TLA wants YOU! Level 134 MAX Starbase! Recruiting level 40+ captains
[Aug 16 Update] A few spots open. Message with your interest.
TLA is looking for engaged and active Timelines captains!
Why join TLA?
We are looking for level 40+ captains that embrace tolerance and diversity, and the values that Trek promotes. If you're interested, please send me a forum PM, or message me on Line with your interest. Line ID: capncapacitor
Admiral CapCap
Fleet wiki page:
TLA is looking for engaged and active Timelines captains!
Why join TLA?
- We are one of the longest-running and most well-respected fleets in Timelines.
- Level 134 MAX Starbase and we achieve all daily targets.
- We regularly share tips and strategies from our top players using the Line chat app.
- We prioritize community over week-to-week rankings.
- We have fun! We run silly meme contests, we were the first fleet to find "The Game", and we have our own podcast to keep our captains engaged.
- We still like dominating the leaderboards: With two high-performing branches of 50 captains and over a dozen Top-5 fleet rankings to our name, we enjoy going all-in when it's strategic.
We are looking for level 40+ captains that embrace tolerance and diversity, and the values that Trek promotes. If you're interested, please send me a forum PM, or message me on Line with your interest. Line ID: capncapacitor
Admiral CapCap
Fleet wiki page:

Congrats to our Fifth Column squads which banded together to storm the leaderboards, and achieved some new personal best scores!
This is just part of the fun of joining TLA - there is no pressure to perform and especially no pressure to spend, but we love to go all-in for the right event, all for the glory of the fleet.
Want to join in on the fun? We have a couple of open spots with a long-time captain retiring from the game that won't last long...
We post a Top-15 Captains board after every event, and we celebrate everyone that has achieved a new Personal Best score with the fleet.
We also make sure to celebrate our top squads every week, bringing the fleet glory and replicator rations. 😜
Message with your interest!
Starbase Level 111. Message with your interest.
@[TLA] Capn Capacitor
JOIN US! Click here to find out how.
Check out the [TLA] Trans Warp Hub
The best offer I've seen in-game yet! 😉
[Sep 9 Update] One spot remaining for a level 60+ captain.
We've had an awesome response to our last recruitment ad (thanks to our talented officer @Chancellor for putting it together)!
We have two captains that have been with the fleet since 2016 that are retiring this week... so we need a couple of active, engaged recruits to join the best fleet in Timelines! 😉
Think you're up for it? Message now!
Admiral CapCap
Want to join in the fun? If you're a level 50+ captain, message with your interest.
Looking for active level 40-50+ Captains!
Right now, we have a spot open for a level 50+ captain. Message with your interest.
We have two openings for level 50+ captains, so apply now to join.
What we have to offer is a level 118 Starbase for useful bonuses.
We - among others - share tips, tricks and strategies and keep entertaining in-fleet events.
Most of all we are a group of Trek fans, a friendly community that prioritizes enjoying the game over rankings; even though our results are pretty impressive with that 😁
Wanna join..!
Send me a PM/DM or apply to The Liberal Alliance
JOIN US! Click here to find out how.
Check out the [TLA] Trans Warp Hub
Join us, and see what all the fuss is about.
Join the team, make new friends. 😉
These are rare spots to join one of the top fleets in Timelines, where we have two branches of 50 captains each (100 strong!) that are competitive and rank in the Top-25 weekly. Both have maxed out Starbases at level 134.
Don't miss your chance!
The Levellers fought in the parliamentary forces against King Charles during the English Civil war. They were the parliamentary ideologues of the war, fighting for freedom, democracy and equality under law. They inspired the Brighton based band The Levellers, and that's how I got to know about the historical group. So yeah - I'm a keen believer that liberalism is worth fighting for.
I'm a level 57 captain, with 188 immortalised crew. I've been playing since about November last year. The last event, I solo-ed to rank circa1900. I play every day.
Note that we aren't aligned with any political party, but love that you are as much of a fan of classic liberalism as we are.
We are all about tolerance of diverse opinions and viewpoints (as Trek exhibits), and sounds like you fit the bill. 👍
Admiral Capacitor
Don’t miss your chance to join one of the top TWO fleets during the last event! We are 100 captains strong and you can be part of our group.