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We Want Michael Burnham!

(HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
Month long event for the new show Star Trek Discovery and we don't even get the main character, Michael Burnham!?! Only one version of her and it is put into a "best chance" pack which has terrible odds of actually dropping. That is ridiculous and very frustrating for the players. I understand DB is a company and needs to make money so they created a "best chance" pack. But then DB should have made a second version of Michael Burnham and put her in one of the events, if even just as a green uncommon. I urge DB to rectify this as the people that like Discovery are very upset with this poor decision.
Let’s fly!


  • Why? She is only the main character of the newest Star Trek series. Having an awesome backstory and now started a war? She also is the second female main character in a Star Trek show (way to go janeway) yay equality!

    Just kidding, I totally agree with you. C'mon DB, do better. Please
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • DeliDeli ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Maybe they will put her in a pack with other 5/4*s at the end of the mega event. It would be maddening for those who spend on the 'best chance' pack to only see it in a 'guaranteed pack' so soon.
  • Deli wrote: »
    Maybe they will put her in a pack with other 5/4*s at the end of the mega event. It would be maddening for those who spend on the 'best chance' pack to only see it in a 'guaranteed pack' so soon.

    There's no pleasing everyone. The people who have Burnham could be teed off in such a scenario, but they are a small number compared to those of us who don't have her.

    Here's an idea: DB could have come up with another version of Burnham for the mega-event, say a Super-Rare, or even an Uncommon for this final week's event. But that ship has sailed.

    I'm sure we'll see another version of Burnham relatively soon -just not in another "Best Chance" pack, I hope!
  • I think DB has to wait before doing another pack with Burnham. They made the choice to do the best chance pack with her, which is actually is a low chance pack. If they immediately released her in a new pack or in an event, all those players who spent literally hundreds of dollars to get a 5/5 burnham will be extremely upset. I think they are trying to do damage control and wait long enough so those players won't be upset and demand their money back.

    The earliest for a new Burnham pack will be immediately after the megaevent in the Discovery pack which will have all the event crew from the megaevent.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who knows it might be 24/7 All Discovery all the time after this, with new ones every week. It's going to be interesting to see where this goes. Hoping there's at least a balance but a lil concerned.
  • 100% Agree! At least the final event should have a 4* Burnham as reward. DB - Do Better!
  • Art0rius wrote: »
    100% Agree! At least the final event should have a 4* Burnham as reward. DB - Do Better!

    I would have settled for a 1* Mutinying Burnham
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Who knows it might be 24/7 All Discovery all the time after this, with new ones every week. It's going to be interesting to see where this goes. Hoping there's at least a balance but a lil concerned.

    That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.
    You should watch the show and judge for yourself instead of just believing hate propaganda. It is a good show and inclusive of everybody as any show should be that is made in 2017. Never once has the show preached anything except that racism is bad. If you don't want Michael Burnham character that is fine, but we do and we hope DB will allow us to get one.

    Let’s fly!
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Who knows it might be 24/7 All Discovery all the time after this, with new ones every week. It's going to be interesting to see where this goes. Hoping there's at least a balance but a lil concerned.

    That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.
    You should watch the show and judge for yourself instead of just believing hate propaganda. It is a good show and inclusive of everybody as any show should be that is made in 2017. Never once has the show preached anything except that racism is bad. If you don't want Michael Burnham character that is fine, but we do and we hope DB will allow us to get one.

    I’m as skeptical as anyone can be but I got excited about this show and it has delivered. I think it’s a great show. The spore drive and the idea that mushrooms have roots that spread across the universe is really kinda ludicrous but aside from that I’m on board!

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree to a point with the OP really T'Kuvma shouldn't have been the free 4/5* but Burnham should have been as she is the main Discovery protagonist; but anyway, that ship has sailed.

    That said, DB wanted to make money, nothing wrong with that but really they should target lots of little fishes, rather than a few large whales. If she was the 4/5* DB may have made more selling DYC offers; I'd like to see how sales of T'Kuvma compared to say, Borg Queen for the DYC deal.

    I actually have Burnham 4/5* (1 from the pack and 3 citations) and shes a useful utility player but I didn't spend $100s to get her, just lucked out.

    I'm not sure how useful shes been in the event but hey.

    DB: Do Better
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    I agree to a point with the OP really T'Kuvma shouldn't have been the free 4/5* but Burnham should have been as she is the main Discovery protagonist; but anyway, that ship has sailed.

    That said, DB wanted to make money, nothing wrong with that but really they should target lots of little fishes, rather than a few large whales. If she was the 4/5* DB may have made more selling DYC offers; I'd like to see how sales of T'Kuvma compared to say, Borg Queen for the DYC deal.

    I actually have Burnham 4/5* (1 from the pack and 3 citations) and shes a useful utility player but I didn't spend $100s to get her, just lucked out.

    I'm not sure how useful shes been in the event but hey.


    You are lucky. I recall on the old forums, there were threads after threads about the best chance packs. It was calculated that there is only a 1% chance of getting the featured character in the best chance pack. There have been people who tried 20 times on previous best chance and they never got the crew member. If you got her on one try, bravo! That is awesome!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you got her on one try, bravo! That is awesome!
    7 tries of the 72 Dil pack; but close enough ;)
    (I figure with the best chance packs buying multiple singles is more throws of the dice than one of the 650 Dil packs and that strategy has worked so far, though admittedly I don't have much of a dataset to go on; but then again I might just be a lucky so-and-so)

    DB: Do Better
  • eXo | Cadet MatteXo | Cadet Matt ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    If you got her on one try, bravo! That is awesome!
    7 tries of the 72 Dil pack; but close enough ;)
    (I figure with the best chance packs buying multiple singles is more throws of the dice than one of the 650 Dil packs and that strategy has worked so far, though admittedly I don't have much of a dataset to go on; but then again I might just be a lucky so-and-so)

    This is interesting. I would assume that a 10x pack would get you 10 "throws of the dice" for 65 dilithium per "throw" (and I do think this is the case), but maybe there is something to a single pull strategy. I guess it depends on how the best chance packs are set up (which we'll never know). Keep us posted.
    Proud member of eXodus
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Who knows it might be 24/7 All Discovery all the time after this, with new ones every week. It's going to be interesting to see where this goes. Hoping there's at least a balance but a lil concerned.

    That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.

    I kinda think y'all both aren't good for this place, as I think for this game to truly have longevity, we need folks from both sides of the Treks. (pun intended)

    Discovery is pretty much here to stay as they were going to renew it even if no one watched based on the planning and leaked info from CBS.

    That being said, I don't like the show. It's done well, but frankly, I find myself not feeling good when watching it. I get the same feeling I did when I tried Scandal or How to Get Away With Murder or reading the Punisher comic books. I feel like I'm supporting and uplifting evil and other exploitative behaviors. I think it also conveys the message that bad behavior is ok if you are emotionally damaged in some way, and ethics and morals should go in the toilet as soon as the going gets tough (i.e. war/other conflicts). Other folks may not feel the same way, some may even just say that's how reality is. That's why we've all got different moral compasses, and why we have so many TV/Streaming stations, religions, and restaurants that serve breakfast on the planet.

    But I get having it in game. It makes sense from a business standpoint to do so. I've participated in the event, and have some Discovery crew in my list. (Hell if I airlocked everyone I didn't like, I'd not be able to get through half the cadet missions nor half the regular missions.)

    Again, all that being said, I am worried that DB is going to go into post-mega Discovery overload like when we had 4 Rikers in 5 weeks (or was it 6?) to the point of totally eclipsing the presence of all the other shows going forward.

    I'm hoping for something DB has not been known for, and that is a happy medium. I see many MB's coming to the game. I think that this time next year, she may even have more versions than Riker. I'm holding out hope that she does not have more versions than Riker, Kirk, the Daxes and Janeway combined.

    If that can be done (a happy medium with Discovery included but not completely dominating) then I think DB will be financially able to retain more of the early adopter users as well as interest more who find their way into the game with the new show. And frankly, we can keep the angst here in forum land to its normal level, such as it is.

    Either way, there will be more Michael B's in game, no doubt. Just because she's not in during the Mega does not mean those versions aren't coming.

    I'd say this mega has been odd, but really, it's been a lot like the others in some respects. Oddly chosen existing characters to support a somewhat straightforward but somewhat stilted plotline. Some of the characters added just mind-bogglingly chosen. Just like the Klingon Mega, the 5* is an odd choice. (Frankly I'm thinking that they are choosing the 5* specifically like the MAA Lockboxes, that the character has to have been an antagonist as well as other criteria folks have already discussed.)
  • That's the fastest way imaginable that DB can get me to stop participating. Haven't bothered with one of these since the first one and have zero interest in Star Trek: Snowflake.
    You should watch the show and judge for yourself instead of just believing hate propaganda. It is a good show and inclusive of everybody as any show should be that is made in 2017. Never once has the show preached anything except that racism is bad. If you don't want Michael Burnham character that is fine, but we do and we hope DB will allow us to get one.

    It's an ok science fiction show. It just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me. Star Trek has always been about optimism, a bright future, the crew working together to overcome the odds. This show is a bit darker, people do their own thing and have their own agenda. Even when Sisko pulled the Romulans into the Dominion War in In The Pale Moonlight, he had Starfleets blessing on it.

    Like I said, its an ok sci fi show. But it just doesn't feel like Star Trek. That doesn't make me a hater. Its like reading XMen comics as a kid, then seeing what Fox does with the movies. The movies are entertainment, but they just aren't the XMen stories I know. If that makes sense...
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's an ok science fiction show. It just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me. Star Trek has always been about optimism, a bright future, the crew working together to overcome the odds. This show is a bit darker, people do their own thing and have their own agenda. Even when Sisko pulled the Romulans into the Dominion War in In The Pale Moonlight, he had Starfleets blessing on it.

    Like I said, its an ok sci fi show. But it just doesn't feel like Star Trek. That doesn't make me a hater. Its like reading XMen comics as a kid, then seeing what Fox does with the movies. The movies are entertainment, but they just aren't the XMen stories I know. If that makes sense...

    Yes the show is definitely darker than the other Treks. I like this in that it makes it feel more real. But with this reality it is less inspiring. In many ways the viewer is Michael Burnham and we are trying to figure out what is going on as she is. I believe we will find out later there is more going on than meets the eye. Captain Lorca seems to have wide latitude and has several times ignored the admiral with little consequence as if he isnt in the Starfleet hierarchy. I have no problem with people watching the show and not liking it because of the story. I only have a problem with people not watching the show and criticizing it because of the racial makeup of the actors or sexual orientation of a character.
    Let’s fly!
  • Discovery has had a rough start, but may be righting itself. I'm fairly optimistic, in fact. Last weekend's episode (#6 Lethe) was the first in the series that actually felt more or less like an episode of Star Trek. And not at all coincidentally, it is by far the episode that spent the greatest share of its screen time on character development. Discovery badly needs more episodes like this, because without them, there's nothing for the audience to invest in. The first bunch of episodes featured a limited cast of characters you mostly didn't know or care about, blowing each other away in an endless series of awkwardly forced action sequences. I'm sure somebody in CBS' executive suite thought 'splosions and SFX TO THE MAX would be a good way to reel in a wide audience, but it did no favors for getting the show established on a good foundation. Now they're stuck in the situation of building the car while they're racing it.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    I agree to a point with the OP really T'Kuvma shouldn't have been the free 4/5* but Burnham should have been as she is the main Discovery protagonist; but anyway, that ship has sailed.

    That said, DB wanted to make money, nothing wrong with that but really they should target lots of little fishes, rather than a few large whales. If she was the 4/5* DB may have made more selling DYC offers; I'd like to see how sales of T'Kuvma compared to say, Borg Queen for the DYC deal.

    I actually have Burnham 4/5* (1 from the pack and 3 citations) and shes a useful utility player but I didn't spend $100s to get her, just lucked out.

    I'm not sure how useful shes been in the event but hey.


    I would say many competitive players would spend $25 to get the last star tkuvma or at least use honor points.

    but having Michael on portals definitely generates more money for DB. some ppl might spend 20-30 packs to get her.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    As far as the show, I am digging it. Those who are saying it seems darker or not Star Trek-ish keep in mind that many are speculating that so far this show has been set in a mirror universe.
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    I agree to a point with the OP really T'Kuvma shouldn't have been the free 4/5* but Burnham should have been as she is the main Discovery protagonist; but anyway, that ship has sailed.

    That said, DB wanted to make money, nothing wrong with that but really they should target lots of little fishes, rather than a few large whales. If she was the 4/5* DB may have made more selling DYC offers; I'd like to see how sales of T'Kuvma compared to say, Borg Queen for the DYC deal.

    I actually have Burnham 4/5* (1 from the pack and 3 citations) and shes a useful utility player but I didn't spend $100s to get her, just lucked out.

    I'm not sure how useful shes been in the event but hey.


    I would say many competitive players would spend $25 to get the last star tkuvma or at least use honor points.

    but having Michael on portals definitely generates more money for DB. some ppl might spend 20-30 packs to get her.

    For what it's worth, I open my wallet often enough for DB; however, I couldn't justify spending $25 for T'Kuvma, despite the fact that I did so (enthusiastically) for the featured legendary in the previous two mega events. I'm not arrogant enough to generalize my own feelings to the rest of the player base, but I do know that I wasn't alone in this. $25 is a lot to spend on a character you don't care for, who possesses a redundant set of skills. I do hope there was enough of an aggregate impact that it sent DB a message, but who knows...
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    I agree to a point with the OP really T'Kuvma shouldn't have been the free 4/5* but Burnham should have been as she is the main Discovery protagonist; but anyway, that ship has sailed.

    That said, DB wanted to make money, nothing wrong with that but really they should target lots of little fishes, rather than a few large whales. If she was the 4/5* DB may have made more selling DYC offers; I'd like to see how sales of T'Kuvma compared to say, Borg Queen for the DYC deal.

    I actually have Burnham 4/5* (1 from the pack and 3 citations) and shes a useful utility player but I didn't spend $100s to get her, just lucked out.

    I'm not sure how useful shes been in the event but hey.


    I would say many competitive players would spend $25 to get the last star tkuvma or at least use honor points.

    but having Michael on portals definitely generates more money for DB. some ppl might spend 20-30 packs to get her.

    For what it's worth, I open my wallet often enough for DB; however, I couldn't justify spending $25 for T'Kuvma, despite the fact that I did so (enthusiastically) for the featured legendary in the previous two mega events. I'm not arrogant enough to generalize my own feelings to the rest of the player base, but I do know that I wasn't alone in this. $25 is a lot to spend on a character you don't care for, who possesses a redundant set of skills. I do hope there was enough of an aggregate impact that it sent DB a message, but who knows...

    Agreed. I’m a spender but 4 stars on T’Kuvma is enough for me. Didn’t spend $25 for a fifth. I would spend $25 for a legendary if I didn’t have that crew member and it was my first copy but when it comes to 5* crew I’m content with just having them. More stars for them are a bonus but nothing I would spend $25 on.

  • I have Michal Burnham.
    you all could get her ....
    ppls here are so whiny....
  • All you do is crying and saying DB is so bad....
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm willing to swap a 5/5 T'kuvma for a 2/5 Michael Burnham
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    As far as the show, I am digging it. Those who are saying it seems darker or not Star Trek-ish keep in mind that many are speculating that so far this show has been set in a mirror universe.

    Love how folks bend over backwards with theories to come up with ways what they want to be is something else.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    It's an ok science fiction show. It just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me. Star Trek has always been about optimism, a bright future, the crew working together to overcome the odds. This show is a bit darker, people do their own thing and have their own agenda.

    I disagree. The show is very clearly about redemption but in order for that to happen we do need to start in a darker place. Redemption is a very optimistic path and reflects how the Federation treated criminal rehabilitation in other shows.

    Burnham's redemption is very clear. Part of that is whether or not she brings Lorca along with her or does he descend further into darkness?

    Having said that, the show is a little uneven.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    As far as the show, I am digging it. Those who are saying it seems darker or not Star Trek-ish keep in mind that many are speculating that so far this show has been set in a mirror universe.

    Love how folks bend over backwards with theories to come up with ways what they want to be is something else.

    Or do you mean you don’t love it. Makes sense though. Especially the scene with the mirror.

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    It's an ok science fiction show. It just doesn't feel like Star Trek to me. Star Trek has always been about optimism, a bright future, the crew working together to overcome the odds. This show is a bit darker, people do their own thing and have their own agenda.

    I disagree. The show is very clearly about redemption but in order for that to happen we do need to start in a darker place. Redemption is a very optimistic path and reflects how the Federation treated criminal rehabilitation in other shows.

    Burnham's redemption is very clear. Part of that is whether or not she brings Lorca along with her or does he descend further into darkness?

    Having said that, the show is a little uneven.

    Oh god, its Anakin Burnham!
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