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🌌[Images Inside] - New Crew & Ship Suggestions

Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2017 in Make It So!
Been suggesting these on the STT Facebook page for some time now.
Joined game 6th March 2016


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    Also been suggesting these on the STT Facebook page for some time now.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Admiral William Ross, a re-occurring character in 12 episodes of STDS9 who was portrayed by Barry Jenner, who sadly is no longer with us. A fitting tribute would be to add him to the game & immortalise him.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Security Officer Nelix
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    An amendment suggestion to enhance the current version of uncommon 2 star Ensign Ro.
    She can be seen in episodes of STTNG displaying an ability in security and capable with a phaser.
    To limit the amount of uncommon crew needed in a players crew quarters for Cadet Missions I propose giving Ensign Ro a security ability equal to that of her command ability.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Suggestion for a 2 star uncommon version of Ezri Dax.
    From the STDS9 episode 'Til Death Us Do Part'.
    Reasons for this choice is to minimise how many Uncommon crew to be needed in ones crew quarters for Cadet Missions.
    Ezri is female, of alien origin and a member of starfleet. Therefor she could participate in the Mon-Fri events. At present there are no female starfleet Uncommon crew with alien origins that hold a medical basic skill.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Very interesting suggestions indeed, although to be honest I would like an equal number of male and female characters. I can gladly sacrifice some of the 1,630,844,352,358 effin' versions of Kirk for more female (or female-looking) characters, like Andrea (the android in TOS), the Companion (Zefram Cochrane's "bestie" when he was stranded in that planet), Ishka (Rom and Quark's mother), Talas (Shran's first mate), Jhamel (Shran's second mate), Pel (the Ferengi female who dressed as a male), etc.
    Maybe some of the aforementioned are already in the game, I just haven't seem them yet lol If this is the case, my apologies.
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    Very interesting suggestions indeed, although to be honest I would like an equal number of male and female characters. I can gladly sacrifice some of the 1,630,844,352,358 effin' versions of Kirk for more female (or female-looking) characters, like Andrea (the android in TOS), the Companion (Zefram Cochrane's "bestie" when he was stranded in that planet), Ishka (Rom and Quark's mother), Talas (Shran's first mate), Jhamel (Shran's second mate), Pel (the Ferengi female who dressed as a male), etc.
    Maybe some of the aforementioned are already in the game, I just haven't seem them yet lol If this is the case, my apologies.

    Some good suggestions for crew there. Some you have mentioned are already in the game.
    If you wish to know what characters are available check out the STT wiki site, they update it regularly.
    I myself have Immortalised all 3 star crew & bellow but only keep a handful of 3 star female aliens for weekend Cadet Missions & keep all female starfleet crew with alien origins for the weekday Cadet Missions. Just to save room in my crew quarters.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    I had no idea Pel was already in the game! Nice!!
    But still, if you check the list, out of 440 characters, roughly 136 are female (I hope I have counted them properly). One is the Duras sisters, which you can argue it counts for two. And one is neither male nor female. Be as it may, less than a third of all the characters are female. I think we need loads more!
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    Ricard Daystrom Ricard Daystrom ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    I want some Non-Canon characters like:

    Augment La Forge

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Romantic, Innovator,Survivalist

    Augment Barclay

    Human,Augment,Villian, Brutal,Innovator,Duelist,Survivalist

    Augment Beverly


    Augment Yar

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Survivalist, Duelist, Desperate

    Augment Wesley

    Augment, Human,Prodigy,Warp Theorist,Brutal,Survivalist,Hunter

    Augment Troi


    Augment Worf

    Klingon, Augment, Villian, Brutal, Tactician, Duelist,Survivalist, Hunter,Desperate

    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

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    Dante123 wrote: »
    I want some Non-Canon characters like:

    Augment La Forge

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Romantic, Innovator,Survivalist

    Augment Barclay

    Human,Augment,Villian, Brutal,Innovator,Duelist,Survivalist

    Augment Beverly


    Augment Yar

    Human,Augment,Villian,Brutal,Survivalist, Duelist, Desperate

    Augment Wesley

    Augment, Human,Prodigy,Warp Theorist,Brutal,Survivalist,Hunter

    Augment Troi


    Augment Worf

    Klingon, Augment, Villian, Brutal, Tactician, Duelist,Survivalist, Hunter,Desperate

    You have an Augment fascination me thinks.

    Personally I'd like to see more re-occurring characters before non-cannon or one off glorified extras from 1 episode.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    What about a 2* delta flyer for a new ship
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    Ricard Daystrom Ricard Daystrom ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    You have an Augment fascination me thinks

    Yes,Yes I do have an Augment fascination. I just wanted to get the TNG crew as Augments because of Augment Picard and Riker
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

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    Original post edited as 'Ruk' was added to the game.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Coincidence or not, I'm pleased the character I have suggested over the last year on the STT Facebook page have been added to the game.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    A suggestion on more supposedly “useless” crew. Have 4 slots in your roster for “no-star” characters then you can add characters like Molly O’brien / tween Jake sisko / infant-little Naomi wildman / pajama Alexander / young spock / spot / porthos / ... etc
    And they can work as bonus effects for certain crew or casts. (On shuttle missions/voyages/and more) A bonus for matching characters. Naomi gives a diplomatic bonus to janeways or engineering bonuses to 7of9s and her older self as one example. Pajama Alexander would give a security bonus to most Worfs his older self a dip bonus to his mom and de-aged Picard/guinan/ro/keiko

    Move tribbles to this as well. They work in the negative for Klingons but give humans a bonus most Uhuras get a big bonus.
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    We have a Voyage Home version of the entire TOS crew except the big man himself (and arguably Sulu). May I suggest that we get a version of Kirk in his maroon puffy suit, and that we pull it from the scene where he's watching Spock swim with the whales?
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    I would love to see the following:
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    JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Your wishes have already come true with all Muddy (okay he was DSC) and Rucky, the Android and also with the Borg Queen, Ent-E Riker and Commander Kira Nerys and Valeris and Sci-Buck (Sybok), Bateson, Castillo, Kurn etc. And now actually they even got the Guinan you had the photo from! Fierce Guinan (Voyages only)! - Yes, I wonder why Shelby isn't there and why the Enterprise-E isn't a playable ship.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
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    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    My top thing to see would be Enterprise A or Enterprise refit from Motion Picture for sure. Surprised it's not available yet.
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    KantKant ✭✭✭
    Seven from "Human Error"uilrcahjw0gb.jpg
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    Starship Reliant, Enterprise C, Enterprise B, Excelsior, Grissom, Vorcha class.
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    [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Been suggesting these on the STT Facebook page for some time now.

    Villainous Vulcans? Vulcans Gone Bad?
    Come on, man. It's so easy!

    Flawed Logic
    "You stay here, you're gonna die. Not all at once, but little by little. Eventually, you'll become as hollow as I am."
    - Vic Fontaine
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    SgtPotato wrote: »
    Been suggesting these on the STT Facebook page for some time now.

    Villainous Vulcans? Vulcans Gone Bad?
    Come on, man. It's so easy!

    Flawed Logic

    How did I not see that lol
    Good one! 👍🏼
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Ishka (Rom and Quark's mother)


    Excellent idea.
    "You stay here, you're gonna die. Not all at once, but little by little. Eventually, you'll become as hollow as I am."
    - Vic Fontaine
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    [BL] Q wrote: »

    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    U.S.S. Prometheus NX-59650
    Joined game 6th March 2016
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    Personally, I would love to see Porthos and Spot as crew members, since they are clearly the best crew members ever. Possibly as fusible characters. Porthos can provide Communication and Security. Spot, just communication.
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