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Equipment you hate building.

Is there a piece of equipment you hate building?

Mine is the "Psychological Evaluation Holoprogram", it feels like I am under a psychological evaluation as I am building it.


  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Champaigne! Building it is worse than a New Years hangover.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, technically, there was a holodeck like scene in "Unexpected" for Enterprise, plus the finale we all hate. Weren't they dabbling with holographic communications on Discovery? I seem to remember hearing about a plot point in season two.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    Well, technically, there was a holodeck like scene in "Unexpected" for Enterprise, plus the finale we all hate. Weren't they dabbling with holographic communications on Discovery? I seem to remember hearing about a plot point in season two.

    You make several good points. Drat.
    Still bugs me. Lol
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Okay, thought I would take a look for an example, found one right away for TOS. Don't go wasting all my precious holoprograms on TOS crew who don't have a holodeck! Lol

    Edit: sorry to have taken this conversation on a tangent, I know this was not the original question asked.
  • CalhounCalhoun ✭✭✭✭✭
    The Enterprise had a holodeck in The Animated Series, albeit it was called a recreation room, so it's at least arguable that it was there in TOS.

    I agree with the nomination of champagne. I'm levelling up Guinan now and she had three in one set of four equipment!
  • Anything that requires building 2 or more purple equipment to make a purple item or equipment.

    I can't ever use my replicator enough, so I always replicate extra 3* champagne, 3* & 4* Psych holos, 3* & 4* DIP Protocols, and sometimes 3* ID Codes, just to save time later.

    3* & 4* SCI experiments used to be a pain, but I'm pretty flush with 2* ones from Augment shuttles now.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • weakinteractionweakinteraction ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate the recursive ones where you keep clicking and it's just "two of the next level down" so that by the time you're trying to build a 5* you need 32 of the 0* version.

    Also anything with a 4* casing in it - as soon as I see one of those I reach for the replicator.
  • ExanimusExanimus ✭✭✭✭
    I also fell into a habit of keeping certain items unfinished on certain gold cards to farm them with the replicator. The most common and annoying. Saves my uses for the annoying character specific ones. Still very annoying when I forget and run out.

    What still bugs me is seeing redundant builds. For instance, why am I making the 3* version of the gun for part of the outfit and another 4* as a separate item.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate the recursive ones where you keep clicking and it's just "two of the next level down" so that by the time you're trying to build a 5* you need 32 of the 0*

    Good call! Add the Press Credentals to the list...there are multiple layers of 0* items building other 0* items at the end
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    KPan [ISA] wrote: »

    You make several good points. Drat.
    Still bugs me. Lol

    OCD has its uses, lol. The Humanoid Figure was a hologram. You see the technology encountered in Enterprise, dabbled with in Disco, and fully fledged by NG and later. It strangely does make sense.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, anything with 0* holoprograms. I’ve got about 60 of them in inventory now, but only because I burn 5-6 replications on them every time I see them in a build. The drops from Sec 31 shuttles are too infrequent to count on that as my only source.
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    I replicate what I need as I build and then certain things I replicate to use up the allocation each day.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Yeah, anything with 0* holoprograms. I’ve got about 60 of them in inventory now, but only because I burn 5-6 replications on them every time I see them in a build. The drops from Sec 31 shuttles are too infrequent to count on that as my only source.

    I use the Mon/Wed/Fri Cadet Challenges to stock up on 0* Holoprograms, while I'm doing the Daily Missions anyway.
  • Anything that requires building 2 or more purple equipment to make a purple item or equipment.

    I can't ever use my replicator enough, so I always replicate extra 3* champagne, 3* & 4* Psych holos, 3* & 4* DIP Protocols, and sometimes 3* ID Codes, just to save time later.

    3* & 4* SCI experiments used to be a pain, but I'm pretty flush with 2* ones from Augment shuttles now.

    the 2* science experiments are my item i have trouble getting. can run 6-7 augment shuttles and get none.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anything that uses items that are only available from away team missions. Holoemitters are a constant source of problems in our fleet and having to farm equipment for crew or for Galaxy events without the aid of ship battles is a little deflating.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2021
    Yeah, anything with 0* holoprograms. I’ve got about 60 of them in inventory now, but only because I burn 5-6 replications on them every time I see them in a build. The drops from Sec 31 shuttles are too infrequent to count on that as my only source.

    All my shuttles are pretty much at two minutes (exception federation is at 30 minutes mainly for winning faction bonus when it occurs) so 0* Holoprograms are plentiful for me.

    What I have found out though is two star faction items rarely ever drop. So I am replicating the item that need more than one of any two star faction item.

    As far as specific items. There are 5* uniforms that actually require over a 100
    0* starfleet uniform pattern. I think a 4* Uhura is one of the crew that does. Nope not her. Not having any luck finding the item. I could be wrong and it could be clothing pattern I am thinking of.

    But since we had Klingon Quark his crest was definitely an annoying build.
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anything with the 3* Pollyalloy. Is that the copper colored one?
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