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Who should I spend Legendary Citations on?

I've been saving up honor for a long time and have enough to buy two citations for my legendary crew. This is the first time I will ever have used a legendary citation on one of my 5*s and I'm unsure who to pick.

Thanks to buying the Steam DLCs when I first started playing, and also buying the occasional event pack, I have managed to get a nice collection of 5* characters. Below, I've listed them.

Klingon Bride Jadzia
Mirror Regent Worf
Leonardo Da Vinci
Ushaan Shran
Will Scarlett
Mirror Beverly Crusher
Mirror Spock
Bashir, Julian Bashir
Detective Data
Benny Russell
Bartender Guinan
Age of Sail Crusher
Mariachi Q
Jazz Musician Odo
Obsidian Order Garak

I also have Mirror Jean-Luc Picard but he is already immortalised.

I thought perhaps I should invest in Mirror Beverly Crusher as more medicine is always good plus she is a new character unlikely to turn up in the regular portal any time soon.

I have also considered Klingon Bride Jadzia as she was one of my first 5*s and I love the character. More science would be pretty good for me too. Plus, I imagine she would be useful for events as she'll likely come up as bonus crew quite a bit.

I don't really want to invest in someone with command and security as my crew is strong there and also I have the Mirror Picard.

I guess my main goal is to improve my shuttles for faction events. Plus it would also be great to increase my voyage length as I currently manage 4 hours but would love to be able to reach the third dilemma.

Any advice appreciated. :smile:


  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    You could also do a Legendary behold? Personally none stand out for me, but as you say at least Bev has decent MED skills, or you could save up incase you get Mobile Doctor or Culber, or for the next Honour Hall crew.

    DB: Do Better
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    The questions I ask to help decide:
    1. Are they main cast?
    2. Will they be event crew? (i.e...avoid Archer/Scottie)
    3. When fused, are their base/voyage stats significantly above others? (i.e., Will Scarlett is a main cast that repeats frequently, but his FF stats are awful)
    4. Is it a crew member I like?
    5. Do they have 3 stats? (I try to avoid 2-stat crew for fusing, as they will have lower voyage scores, so they are less useful)

    Do you already have Kahless? Do you have honor saved up for the NEXT honor hall character? IMO, none of those guys stand out too much to me as good ones to fuse up. I'd either get Kahless, get the new HH character, or wait for a better option to roll around.

    Edit: Stats-wise, Guinan is probably your best bet, but I would wait until they announce how they are changing the gauntlet/honor hall. I think it's pretty likely we'll see a way to get at least one copy of Guinan via achievements (like we can with Locutus already).
  • edited January 2018
    Personal opinion: " I love the character" <- THAT is the best reason you can find :)

    Thanks Nikita Mears. I think I like this answer the best!

    Seriously though, thanks for replying everyone.

    Jim Steele, I think you're probably right. I might just hold on and keep saving for a while. Mirror Bev is definitely a possibility though.

    Peachtree Rex, thanks for that list of considerations. Very helpful. I don't have Kahless but felt I probably wouldn't worry about him as I have Mirror Picard with similar skills for the gauntlet. I think I will wait a while to see if the new Honor Hall character comes soon.
  • I'd save for Kahless, always good to have redundant skills for gauntlet: if command is the skill you can run both Kahless and Picard. Also three skill gauntlet crew often are the best Voyage crew (it's not likely you'd ever send Kahless on a shuttle anyways).
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd always prioritise on the best legendaries for voyages, off the top of my head that would mean Leanardo and Guinan then Garak and Bashir in order of priority I think.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • DittoDitto ✭✭✭
    I'm currently working on Scientist Degra myself ... but that's only because I'm trying to use him to wrap up the last 2 nodes I have left to 3* .. :)
    Since it seems you don't have him .. I'd just recommend something similiar .. that is ..

    What nodes do you still have left to 3* ?
    What skills are needed for that .. and which ones are you weak in ?
    Are any of your crew close to being able to critting any of those nodes ?

    Focus on crew that helps with those goals .. :)
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Once Guinan has left the Gauntlet, you could use a citation on her since she won't ever be in regular portals. All others could theoretically drop in a Be-Gold and then you'll kick yourself for citing someone who pops in a Be-Gold a week later. :) So yeah, I usually ONLY cite cards which won't be anywhere else than their specific areas (Voyages, Gauntlet, Honor Hall).
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • edited April 2018
    I hope it's okay to reply to this old thread with an update.

    I now have Tempted Data and I am thinking of focusing on him starting with a first citation. Does anyone think he is a good candidate?

    With Mirror Picard, Prisoner Katrina Cornwell (both FE, FF) and now Surak joining the crew, I have (or will soon have) strong 1000+ characters on each of the skill areas apart from engineering. That is my main reason for wanting to focus on Tempted Data. He is also a main character with a good potential to be in events. Finally, he is three skill and should be good for voyages.

    The other candidate that I have in mind is Leonardo Da Vinci. He is not main cast and won't turn up in events but would have 1000+ skills in engineering and science plus some med as a third skill. Great for voyages. Also unlikely to turn up in a behold.

    Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks! :smile:
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Da Vinci #9 in the game for overall voyages score. That, plus the fact he is ENG/SCI/MED (the rarest of the 3-stat-pairs) makes him very useful.

    Tempted Data isn't bad, by any means, and being main cast (and a frequent event character to boot) strengthens the argument.

    I, personally, have both, and Tempted Data is 1/5 and I cited Da Vinci all the way to 5/5.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I use my 5/5 Leonardo all the time on shuttles and Voyages. That's who I would suggest you cite (assuming you'll still have enough Honor left to cite up Surak if you haven't already, and the recurring crew coming in the summer mega event).

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have no high-value Data crew. I would go with Data due to nodes I need to unlock.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have no high-value Data crew. I would go with Data due to nodes I need to unlock.

    1/5 is usually enough power for most all 5*s to crit nodes on their primary rolls. I would usually advise against basing citation decisions based on clearing a star.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't have Leo, but I have 2/5 Tempted Data and use him regularly on voyages. Cyberneticist trait comes up a lot. I have a fleetmate that practically gushes about his multi-citationed Da Vinci. Probably no wrong choice here, so it's back to Nikita's comment - which character do you like more? Pick that one now, and citation the other one next month.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have no high-value Data crew. I would go with Data due to nodes I need to unlock.

    1/5 is usually enough power for most all 5*s to crit nodes on their primary rolls. I would usually advise against basing citation decisions based on clearing a star.

    Agreed. Passing every node is an accomplishment but in the grand scheme it’s a very minor unimportant thing

  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unless there would be an achievement for it, butt there isn't. :(
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I would advise Leonardo. He is one of the best for voyages. I recently had a behold where tempted data was an option and I went over his stats extensively. From all the data's he seems quite disappointing to me. Yes, he has a slightly higher chance of becoming event crew, but how often is that really?
  • Thanks for all of the replies.
    Da Vinci #9 in the game for overall voyages score. That, plus the fact he is ENG/SCI/MED (the rarest of the 3-stat-pairs) makes him very useful..

    That's true. Definitely a point in his favour.
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I use my 5/5 Leonardo all the time on shuttles and Voyages. That's who I would suggest you cite (assuming you'll still have enough Honor left to cite up Surak if you haven't already, and the recurring crew coming in the summer mega event).

    Yes, Surak has his second star already. I will be saving Honor for the summer mega event (DS9 is my favourite along with TNG). Maybe the next mega event legendary will be a strong engineer to solve my current crew weakness! Hoping for a Chief O'Brien!
    I don't have Leo, but I have 2/5 Tempted Data and use him regularly on voyages. Cyberneticist trait comes up a lot. I have a fleetmate that practically gushes about his multi-citationed Da Vinci. Probably no wrong choice here, so it's back to Nikita's comment - which character do you like more? Pick that one now, and citation the other one next month.

    That's a nice point actually. I might alternate a citation for each of them.

    I definitely prefer Data but in general I'm mostly concerned about strengthening my crew at the moment. I figure stronger crew will result in more chance to get characters that I like. I can be a bit more picky when I have a strong crew base to work from but right now I just want to improve as much as I can.
    Antasil wrote: »
    I would advise Leonardo. He is one of the best for voyages. I recently had a behold where tempted data was an option and I went over his stats extensively. From all the data's he seems quite disappointing to me. Yes, he has a slightly higher chance of becoming event crew, but how often is that really?

    Tempted Data has one of the highest engineering skill levels according to the STT Wiki. Also, he has the highest potential out of all of my current crew (1107 when FE/FF). That's the main reason I was looking at working on him via citations. I just want a really strong engineering character to balance out my current crew.

    Thanks for all of the feedback guys. I think I'll probably alternate between the two but maybe give Da Vinci the focus to begin with.
  • Well, I just pulled Captain Lorian out of the new pack which went up today. That complicates my decision a bit. I think he's supposed to be potentially the best engineer in the game. :smile:
  • I've got a FF/FE Guinan. Great for gauntlet and very useful in voyages. All copies dropped in gauntlet for me.
  • Unless there would be an achievement for it, butt there isn't. :(

    There really should be an achievement for clearing all missions at all difficulties, now that you mention it.
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Unless there would be an achievement for it, butt there isn't. :(

    There really should be an achievement for clearing all missions at all difficulties, now that you mention it.

    Or perhaps clearing all missions in each episode... one achievement for each episode? An achievement for clearing all missions would surely prevent DB from adding further episodes?

    Just a thought.
  • RogaDanarRogaDanar ✭✭✭
    They could have it as a stepping stone, aka finish one episode, finish 2 episodes, etc..
  • You should pick who you really like, but barring that, I’d go with either Mirror Crusher or da Vinci. Da Vinci is awesome and great for voyages involving Eng, Sci, OR Med. That Hologram trait of his often proves really useful in getting more antimatter in voyages.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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