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The Future of Canon Star Trek: Where is it?


My coworker and I are both fans of Star Trek. Between the two of us we have seen every film, series, and have played all the games.

And one thing we are desperately wanting to know is where the Canon Trek Timeline should take us.

As such, we have designed a survey to see what the fans think of where Trek is today and where it could be tomorrow.

The link is below.



  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you for making this poll. I really enjoyed taking it.
    I especially have to commend you on giving us free opinion options at the end of each section to allow us to explain our wants, wishes, and ideas freely.

    A small bit about what new canon show of Star Trek I'd like to see...
    It takes place after the Dominion War has ended, probably during the same time of Voyager. But this show would take place deep within the Gamma Quadrant with a Starfleet crew whose ship was destroyed and they were captured by the Dominion before the Dominion War ended. This crew was imprisoned with other Dominion prisoners but now that the Dominion War has ended, diplomatic channels are slow and the crew hasn't been released yet.

    Something to complicate the politics of the aftermath of the Dominion War is that since the defeat of the Founders, many Jem'Hadar have become disillusioned with their "Gods" and have rebelled, creating their own regimes in the Gamma Quadrant. They have overtaken this Dominion prison and have started imprisoning their own political enemies there as well. These rogue Jem'Hadar's political enemies being anyone who aided the Dominion and thus essentially caused the Founders to lose the war, so Son'a, Ba'ku, Ellora, Breen, Cardassians, Vorta.

    Hearing how the Dominion War has ended but realizing that with the new Jem'Hadar regimes in place, their imprisonment will be indefinite, the imprisoned Starfleet crew stage a prison break. In the ensuing chaos the Starfleet captain and First Officer die, but their crew manage to commandeer an alien vessel docked at the prison along with some non-Starfleet prisoners. One of the Jem'Hadar prison guards manages to stow away on board to stop them. The crew and ragtag band of prisoners escape and must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom and escape the Gamma Quadrant.

    Of the Starfleet crew...
    --Kaspar Lourdes (Human), the communications officer takes the role of new captain.
    --Chief Medical Officer, Fhia Mi'Drel (Romulan) resumes her role as CMO but also takes the role of first officer.
    --Marco Merchetti (Human), a science officer becomes the new chief science officer.

    Of the liberated non-Starfleet prisoners and persons the crew come across in their journey...
    --Qresh, a former Breen captain and prisoner becomes chief navigator, while his daughter Plyth becomes chief engineer due to her strong engineering prowess.
    --Maeve Linn (Ellora), a former prisoner who was spiritual advisor and servant to a now deceased Son'a prisoner becomes the ship's counselor in essence due to his spiritual advisor background.
    --The stowaway Jem'Hadar guard, Kerala'Umat, soon realizes he is outmanned with the crew and prisoners and eventually reconciles with them to become part of the crew as chief security officer due to his prison guard background.
    --The crew eventually pick up Genève Tinney (Human), a Federation citizen reporter who came to the Gamma Quadrant in secret but got stranded while trying to get a hot story to report. She becomes the communications officer now that Kaspar is captain.
    --Also along the way, the crew encounter Dace, a free Orion trader who is trying to make his fortune in the Gamma Quadrant due to its unexplored potential. His cunning wit, philandering, and deal-making often break him out of many dangerous situations (pretty much think of the charm, swagger, and rugged looks of Okona). He and Marco eventually develop a romance of sorts. Note, Dace is not part of the crew and often visits the ship, he does not stay on it to begin with.
    --And lastly, the crew encounter Vos, a cosmozoan space-dwelling lifeform called a Qosma. It is an photonic energy form which can mimic holographic representation, so it can replicate looking humanoid if it desires. I have not yet decided if this being will serve on the ship in an engineering, scientific, or diplomatic manner.

    Ultimately, the ragtag crew, band of prisoners, and wayfarers must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom while avoiding the dangerous post-war regimes of the Gamma Quadrant. In the case of the Starfleet crew, the Ellora, and the Breen, the goal is to get back to home in the Alpha Quadrant as well. So that's my idea, hope you all think it is interesting.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man, that was a pretty involved survey! What do you plan on doing with it?
  • Great Survey!
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • Thank you for making this poll. I really enjoyed taking it.
    I especially have to commend you on giving us free opinion options at the end of each section to allow us to explain our wants, wishes, and ideas freely.

    A small bit about what new canon show of Star Trek I'd like to see...
    It takes place after the Dominion War has ended, probably during the same time of Voyager. But this show would take place deep within the Gamma Quadrant with a Starfleet crew whose ship was destroyed and they were captured by the Dominion before the Dominion War ended. This crew was imprisoned with other Dominion prisoners but now that the Dominion War has ended, diplomatic channels are slow and the crew hasn't been released yet.

    Something to complicate the politics of the aftermath of the Dominion War is that since the defeat of the Founders, many Jem'Hadar have become disillusioned with their "Gods" and have rebelled, creating their own regimes in the Gamma Quadrant. They have overtaken this Dominion prison and have started imprisoning their own political enemies there as well. These rogue Jem'Hadar's political enemies being anyone who aided the Dominion and thus essentially caused the Founders to lose the war, so Son'a, Ba'ku, Ellora, Breen, Cardassians, Vorta.

    Hearing how the Dominion War has ended but realizing that with the new Jem'Hadar regimes in place, their imprisonment will be indefinite, the imprisoned Starfleet crew stage a prison break. In the ensuing chaos the Starfleet captain and First Officer die, but their crew manage to commandeer an alien vessel docked at the prison along with some non-Starfleet prisoners. One of the Jem'Hadar prison guards manages to stow away on board to stop them. The crew and ragtag band of prisoners escape and must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom and escape the Gamma Quadrant.

    Of the Starfleet crew...
    --Kaspar Lourdes (Human), the communications officer takes the role of new captain.
    --Chief Medical Officer, Fhia Mi'Drel (Romulan) resumes her role as CMO but also takes the role of first officer.
    --Marco Merchetti (Human), a science officer becomes the new chief science officer.

    Of the liberated non-Starfleet prisoners and persons the crew come across in their journey...
    --Qresh, a former Breen captain and prisoner becomes chief navigator, while his daughter Plyth becomes chief engineer due to her strong engineering prowess.
    --Maeve Linn (Ellora), a former prisoner who was spiritual advisor and servant to a now deceased Son'a prisoner becomes the ship's counselor in essence due to his spiritual advisor background.
    --The stowaway Jem'Hadar guard, Kerala'Umat, soon realizes he is outmanned with the crew and prisoners and eventually reconciles with them to become part of the crew as chief security officer due to his prison guard background.
    --The crew eventually pick up Genève Tinney (Human), a Federation citizen reporter who came to the Gamma Quadrant in secret but got stranded while trying to get a hot story to report. She becomes the communications officer now that Kaspar is captain.
    --Also along the way, the crew encounter Dace, a free Orion trader who is trying to make his fortune in the Gamma Quadrant due to its unexplored potential. His cunning wit, philandering, and deal-making often break him out of many dangerous situations (pretty much think of the charm, swagger, and rugged looks of Okona). He and Marco eventually develop a romance of sorts. Note, Dace is not part of the crew and often visits the ship, he does not stay on it to begin with.
    --And lastly, the crew encounter Vos, a cosmozoan space-dwelling lifeform called a Qosma. It is an photonic energy form which can mimic holographic representation, so it can replicate looking humanoid if it desires. I have not yet decided if this being will serve on the ship in an engineering, scientific, or diplomatic manner.

    Ultimately, the ragtag crew, band of prisoners, and wayfarers must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom while avoiding the dangerous post-war regimes of the Gamma Quadrant. In the case of the Starfleet crew, the Ellora, and the Breen, the goal is to get back to home in the Alpha Quadrant as well. So that's my idea, hope you all think it is interesting.

    That is super thought out. It would make a good series. I'm writing a Star Trek Novel, and this idea gets me writer seal of approval!
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    The future of Trek right now is in the hands of how much money CBS makes from All Access.
    If you want more STDs, then buy in now. If you don't, don't give CBS your money or if not in North America, don't do the hate watch thing on Netflix.

    My hope is that Trek goes through a transformation as seen in the 70's where it dies out from a production standpoint and fan driven exercises help keep it alive in cons etc before a rebirth that befits something like some of the storylines above, but frankly, less dark and more morality plays rather than a long episode of Trek meets Survivor. I think the above is written well, but some of it feels like why I don't want STD either.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll say something that I don't know if I am allowed to say it here or not...
    I don't have the Bell service in Canada which is equivalent to CBS All Access in the states on which to watch STD. And since STD isn't on Netflix up here, CBS has gotten zero of my or my boyfriend's dollars (since he's the one who pays for the Netflix). We just stream offsite.

    But I am glad I did not go into buying the service for STD, it's not worth my funding. If I funded it, it'd mean I support the show and how it's going now, I don't at all. It needs to either change to fit the Trek franchise, go away altogether, or be detached from the Trek franchise - it is not Trek.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dante123 wrote: »

    That is super thought out. It would make a good series. I'm writing a Star Trek Novel, and this idea gets me writer seal of approval!

    Thanks for the compliment. I've always wanted a series which explored the aftermath of the Dominion War and more of the Gamma Quadrant. In all reality, Deep Space Nine still barely saw any of that quadrant. I also was very intrigued by the introduction of the Breen and the Jem'Hadar, and in Insurrection we barely got a glimpse of the Ellora and I love their design. And of course, Romulans are my favourite race and I've always wanted to see one in Starfleet.

    In fact, I play a Star Trek D&D game with some friends on occasion and my character is a Romulan Starfleet officer whose family defected to the Federation right around the events of "Unification" in TNG.

    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I think the Federation at the end of the Dominion War is poised to undergo a significant change that may leave it virtually unrecognizable.
    I am going to link to an article mostly for the maps in it: 4 maps from an atlas from the 1930's that show how travel times in the US changed from 1800 to 1830 to 1857 to 1930. I encourage you to look at the maps, but in short: from 1800 to 1830 the speed of travel doubled (at least in the eastern US) so a trip that once took six weeks now took three.
    From 1830 to 1857 it tripled, so that three-week trip now took one.
    And from 1857 to 1930 it .... septupled? That one week trip was now a single day, and parts of the US that were 6 weeks away from New York were now, at most, four days.

    This change in travel times had a profound effect on society. From the view of a resident of New York, in 1830 Minnesota might as well have been on another planet. One hundred years later, you might go there on a holiday weekend and be back at work on Tuesday.

    Let me highlight just two of the technologies that are about to have a similar effect on the Federation.

    In 2375, Dukat kidnapped Kira Nerys by taking her directly from DS9 to Empok Nor by transporter. The transporter (which IIRC was Dominion technology) had a range literally a million times that of a Federation transporter.
    Federation transporters allow beaming from any place on Earth to any other place on Earth, and to many facilities in orbit. However Earth's moon is beyond transporter range.
    But with the tech Dukat used, a person on Earth could beam to ant place in the solar system. DS9 would no longer have ships routinely running to Bajor because Bajor would be in transporter range. Crew members would not have to choose between bringing their families to the station or only seeing them when they had days off, they could live on Bajor and beam home for lunch.

    In 2376 U.S.S. Voyager encountered an alien who had built a device he called a graviton catapult. Voyager was able to study it extensively, and eventually used it to travel in one hour about 3000 light years. Voyager was unable to build duplicates of the device because it required, in particular, a large tetryon reactor which is very advanced technology, making it difficult to acquire and beyond Voyager's capabilities to build.
    The Federation, however, has access to vastly more resources than Voyager had, and due to contact with Voyager (and Voyager's return to Earth) has access to everything Voyager learned about the device.
    In the DS9 Technical Manual they observe that while starships are capable of great speeds for comparatively short periods of time, the need to occasionally shut warp engines down for maintenance coupled with the fact that maintenance is needed more often as ships travel faster means that Federation ships cannot cover more than 1000 lightyears per year.
    The fact that Farpoint Station orbits a real star with a known location means it took U.S.S. Enterprise about a year to get out there.
    As soon as the Federation builds a graviton catapult near Earth, that trip will take 20 minutes.

    TOS-era Trek was the Age Of Sail: a ship was on its own, and messages took a long time to reach the frontier.
    TNG-era trek was the introduction of steamships: everything is much faster, but help is often still days away.
    But by about 2380, traveling from the heart of the Federation to the very edge of explored space will be a matter of hours, if that.
    It used to be that if a hostile fleet appeared at DS9, a few ships might be able to get there in a few days. Now, any ship near a catapult can be there in minutes, even from the far side of Federation space.
    And it used to be that being assigned to Utopia Planetia was a bit like living in Montana, as your only way to visit your kid at Starfleet Academy was to take a slow shuttle or hitch a ride on a passing ship. But now the transporter can take you directly there.
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice breakdown, SpyOne! ST universe aside, it's pretty cool to think of this stuff someday impacting us all for real.
  • Thank you for making this poll. I really enjoyed taking it.
    I especially have to commend you on giving us free opinion options at the end of each section to allow us to explain our wants, wishes, and ideas freely.

    A small bit about what new canon show of Star Trek I'd like to see...
    It takes place after the Dominion War has ended, probably during the same time of Voyager. But this show would take place deep within the Gamma Quadrant with a Starfleet crew whose ship was destroyed and they were captured by the Dominion before the Dominion War ended. This crew was imprisoned with other Dominion prisoners but now that the Dominion War has ended, diplomatic channels are slow and the crew hasn't been released yet.

    Something to complicate the politics of the aftermath of the Dominion War is that since the defeat of the Founders, many Jem'Hadar have become disillusioned with their "Gods" and have rebelled, creating their own regimes in the Gamma Quadrant. They have overtaken this Dominion prison and have started imprisoning their own political enemies there as well. These rogue Jem'Hadar's political enemies being anyone who aided the Dominion and thus essentially caused the Founders to lose the war, so Son'a, Ba'ku, Ellora, Breen, Cardassians, Vorta.

    Hearing how the Dominion War has ended but realizing that with the new Jem'Hadar regimes in place, their imprisonment will be indefinite, the imprisoned Starfleet crew stage a prison break. In the ensuing chaos the Starfleet captain and First Officer die, but their crew manage to commandeer an alien vessel docked at the prison along with some non-Starfleet prisoners. One of the Jem'Hadar prison guards manages to stow away on board to stop them. The crew and ragtag band of prisoners escape and must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom and escape the Gamma Quadrant.

    Of the Starfleet crew...
    --Kaspar Lourdes (Human), the communications officer takes the role of new captain.
    --Chief Medical Officer, Fhia Mi'Drel (Romulan) resumes her role as CMO but also takes the role of first officer.
    --Marco Merchetti (Human), a science officer becomes the new chief science officer.

    Of the liberated non-Starfleet prisoners and persons the crew come across in their journey...
    --Qresh, a former Breen captain and prisoner becomes chief navigator, while his daughter Plyth becomes chief engineer due to her strong engineering prowess.
    --Maeve Linn (Ellora), a former prisoner who was spiritual advisor and servant to a now deceased Son'a prisoner becomes the ship's counselor in essence due to his spiritual advisor background.
    --The stowaway Jem'Hadar guard, Kerala'Umat, soon realizes he is outmanned with the crew and prisoners and eventually reconciles with them to become part of the crew as chief security officer due to his prison guard background.
    --The crew eventually pick up Genève Tinney (Human), a Federation citizen reporter who came to the Gamma Quadrant in secret but got stranded while trying to get a hot story to report. She becomes the communications officer now that Kaspar is captain.
    --Also along the way, the crew encounter Dace, a free Orion trader who is trying to make his fortune in the Gamma Quadrant due to its unexplored potential. His cunning wit, philandering, and deal-making often break him out of many dangerous situations (pretty much think of the charm, swagger, and rugged looks of Okona). He and Marco eventually develop a romance of sorts. Note, Dace is not part of the crew and often visits the ship, he does not stay on it to begin with.
    --And lastly, the crew encounter Vos, a cosmozoan space-dwelling lifeform called a Qosma. It is an photonic energy form which can mimic holographic representation, so it can replicate looking humanoid if it desires. I have not yet decided if this being will serve on the ship in an engineering, scientific, or diplomatic manner.

    Ultimately, the ragtag crew, band of prisoners, and wayfarers must cooperate to survive and ensure their freedom while avoiding the dangerous post-war regimes of the Gamma Quadrant. In the case of the Starfleet crew, the Ellora, and the Breen, the goal is to get back to home in the Alpha Quadrant as well. So that's my idea, hope you all think it is interesting.

    Yes! A show that takes place AFTER DS9 and Voyager!! This is what we wanted to see! This abomination they are producing now is nauseating!
  • Has anyone here watched Star Trek:Renegade? It was an extremely well done crowd funded pilot starring many Star Trek actors. Takes place (I'm estimating) ten years after Voyager. It involved a group of Federation outlaws who secretly work for Section 31. It can be watched on YouTube. I'd love to see them follow through with this.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Has anyone here watched Star Trek:Renegade? It was an extremely well done crowd funded pilot starring many Star Trek actors. Takes place (I'm estimating) ten years after Voyager. It involved a group of Federation outlaws who secretly work for Section 31. It can be watched on YouTube. I'd love to see them follow through with this.

    They can't-- - they got notified by Paramount when they decided to cancel everyone's ability to do any more fan films. You can't use existing Trek actors anymore and you can't make films more than 15 minutes. They may do one final episode but taking all the Trek references out of it.

    I speculate Paramount got ticked off due to Axanar being basically what they wanted to do for Discovery only better. (Was going to be the Klingon conflict and feature Garth of Izar.)

  • That's why I'm using a medium that is legal, novels.
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dante123 wrote: »
    That's why I'm using a medium that is legal, novels.

    When Renegades started it WAS legal. Paramount used to give a great amount of leeway and even encouraged some fan film makers. The New Voyages/Phase II folks had a some great things to say even to the point where they let the NV Kirk have a bit part in the first JJ Trek. They decided to turn on a dime and shut everyone down. I do really think it is because Axanar was in the same era as Discovery and would have been better received by the hardcore fans.

    And novels might be legal, for now, wait til Paramount gets a wild hair up their backside.

  • I don't want that to happen!
    Proud Member of Everlong and avid Star Trek Fan

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Dante123 wrote: »
    I don't want that to happen!

    I want a full length Axanar with Combs and Hertzler telling the story of Garth of Izar. Paramount squished that like Godzilla vs Bambi.
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