Another Faction Event

in The Bridge
We're about to start another event with a faction portion. Just reminding everyone that DB has still not confirmed anything about the AND bug.
"What was the bug?" is a more accurate question.
This thread is your best answer:
Since the "shuttle revamp" a few weeks ago, this behavior seems to have been fixed without any acknowledgement from DB.
OK so what's the point of this thread then if the behaviour is fixed? Je suis confused
It was broken for a long time and DB refused to acknowledge it. The community conclusively proved it was broken and DB still regused to acknowledge it. Then they may have recently fixed it without ever mentioning they fixed it or there was as a problem. So people want to know for sure that it is functioning properly.
Key word is 'seems'. We think its fixed, it might be fixed. It'd be nice to know its really fixed.
This question will keep popping up until DB at the very least says, "We thoroughly tested the issue and do not find evidence of it currently." We would really like them to say, "We found an issue existed in the past, but it is resolved now; sorry for any inconvenience."
Many here demand compensation. While that would be nice, I'm fine with acknowledging the issue.
It would also be nice for DB to acknowledge it was broken in the first place. This was something that they adamantly insisted was working fine. It took community action to demonstrate exactly how it was broken for them to actually fix it. There has been no information at all. No compensation for the extra shuttle failures this bug incurred. Not even an apology or admission that there was a problem.
It's an issue of transparency. If DB is going to so strongly resist community complaints until they've developed incontrovertible statistics demonstrating the problem, then they need to admit to fault when they actually use those incontrovertible statistics to fix their problems.
Same here. It makes sense to do it that way whether it’s fixed or not.
How so? If it's fixed, you're just gimping your chances at a successful mission...
It is my understanding that the first skill gives 75% and the second 25%. If I’m wrong then I stand corrected. If not, I would want my highest skill at 75% effect and the lesser skill at 25% effect
Well, yes, but you said "whether its fixed or not". If it isn't fixed, then yes, you are saving yourself extra fails. If it is fixed (which data points towards) then you are using less optimal crew and seeing more failures.
The difference is negligible. For instance Lorca is ideal for COM and DIP. Lissan is ideal for DIP and COM. Losing only a few points by interchanging them but gaining much more going by the 75%/25% split. Again, I could have an incorrect understanding of this but if not, that optimizes success.
I think that's becoming clear too. But I also consider it unacceptable. The way DB continued to deny a bug we all knew existed, only begrudgingly agreed to look at it when players presented incontrovertible proof, and now wants to pretend nothing has happened.
DB's unwillingness to admit their mistakes and address them is issue #1 with this game as far as I'm concerned. This is only the latest example of it. I intend to keep raising the issue every event until DB realizes lying to the players will not accomplish anything.
For this to be "working as intended" you would be implying that DB intentionally made the "expected success" and "actual success" work differently. The front end expected results that are displayed when sending a shuttle were not matching up with the observed success rate.
Given the specific manner in which it was broken (that the front end used HIGHER + LOWER/4 and back end used FIRST + LAST/4), I tend to think it's a lot more likely that they just messed one of them up. Exactly which one, I don't really care. So long as what they are showing is accurate.
If both skills are relatively even, the difference is indeed negligible (COM/SEC for T’Kuvma or Gun Show Picard, for example). If they aren’t, you are correct. I, for one, am willing to take a small hit on shuttle percentages for a matter of principle.
But, to acknowledge they fixed it, they would have to say it existed to be fixed..........
And, they never acknowledged there was a bug...............
Sad thing is there WILL BE another dumpster fire..... 🔥 🔥 🔥
Oh this old chestnut..
But we proved beyond reasonable doubt it was a bug. So there’s no advantage in DB keeping hush about when they fixed it.
If they’re worrying that it opens the floodgates to mass refunds, then they needn’t. The required evidence is already there if anyone wanted to take that route.
At this point, refunds really don’t even matter. Honesty and being apologetic is worth more regarding this issue...I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this.
And the lack of honesty hurts their credibility for every future issue. All I'm looking for is, "yes we screwed up, yes we should have listened to your reports for a year, we'll be more responsive in the future"
Will DB ever admit what was done with the AND bug?
Unlikely. To acknowledge they fixed it would involve acknowledging it existed to begin with. I don't think they ever have...........