Time for a crewslot sale?
(ST) Dreadnought
in The Bridge
Hi Team,
Isn't it about time for a crewslot sale? Also increasing the maximum crewslots.
Isn't it about time for a crewslot sale? Also increasing the maximum crewslots.
Jump to another position and name it like you want
This way you can manage a lot of important topics with as little pins as possible. Jump to posts within a thread. Or easily finding threads of interest (that aren't pinned) via that very special index post in a pinned thread. You need to think about a plan combining things together. In the end it saves pinning and unpinning.
This forum has one foot in it's grave.
I just come back every now & then for a laugh
May this situation be as it is, but it doesn't change that Discord is awful to use. It's a waste dump for a fast-living throwaway-generation. No purposive discussion possible, and everything goes to the bottom of a black hole, never to be seen again.
Why bother wasting your time for something like Discord? A forum is clearly arranged and users can create threads on topics they think are worth a discussion. Those Discord channels have only a dumpsite character. The scant channels are only opened by the developer or publisher. Perfect situation to occupy users and letting them waste their time. Perfect for giving them an illusion.
When everything goes fast enough to the ground, you even needn't to moderate the litter out of the channel. It goes fast enough out of sight. Even other things pubs and devs don't wanna see, because chances are good things are pushed to the ground by posts coming in like bullets from a gatling gun.
Steam forums are bad by forum standard,
but Discord is even worse. If a game maker creates too little subforums for their AAA IP on Steam, threads can be gone fast too. But users can create them and fish them later back up without wasting their written posts for nothing. Posting is always a doubtful waste of time, but on Discord there is no doubt. Only darkness.
Apperently not. SOmeone should get a paycut for poor work ethic
I also miss getting the 5 free crew slots every (most?) time such a sale occurred...
Dabo sale not up yet, either. More than an hour late now.