kind of special recognition. It is just an idea for having fun. I do not AT ALL understand all this resistance.


    Is all this negativity coming from the name of the thread ("Admiral's Gauntlet") where you all are assuming that Admirals want their own permanent Gauntlet? That is absolutely NOT what this is about whatsoever.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m sure the admirals will all try this once, spend loads of merits trying to place well, and then wish they had the merits back to swap for honor.
  • @ByloBand its not negativity, it’s just the fact that one in every fifty players will get to compete and people will probably leave their current fleets and make their own just to try this out. Just think of all the people who would complain. I agree with @Zombie Squirrel , DB should focus on aspects of the game that everyone can enjoy :smile:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
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  • ByloBand wrote: »

    How are you STILL completely missing the entire point of this thread??

    Please correct me if I’m wrong , but ‘the entire point of this thread’ is to propose a gauntlet exclusively for admirals, am I correct? I did not at all read the admirals deciding to enter at the same time in the regular guantlet or something along those lines in the original proposal.
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
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  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please correct me if I’m wrong , but ‘the entire point of this thread’ is to propose a gauntlet exclusively for admirals, am I correct? I did not at all read the admirals deciding to enter at the same time in the regular guantlet or something along those lines in the original proposal.

    Pretty sure the term fleet gauntlet or fleet versus fleet gauntlet always refers to people in the same fleet or two fleets joining gauntlet at the same time to play with or against each other. Why would admirals gauntlet mean anything else?

  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭

    Please correct me if I’m wrong , but ‘the entire point of this thread’ is to propose a gauntlet exclusively for admirals, am I correct? I did not at all read the admirals deciding to enter at the same time in the regular guantlet or something along those lines in the original proposal.

    My take was all Admirals who want to participate join the same gauntlet. Just like when a bunch of fleet members join the same or two fleets get together and do the same for fun. I see nothing in the OP suggesting DB create some special gauntlet only Admirals can join.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2019

    Please correct me if I’m wrong , but ‘the entire point of this thread’ is to propose a gauntlet exclusively for admirals, am I correct? I did not at all read the admirals deciding to enter at the same time in the regular guantlet or something along those lines in the original proposal.

    Since you have asked to be corrected, I will do so. Actually, I have already done so twice. Would it be helpful for me to quote my own posts?

    BYLO BAND (from above): "What is being proposed would work like this: a whole bunch of fleet admirals would get together in a chat somewhere and all agree to to wait to join The Gauntlet until a very specific time, that is the only way to "force" The Gauntlet to group people together."


    And then a bit later in the thread, BYLO BAND said this: "This. Is. Not. A. Feature.

    What is being proposed is a one-time player-driven event FOR FUN where fleet admirals try and force themselves into the same Gauntlet to duke it out.

    Nobody is asking for the developers to change the game, add in a new Gauntlet division for Admirals, or for any kind of special recognition. It is just an idea for having fun."


    NUMEROUS times it has been said that this is not an effort to get DB to create a separate Gauntlet for fleet admirals, this is a group of fleet admirals ONE TIME FOR FUN trying to get themselves into the same Gauntlet.


    It's been a bit of a trend today, me quoting myself. If I start talking about myself in the third person, somebody please shove me in a sonic shower!
  • ByloBand wrote: »

    Since you have asked to be corrected, I will do so. Actually, I have already done so twice. Would it be helpful for me to quote my own posts?

    BYLO BAND (from above): "What is being proposed would work like this: a whole bunch of fleet admirals would get together in a chat somewhere and all agree to to wait to join The Gauntlet until a very specific time, that is the only way to "force" The Gauntlet to group people together."


    And then a bit later in the thread, BYLO BAND said this: "This. Is. Not. A. Feature.

    What is being proposed is a one-time player-driven event FOR FUN where fleet admirals try and force themselves into the same Gauntlet to duke it out.

    Nobody is asking for the developers to change the game, add in a new Gauntlet division for Admirals, or for any kind of special recognition. It is just an idea for having fun."


    NUMEROUS times it has been said that this is not an effort to get DB to create a separate Gauntlet for fleet admirals, this is a group of fleet admirals ONE TIME FOR FUN trying to get themselves into the same Gauntlet.


    It's been a bit of a trend today, me quoting myself. If I start talking about myself in the third person, somebody please shove me in a sonic shower!

    What is being proposed here is exactly this:
    Each gauntlet group comprises 200 players. No more, no less.
    A cut-off occurs midnight UTC each day. If the last gauntlet is incomplete it rolls over to the next.
    By coordinating the entry time, a large number of captains are able to be placed into the Same group of gauntleteers, thereby creating one for themselves. No coding required, just some handy timing and helpful people who notify that the group preceding is live.
    If you have questions about this, just ask. But we're NOT talking about a PERMANENT FEATURE HERE, just a simple way to get a ONE-TIME gauntlet of admirals together.
    Account on it's final tour, soon to be retired!
  • Damn you guys, yeah yeah I get it I got all the wrong ideas you don’t gotta be all (for lack of a better word) snarky/arrogant :expressionless:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

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  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Damn you guys, yeah yeah I get it I got all the wrong ideas you don’t gotta be all (for lack of a better word) snarky/arrogant :expressionless:

    Nobody started off snarky, but if we got there you helped by not reading what was being said repeatedly. I'll own my part if you own yours, and then let's just move on with our lives.

    Nobody was arrogant at any point. Perhaps you meant persistent?
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I guess if the admirals want to do this, go for it. As long as it doesn't turn into whatever that was between fleet A and fleet B a few weeks ago. (Yeah, sorry I don't remember who challenged who, and who broke the handshake rules, and... whatever else.)

    It won't affect the rest of us. As a non-admiral, I regularly battle many elite non-admirals for top 10 rankings. Sometimes I win, but more often they do. Good times either way. Won't change a thing if an admiral or two are missing from the mashup.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Too complicated for me mate. I'm out.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Sorry for all the confusion, I was thinking just a one time thing, like I said where the admirals would get together to duke it out for "bragging" right essentially. I am assuming all the big admirals have enough merits and a few extra dils to just have a one time free for all. BUT I understand this cannot happen without the integrity of the admirals since some can tell their fleeties to go into the gauntlet and attack challenging admirals by selection on the gauntlet fights. It would be nice to be able to "SELECT" a time on the gauntlet screen for a future date to enter the gauntlet then at least Fleet gauntlets would be easier to set up with less chance of non-fleet players in the fight. say a menu to select Fri 18:47:00
    Anyhow again that would be great for fleet gauntlets but again the Admiral Gauntlet would need to be on the integrity of the Admirals as to not load it up with their fleeties. Sorry for all the misfeelings
  • edited February 2019
    Yes. As the thread continued it was clear that there were two seperate opinions on what u meant based on how it was worded. It is sometimes hard to be clear exactly in written form.
    Besides all the confussion and the fact that u have cleared up what u meant,

    i take offense to someone elses suggestion that an admiral status means u r more commited or active in the game. I have been a member of my fleet since day 2, am not the admiral but make many descisions for the fleet. My admiral and myself have a co-admiral agreement eventhough that position does not exist. I have chosen to stay with my fleet bcuz i helped build it and it is my home. Status of title doesnt always matter and also doesnt always mean anything. There are lots of inactive fleets with disappeared admirals.
  • Gandozer {SoS}Gandozer {SoS} ✭✭✭
    edited February 2019
    This is true what about a Olympic Gauntlet then, one chosen player from each fleet? Again I understand this would not be feasible under the current setup due to a fleet over playing the field. Again too bad there was not a way to schedule a gauntlet entering time on one's part (although this would not prevent what I mentioned above) but perhaps and invite method to a gauntlet such as we do for fleet invites but to a gauntlet.

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