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We Want Michael Burnham!



  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Haha Anakin Burnham. She better remember to have the high ground.
    Let’s fly!
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    @ Pallidyne

    Don't really know where you are getting my feelings and opinions about more/less Discovery crew being added to the game from, but I did not post it here. Mind reading? I still over here waiting on 56 different Sisko's, a Tora Ziyal and a Kamen Picard. Seriously where on earth is Kamen Picard?
    The troll post said "look at me I'm leaving please give me attention". So I did.

    Now getting back on topic of the thread. The OP post is about the Michael Burnham crew that is already in the game and the disappointment of availability only via best chance of pack. (yes, they did suggest a compromise of creating another). I, like the OP would like DB make this crew available in some other way besides "best chance of disappointment packs". I have flushed enough dilithium into those packs and I do not buy them anymore.

    Now, since this thread was created others have offered some reasons why DB did not include Burnham in the event. Even though I do not agree with DB's decisions the reasons given by posters here seem valid. It has also been suggested that we will see the character in some all Discovery pack at the end. This also seems like a reasonable expectation.
  • As far as the show, I am digging it. Those who are saying it seems darker or not Star Trek-ish keep in mind that many are speculating that so far this show has been set in a mirror universe.

    Can't be mirror. If it were, it would be Terran Empire and we've seen not a single Imperial emblem anywhere.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Haha Anakin Burnham. She better remember to have the high ground.

    She's already using midichlorians to travel the stars.....
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    @ Pallidyne

    Don't really know where you are getting my feelings and opinions about more/less Discovery crew being added to the game from, but I did not post it here. Mind reading? I still over here waiting on 56 different Sisko's, a Tora Ziyal and a Kamen Picard. Seriously where on earth is Kamen Picard?
    The troll post said "look at me I'm leaving please give me attention". So I did.

    Now getting back on topic of the thread. The OP post is about the Michael Burnham crew that is already in the game and the disappointment of availability only via best chance of pack. (yes, they did suggest a compromise of creating another). I, like the OP would like DB make this crew available in some other way besides "best chance of disappointment packs". I have flushed enough dilithium into those packs and I do not buy them anymore.

    Now, since this thread was created others have offered some reasons why DB did not include Burnham in the event. Even though I do not agree with DB's decisions the reasons given by posters here seem valid. It has also been suggested that we will see the character in some all Discovery pack at the end. This also seems like a reasonable expectation.

    I mindread through your easy dismissal of someone giving also a pretty easy dismissal of the show in general. You met their opinion with equal measure of "Bye Felicia" so that would be the source of my assessment of where you were coming from. You want those users gone.

    Not that hard to read a mind that is meme based.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    "Well the spores gives a ship its power. Its an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." Admiral Ben Kenobi.
    Let’s fly!
  • Pallidyne wrote: »

    I mindread through your easy dismissal of someone giving also a pretty easy dismissal of the show in general. You met their opinion with equal measure of "Bye Felicia" so that would be the source of my assessment of where you were coming from. You want those users gone.

    Not that hard to read a mind that is meme based.
    Except I don't want anyone gone. He said he would leave if xyz. Unprompted. I merely gave him a salutation. I already explained it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ....well I tried. But get that crystal ball cleaned before you hang that "Fortunes told here sign".


    Back on topic....again...please. We Want Michael Burnham!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    I mindread through your easy dismissal of someone giving also a pretty easy dismissal of the show in general. You met their opinion with equal measure of "Bye Felicia" so that would be the source of my assessment of where you were coming from. You want those users gone.

    Not that hard to read a mind that is meme based.
    Except I don't want anyone gone. He said he would leave if xyz. Unprompted. I merely gave him a salutation. I already explained it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ....well I tried. But get that crystal ball cleaned before you hang that "Fortunes told here sign".


    Back on topic....again...please. We Want Michael Burnham!

    Wow acting all innocent does not usually seem your style. Followed by the deflection of, no this is not the phrase you were looking at Jedi trick. Impressive gymnastics.

    It a backhanded don't let the door hit you on the way out method, and I have a hard time thinking you had no idea what it means.

    From the urban dictionary

    'bye felicia
    An expression used to dismiss someone. This person is usually irrelevant and annoying. This expression derived from the movie "Friday"'

    So, a dismissal was a nice salutation huh? Sounds like an extra push out the door.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    South of Sulu was a lot nicer than he needed to be in the face of such vitriol and hate. Now back to topic: WE WANT MICHAEL BURNHAM! If db wants to keep the really good stat burnham in best chance pack that is fine but they need to give us a way to get another burnham. Lots of good choices. 5toxjhuspeaz.jpg
    Let’s fly!
  • Could always do a Disgraced Burnham. 2 or 3 stars or somesuch. SCI, SEC, and a flat, abysmal value for CMD or DIP. That sounds about right!
  • They're probably holding Burnham back for another event at the end of the season. Maybe something happens to her and there's 2nd version based on that?
  • Definitely disappointed we didn’t see another version of Burnham.

    A 1 or 2* Burnham; in the space suit, or her Vulcan style from one of the flashbacks. That would have been enough. To have the lead character of the new show not available in some form to the entire player base is not the kind of burn I was expecting.

    Also, since she’s all mind-meldy with Sarek, a combo super rare would be quite cool for the future :)
  • JhamelJhamel ✭✭✭✭✭
    I expected "Burney" to be back in the Reinforcements pack alongside all other new DSC toons, butt she's not in there. Will we ever get a "real" chance to obtain her? A new event for her maybe? After all, she is the best crew for Voyages and she's got the highest CMD base by far.
    "Everything about the Jem'Hadar is lethal!" - Eris (ST-DS9 Episode 2x26 "The Jem'Hadar")
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Just airlocked a few fringe purples l7v15y287r8h.png
    DB: Do Better
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    How many packs did u have to buy to get 5/5 Burnham? 20? 30? 100?
    Let’s fly!
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim is in my fleet, he did under 10 single pulls (72 dil each) to get 1, then used 200k honor.
  • Black PebbleBlack Pebble ✭✭✭✭✭
    Michael Burnham will make another appearance,
    Hosun Lee
    Civilian, Brand and Marketing
    Ex-Disruptor Beam
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2017
    Just airlocked a few fringe purples
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Jim is in my fleet, he did under 10 single pulls (72 dil each) to get 1, then used 200k honor.

    Yep seven single pulls and a ton of honour from airlocked packs. Had about 8k from the sorry packs. Since getting khaless I'd saved up enough for three citations before discovery aired waiting for someone worthy. Don't get me wrong I bought and airlocked alot of duplicate super rares, was she worth it? Probably not but fun getting her. Easily my best cmd and science right now.
    DB: Do Better
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Michael Burnham will make another appearance,

    In an event or just a lame "best chance" pack again? Best chance packs would be okay if after buying three you got the crewmember but u could literally buy a dozen and not get the "best chance" crewmember.
    Let’s fly!
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Yep seven single pulls

    If you'd be so kind, could you ELIP (Explain Like I'm Pakled) doing single pulls of a Best Chance pack? Was that Burnham-in-7 insanely lucky, or do the odds of those repeated single pulls actually add up to a decent chance of a result?
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Yep seven single pulls

    If you'd be so kind, could you ELIP (Explain Like I'm Pakled) doing single pulls of a Best Chance pack? Was that Burnham-in-7 insanely lucky, or do the odds of those repeated single pulls actually add up to a decent chance of a result?
    I don't have a large enough of a dataset to know the probability of the legendary dropping from single vs the 10 pull as on my own I simply don't buy enough packs.

    Of the best of chance packs I have bought.
    Riker: 10* premium, followed by 1* Single. Dropped on the single.
    Gowron: 5* Single, dropped on the fifth
    Burnham: 7* Single, dropped on the seventh.

    Hard to say what the odds are, other than slim. I'd say 1 in 10, but in my opinion doing the singles gives you another roll of the dice.

    Only DB no for sure how they work, but It depends if the remaining pulls from the 10 pack are artificially forced/reduced in odds to be ship schematics or rares.

    It is my personal opinion that in the best of chance packs at least, you are essentially buying these and not spinning the dice for the legendary with your remaining 9 pulls. I stress that I can't really correlate it, that's just my opinion.

    DB: Do Better
  • Michael Burnham will make another appearance,
    Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully it is one of the 3+3 packs. (Three super rare three legendary). Or better yet, in an event.
  • Michael Burnham will make another appearance,
    Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully it is one of the 3+3 packs. (Three super rare three legendary). Or better yet, in an event.

    Anything but best chance pack please.
    Proud member of eXodus
    Join the eXo|plosion today!
  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Yep seven single pulls

    If you'd be so kind, could you ELIP (Explain Like I'm Pakled) doing single pulls of a Best Chance pack? Was that Burnham-in-7 insanely lucky, or do the odds of those repeated single pulls actually add up to a decent chance of a result?
    I don't have a large enough of a dataset to know the probability of the legendary dropping from single vs the 10 pull as on my own I simply don't buy enough packs.

    Of the best of chance packs I have bought.
    Riker: 10* premium, followed by 1* Single. Dropped on the single.
    Gowron: 5* Single, dropped on the fifth
    Burnham: 7* Single, dropped on the seventh.

    Hard to say what the odds are, other than slim. I'd say 1 in 10, but in my opinion doing the singles gives you another roll of the dice.

    Only DB no for sure how they work, but It depends if the remaining pulls from the 10 pack are artificially forced/reduced in odds to be ship schematics or rares.

    It is my personal opinion that in the best of chance packs at least, you are essentially buying these and not spinning the dice for the legendary with your remaining 9 pulls. I stress that I can't really correlate it, that's just my opinion.

    You have been exceedingly lucky with Best Chance packs. The Best Chance pack for the Gorn, I had to pull 24 times before I got the Gorn. The Best Chance pack for Gowron, it took me about 36 packs. Since I was buying $20 at a time, and that gives you 3 pulls, I ended up miraculously pulling Gowron all 3 times after the 36 packs. At that point I was feeling lucky, and wanted to fully fuse him (I already had 1) so I pulled another 38 times before I finally got another Gowron. The Best Chance pack for Burnham I did 14 pulls before I gave up. Others have had similar experiences. Based on those that pulled only a handful, and those that pulled 30+ more, we would have to guess the odds are more in line with 1 in 25.
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