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Leveling Mirror Crew


so I took a quick look at the requirements for leveling the mirror crew and it looks as if the outlook is pretty bleak. To level the three crew (excluding Reed) for this event alone you need about 70 1* Terran Emblem and 50 2* Terran Emblem. I am honored with Terran Empire Faction and except for Smiley O'Brien I do not own any Mirror universe crew yet. That means I probably have not yet spent too many of the emblems I collected. I am not even close to the amount I need to level this weeks crew. Having three weeks of Mirror Events to look forward to, my guess is that the demand for those kinds of items will only grow.
I estimate that one need to run 3 months non-stop Terran Empire Shuttles in order to be able to level all 4* crew of the Mega Event plus Picard. For reasons beyond me the drop rate of the 2* item is much higher than the 1* which will make things even more complicated.
This reminds me a lot of the Klingon Mega Event, it took me about 3-4 months to get all the Bloodwine I needed to level my Klingons (DB's obsession with Klingons, introducing them on a weekly basis even after 4 weeks of mega event did not really help either).

How do you manage? Do you simply have hundreds of them unused or what do you do to level your crew in the following weeks? Any tips?



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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hope_F wrote: »

    so I took a quick look at the requirements for leveling the mirror crew and it looks as if the outlook is pretty bleak. To level the three crew (excluding Reed) for this event alone you need about 70 1* Terran Emblem and 50 2* Terran Emblem. I am honored with Terran Empire Faction and except for Smiley O'Brien I do not own any Mirror universe crew yet. That means I probably have not yet spent too many of the emblems I collected. I am not even close to the amount I need to level this weeks crew. Having three weeks of Mirror Events to look forward to, my guess is that the demand for those kinds of items will only grow.
    I estimate that one need to run 3 months non-stop Terran Empire Shuttles in order to be able to level all 4* crew of the Mega Event plus Picard. For reasons beyond me the drop rate of the 2* item is much higher than the 1* which will make things even more complicated.
    This reminds me a lot of the Klingon Mega Event, it took me about 3-4 months to get all the Bloodwine I needed to level my Klingons (DB's obsession with Klingons, introducing them on a weekly basis even after 4 weeks of mega event did not really help either).

    How do you manage? Do you simply have hundreds of them unused or what do you do to level your crew in the following weeks? Any tips?


    I started running Terran Empire Shuttle Missions times four first thing this morning, as soon as I logged in. But, it definitely will take some time. Especially as more Mirrors are likely the next three weeks.....


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Mirror Jadzia is a nightmare because of all those Terran Emblems. They start at the first level and just keep going from there. I have her at 50, despite my best efforts. On the other hand, I got Mirror Reed FE with little problem.

    Those Terran shuttles just haven't been dropping the 1* Terran Emblems that I need. Getting 2* versions (and Poisoned Drinks), but the 1* ones fall incredibly rarely. Used up all my replicator uses on those things, and stuck until the next reset when I can do more of them. Very frustrating.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
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    Hope_FHope_F ✭✭✭
    Poisoned Drinks, Terran Knives, and Multidimensional Transporter Devices seem to be other items needed in masses...looks like Sato goes right out the airlock for me, she is mediocre at best anyway...she is simply not worth the 4 billion faction items needed, only to send her directly to the freezer...and since I never go for ranked rewards during Galaxy anyway, it seems I am already finished with 25k points for Picard. And since event 3/4 and 4/4 will be galaxy as well it will be probably 25k and no further again.

    DB isn't really encouraging playing if they don't use their brains when designing those crew members, especially during highly specialized mega events. No wonder they let half their staff go...if that's what they doing all day they must be hanging by a thread.
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    BigstupidgrinBigstupidgrin ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    FYI 0* poisoned drinks can be farmed during the Tuesday cadet missions :). I know that doesn't solve everything but it'll help a little bit.
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    Hope_FHope_F ✭✭✭
    FYI 0* poisoned drinks can be farmed during the Tuesday cadet missions :). I know that doesn't solve everything but it'll help a little bit.

    Yeah that's right, but ultimately it's 6 tickets per week and if you spend them to farm for poisoned drinks there is opportunity cost involved...

    ...a bit more restraint and consideration during the design process would help a lot more...but to call for that is like tilting at windmills...never gonna happen.
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    Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always thought this was exactly as they designed it in order to encourage the spenders among us to pay for things with dil like extra cadet tickets for basic holoprograms, ancient films, and poisoned drinks.
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    HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I always thought this was exactly as they designed it in order to encourage the spenders among us to pay for things with dil like extra cadet tickets for basic holoprograms, ancient films, and poisoned drinks.

    I think you are right. :)
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
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    I looked at Jadzia's level one clothing requirement and went "well, that's one less character I need to worry about leveling."
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    I, for one, like Mirror Jadzia Dax artwork and I'm probably going to level her for that purpose. 958 Security, another one to add to the long list of security people for voyages. Maybe I'll pull her out sometimes, she's currently my number 1 security ahead of my 4 star T'Kuvma. For a newbie like me, she's pretty good. I've accumulated quite a few of the emblems for whatever reason, I liked to do missions randomly near the beginning of my time here.
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    You’re totally right about this and I really wish that DB would have taken the opportunity and fixed issues like this with the 1* Terran emblem and other components (basic science experiments, poison drinks, and ancient films) by using the new episode 8 to incorporate STANDARD drops for many of these much needed items. Even if the standard drops are like the ones we have already for basic science experiments (Not a drop to drink) and don’t give us much, a little is better than none at all or the interminable wait of shuttle mission drops. I somehow managed to snag a Mirror Reed and he’s WAY easier to level than the lesser Mirror Jadzia. In all likelihood I’ll never have enough of items like the Terran emblem but a standard mission drop would at least ease some of the pressure.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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    Hope_FHope_F ✭✭✭
    HaBlack wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I always thought this was exactly as they designed it in order to encourage the spenders among us to pay for things with dil like extra cadet tickets for basic holoprograms, ancient films, and poisoned drinks.

    I think you are right. :)

    If I see this correctly, to get the 1* Terran Emblem, which is probably the item you need to hunt for the most, you would have to do epic missions on Thursdays. Nobody, even with the willingness to put all the money he has into this game, would be stupid enough to waste tickets on Thursdays for epic missions...

    ...this brings me to another point...why are cadet elite missions on Thursday give better bonus rewards than epic missions? Does not make a lot of sense to me.
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    edited December 2017
    Agreed. The Thursday Cadet Challenge rewards have been a 'hot mess' for the entire year that I've been playing.

    They have fixed 1,000,001 issues with the game since I've been playing and the Epic mission payouts are worse than Elite = Crazy. I'm sure DB is aware of the issue too.
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
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    Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hope_F wrote: »
    HaBlack wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    I always thought this was exactly as they designed it in order to encourage the spenders among us to pay for things with dil like extra cadet tickets for basic holoprograms, ancient films, and poisoned drinks.

    I think you are right. :)

    If I see this correctly, to get the 1* Terran Emblem, which is probably the item you need to hunt for the most, you would have to do epic missions on Thursdays. Nobody, even with the willingness to put all the money he has into this game, would be stupid enough to waste tickets on Thursdays for epic missions...

    ...this brings me to another point...why are cadet elite missions on Thursday give better bonus rewards than epic missions? Does not make a lot of sense to me.

    1 Star Terran emblems are on Sunday’s and Tuesday elite missions, poisoned drinks are the same days but a normal mission.

    Neither is great but between that and running 4 Terran shuttles nonstop you should get enough emblems to keep up with 2-3 new event crew per week. If you try to level all your old mirror crew at the same time you’ll probably not have enough, so be strategic about who you level.
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    RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    To be honest it is all about prioritising ...

    This weekend the event is Galaxy so basically you'll want to focus on two crew:
    - Mirror JL Picard - he's be beneficial this whole series of events so best to focus on him
    - Sato - why? Well, you can get her FF pretty easily, she's going to add one more to your immortalisation achievement (free dil if you are f2p) and once FF/FE can open up a spot on your roster through cryo.
    - Working on J.Dax is nice, but unless you can add stars it might not be the best place to put your resources with the upcoming events in mind.
    Having a broad crew base for Galaxy events is not critical ... a couple of key crew can usually pull you through.

    Next week we'll have Faction so you want to work on a broad crew set ... for mirror crew there's only:
    - Mirror Tucker - 2 of the mirror crew are new so you should be looking to level this guy if you have him, he has ENG as a main so that comes in handy.
    - As it is Faction you should look to level crew mirror (event related) crew that have main skills where you might not be covered really well ... think SCI or ENG or MED. This will be a great benefit to your shuttles ... it's great levelling all these SEC/CMD/DIP crew but they only go so far.
    This means that crew like Mirror Ezri, Mirror Garak, Mirror Uhura should be low on your priority list, but crew like Mirror Phlox, Mirror Jennifer Sisko should be high.
    Mirror Smiley is an excellent ENG crew (for a 3*), so get him to 100 if you do not already have him there.

    So my advice would be: make a small list of the mirror crew you have and their current max skill levels (so if you have a 2/4 Uhura use those numbers) ... then you can see who covers which skills and work to level accordingly. Top of your list should be Picard ... but after that it is down to who you have. As an example I currently have 11 mirror crew:

    - Mirror JL Picard (new) (5* so key)
    - Mirror Phlox (only mirror MED I have so key)
    - Mirror Jen. Sisko (SCI/ENG combo, good)
    - Mirror Tucker (ENG & event crew)
    - Mirror K'Ehleyr (SEC)
    - Mirror "Smiley" O'Brien (good ENG for a 3* and easy to level)
    - Mirror Empress Sato (new) (really easy to level but average scores, my best DIP mirror & event crew)
    - Mirror Ezri Tegan (average scores but covers both J. Dax & Ezri in events)
    - Mirror Jadzia Dax (new - great SEC base at 1/4 but little else)
    - Mirror Uhura (DIP, but only have her 1/4)
    - Mirror Garak (really easy to level but low scores all around).

    I'd put them like that in order of preference with some reasoning why ... although all but J.Dax and Picard are at 100 for me. I was able to level Sato within 24 hrs of me getting her through community rewards.
    I'm normally hesitant to level 1/4 crew unless they are exceptional, so that is why J. Dax is so low (and Phlox so high - I have both at 1/4).
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    Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to believe the mirror crew from TOS will also show up during this event. Kirk, Spock, and Uhura go back practically to the dawn of time(lines).
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