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Schematic Beholds

AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
I just opened 11 10x packs and 14 1x packs. I didn't get a single Artifact Schematic. With all the new ships being added to the pool, the odds of getting that one ship you need continue to get lower and lower. And there is no ship retrieval or citations available to complete a ship. So how about ship beholds? Make every schematic drop a behold of 3 schematics of the same level. It won't fully solve the issue, but it will at least make the odds of getting the ship you need a little better.


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    DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Others will disagree, but I believe that some schematics are less like than others. I think the Artifact is intentionally limited. It might not be, but it definitely seems rmthat way.

    It doesn't really matter, though. Your idea is a good one. I can't really think of a good reason not to have beholds.

    The problem is that (aside from the Artifact) (and after you get your first 5*ship as a new player) the ships don't matter. The ships are like the points on Whose Line is it, Anyway? or like the excuses my kids give for not doing their jobs: they are pointless.

    What they need (in ADDITION to a ship behold) is a reward for getting ships. Why fight hard in the arena when the rewards are almost always just vanity rewards? The Gorn Rader is a 4* ship and so automatically worthless. I fight for it because I don't have it completed, but my reasons are needless. I get nothing from it except vanity. Perhaps a sense of accomplishment, though I get more from real life tasks.
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    What abou this: lower the schematics you get or increase the number of schematics you need to finish a ship.
    No more ship specific schematics. Make them a little like trainers. 1* schematics can only upgrade 1* ship, 2* schematics for 2* ships and so on.
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    Others will disagree, but I believe that some schematics are less like than others. I think the Artifact is intentionally limited. It might not be, but it definitely seems rmthat way.

    It doesn't really matter, though. Your idea is a good one. I can't really think of a good reason not to have beholds.

    The problem is that (aside from the Artifact) (and after you get your first 5*ship as a new player) the ships don't matter. The ships are like the points on Whose Line is it, Anyway? or like the excuses my kids give for not doing their jobs: they are pointless.

    What they need (in ADDITION to a ship behold) is a reward for getting ships. Why fight hard in the arena when the rewards are almost always just vanity rewards? The Gorn Rader is a 4* ship and so automatically worthless. I fight for it because I don't have it completed, but my reasons are needless. I get nothing from it except vanity. Perhaps a sense of accomplishment, though I get more from real life tasks.

    I have always thought that a Collection for ships would be cool. I don't know how much extra work that would require to be incorporated into the current collection system, but I think it would help the desire to get all the ships FF.
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    ChaosChildChaosChild ✭✭✭✭✭
    Others will disagree, but I believe that some schematics are less like than others. I think the Artifact is intentionally limited. It might not be, but it definitely seems rmthat way.

    It doesn't really matter, though. Your idea is a good one. I can't really think of a good reason not to have beholds.

    The problem is that (aside from the Artifact) (and after you get your first 5*ship as a new player) the ships don't matter. The ships are like the points on Whose Line is it, Anyway? or like the excuses my kids give for not doing their jobs: they are pointless.

    What they need (in ADDITION to a ship behold) is a reward for getting ships. Why fight hard in the arena when the rewards are almost always just vanity rewards? The Gorn Rader is a 4* ship and so automatically worthless. I fight for it because I don't have it completed, but my reasons are needless. I get nothing from it except vanity. Perhaps a sense of accomplishment, though I get more from real life tasks.

    Not completely pointless. The 5* ships are useful for voyages, so long as they've got a trait you need. If you've already got all their traits on other ships then you're right, they're pointless. And even if they've got a trait you need, new ships are still pointless since you won't be able to get enough schematics together to max them out for a couple of years (at least).

    We need something, whether that's collections or something else, to give us a reason to care. We also need a better way to get schematics other than hoping they show up in arena (I've said it before, Jem'hadar Flagship please) or drop in random packs.
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    AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Let's also remember that whenever the next boss comes out we don't know what ship will be the best. Depending on how the boss works there could be a lot of different variations on how to last the longest or maximize damage.

    So let's solve ship acquisition now before it becomes an even bigger issue for the next boss.
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been 37 Schemes short of finishing the Arty for several months. I feel the OP's pain......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been 37 Schemes short of finishing the Arty for several months. I feel the OP's pain......

    Ouch. That really is a drop kick in the kneecap. Maybe the Arty will show up in the Picard S3 hoopla. One can hope.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
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    Please also use existing ships in skirmish events, WRG! No-one needs new ships waiting at 1/10 for months (or years).
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    Sulu's HusbandSulu's Husband ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got a schematic behold on a Voyage today after 4 hours. I haven't seen that before.
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    Schematics should be possible to turn in for dilithium. 1,000 schematics (5,4,3,2,1 stars) worth (100,75,50,25,10 dilithium)

    I bet they would see a huge surge in ship pack sales.
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Schematics should be possible to turn in for dilithium. 1,000 schematics (5,4,3,2,1 stars) worth (100,75,50,25,10 dilithium)

    I bet they would see a huge surge in ship pack sales.

    That, or being able to trade in say 10 Schemes for a "Scheme Shard" of the same 🌟 level. Which could be used to convert into a Scheme for a Ship of that Shard 🌟 level.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    I'm a little upset that I've bought 6 of the $10 artifact schematic packs, and I'm still 125 schematics from maxing that Artifact out and can't use it anywhere (it's slightly worse than my maxxed out constellation until it hits level 10). That's with numerous schematic beholds in voyages, thousands of crew 10 packs, plus all of the ship beholds we've gotten from mid-week events.

    But I'm sure once I finally max it out, it'll be no big deal. They'll release something better and it won't matter. It's the collector's obsession in me I guess.
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    AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'll continue to repeat, the biggest issue with ship schematics is the number of times you need to win the right schematic. It's 12 drops just to go from 9 to 10. Can you imagine if you needed 12 crew drops for the final star? And there are no citations or retrieval for ships to make matters even worse.
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    Sven LundgrenSven Lundgren ✭✭✭✭✭
    How about a starbase room to convert schematics at say a 10-1 within the same rarity.
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