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2 New Jadzia



  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think part of the reason we like Jadzia so much is because, all these years later, we still appreciate Terry Farrell as a part of the ongoing fan community. She genuinely has embraced the fans in a way few other actors do. And then she married Spock's son!

    On Burnham: I actually like the character except for the occasional sanctimonious voice overs and speech at the end of Season 1. It's as though she's figured it all out and is imparting her wisdom to everyone else. Please. She's one of the biggest screw-ups in Starfleet history, but with incredible potential, and she finally redeems herself. It would have been much more refreshing if she'd reflected on the importance of giving others a second chance instead of telling everyone else what the Federation stands for. I'm hoping for an Admiral Nechayev-like character to come along and knock the chip off her shoulder: "Your priority is to safeguard the lives of Federation citizens, not to wrestle with your conscience."
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  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    I think part of the reason we like Jadzia so much is because, all these years later, we still appreciate Terry Farrell as a part of the ongoing fan community. She genuinely has embraced the fans in a way few other actors do. And then she married Spock's son!

    On Burnham: I actually like the character except for the occasional sanctimonious voice overs and speech at the end of Season 1. It's as though she's figured it all out and is imparting her wisdom to everyone else. Please. She's one of the biggest screw-ups in Starfleet history, but with incredible potential, and she finally redeems herself. It would have been much more refreshing if she'd reflected on the importance of giving others a second chance instead of telling everyone else what the Federation stands for. I'm hoping for an Admiral Nechayev-like character to come along and knock the chip off her shoulder: "Your priority is to safeguard the lives of Federation citizens, not to wrestle with your conscience."

    Also, Burham's angst feels like bad writing in the early going, not earned. Burnham's betrayal was subduing the captain and almost pre-emptively firing on the Klingons in an attempt to save Federation lives. She was stopped and thrown into the brig, where she was then proven to be correct when the Klingon's were planning to attack and decimate the Federation. Then everyone treats her like what happened was somehow her fault and pin all those deaths on her. The only thing that feels earned is the anger from Saru who is direct in that he trusted her with his Captain's life and she failed. Things got better in the later season, but man I felt like the Battle of Binary Stars fall out was just so wrong.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am fine with more Dax and I should've tried harder for Bell Dax. I'll correct this by taking Old Lady Jadzia from someone.

    As for Terry Farrell. Well, I think she did a good job mostly but she also had the luxury of DS9 scripts to help her along. This would be a different discussion if she was on Voyager, Enterprise or Discovery.
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  • Vreenak9Vreenak9 ✭✭✭
    I like the figure Dax and how the writers developed her over the years. But in my opinion DB overdo her a little. There are a lot of chars witch were under the radar, i would enjoy/prefer more. But you can't do it right for everyone, right?
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  • South of SuluSouth of Sulu ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    S31 wrote: »
    DS9 is far more popular than STD or VOY. That is it.

    And Burnham is currently just a bad Mary Sue character. Maybe she will improve in season 2.
    We got 6 versions of her from 13 appearances.

    Well it doesn't help that you are using a phrase when you don't know what it means. A Mary Sue is supposed to a "wish fulfillment" " idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character."

    Raise you hand if you are Star Trek fan that envisioned yourself mutinying, getting your captain killed, getting tossed out of Star Fleet and into prison? Anyone. Ok then please use the power of Google before you use terms that you have no idea what they mean.

  • Please. Don't make me post my Daffy Duck self love gif. Everyone knows why Jadzia is "well liked" among Trek fans. The issue is Trek fans like to ride the high horse compared to other fandom but when you dig (not even that deep) into why a female character is "well liked" its pretty obvious.

    Its best not to try to unpack this here because people will get defensive and this thread will get locked.

    Oh boy, "unpack", the harbinger term of an incoming virtue-signal. Batten down the hatches!

    No but seriously - we can like Jadzia and Seven and not also be Harvey Weinstein. There is a middle ground. It is possible. Insulting anyone who likes any female character on Star Trek not named Burnham isn't precisely the way I would Make Friends and Influence People.

    I never expressed any like for the Burnham, or any desire to make friends and influence people so "unpack" your prewritten one liners somewhere else.
    Of course you can like Jadiza and Seven...They are they same trope. LOL. Trek writers tried to buck that trend and the fans made bad smell faces. So they brought in Seven, and fans went; whew that was close.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭

    Please. Don't make me post my Daffy Duck self love gif. Everyone knows why Jadzia is "well liked" among Trek fans. The issue is Trek fans like to ride the high horse compared to other fandom but when you dig (not even that deep) into why a female character is "well liked" its pretty obvious.

    Its best not to try to unpack this here because people will get defensive and this thread will get locked.

    Oh boy, "unpack", the harbinger term of an incoming virtue-signal. Batten down the hatches!

    No but seriously - we can like Jadzia and Seven and not also be Harvey Weinstein. There is a middle ground. It is possible. Insulting anyone who likes any female character on Star Trek not named Burnham isn't precisely the way I would Make Friends and Influence People.

    I never expressed any like for the Burnham, or any desire to make friends and influence people so "unpack" your prewritten one liners somewhere else.
    Of course you can like Jadiza and Seven...They are they same trope. LOL. Trek writers tried to buck that trend and the fans made bad smell faces. So they brought in Seven, and fans went; whew that was close.

    It's certainly a trope, but it's also not specifically sexist I would argue, the handsome leading man is as much of a trope. TNG I would also argue was far worse than DS9 with this, between the first 5 seasons of spandex Troi and Riker as the handsome Alpha stand in next to silver fox Picard.

    "Attractive" people are generally considered more likable in studies, with blind judgements based solely on photos putting attractive people distinctly at an advantage. This trades off in more likely success, as it can give characters and shows the benefit of the doubt and more time to develop and find their direction on character writing or development.

    So yes, hiring a more attractive character can certainly lead to more success, but I would say it applies to both genders (although not equally), and is one of many factors. This can be offset with things like, a known actor, they might not be as attractive, but their reputation gains them the same foothold and trust or sympathy from the audience.
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