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STARFLEET JAG is looking for new members. We are one of the oldest, still active fleets in the game. We have a fully built starbase (134) with all the bonuses maxed out. If you are a daily or mostly daily player, captain level 30 or above and looking for a great, fun and helpful fleet to call home then please give me a shout.


  • Been a member of this fleet since April 2018 and it is such a great supportive group. Lots of knowledge and resources available. Great group of people play with!
  • I'll add my voice too.

    The main reason why I chose to join this fleet about three years ago, is because of one of the main rules that the fleet has, which is about respect. That we treat each other with respect at all times.

    Do join us. It's a great fleet!
  • I love this fleet. we all are one happy family and help one another despite having squads my play has improved drastically thanks to advice from other fleet members....we are a busy fleet with daily players but we don't require certain performance which is nice.
  • I have been a member of this fleet for a few years and it is a great fleet.
  • edited November 2019
    I have been a member of this fleet for three years and I have improved my gameplay tremendously from the assistance of others. Are you a top player or more relaxed player each event? We accommodate both.

    We do respect one another, have fun, make friends around the globe and even complain about Disruptor Beam all in fun of course!

    I hope you consider joining.
    ADM I'm a Dr. Not a .....
  • Spots now open! maxed starbase (level 134) and 5/5 shared crew. Join today!

    see you in the game, Happy Fun Ball
  • a couple new spots just opened! get in now before the next event!
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