I also notice... when you do make the combine, it doesn't add to the "failed on last bonus attempt" increase to your odds in the next combine attempt, either.
FYI ... it's doing it to me as well on Steam client ... only the mission: War Zone Rescue .. it won't let me choose specialist crew .. click .. but nothing happens.
even more specifically, seems to be the Ablative armor item that's issue .. other items are fine.
I took a video of the problem i’m having using the iPhone X. It shows the crew already preselected by the game and a 100% chance of a rare, but when it was built, I didn’t receive the rare. I can send the video of it if you like.
For those of us who actually want to use this War Zone Rescue, can we be told which featured crew provides the highest chance for a rare reward?
I ask this because War Zone Rescue will prepopulate the broken segment with the last crew used in the event. If we know what the best featured crew is, we can then go to War Zone Rescue after using said character in another event mission, and then build with very little loss. Or, at least, that’s the theory.
For those of us who actually want to use this War Zone Rescue, can we be told which featured crew provides the highest chance for a rare reward?
Never mind. After doing some experimentation, no matter which prepopulate crew you use, you are NOT awarded the rare reward. I have attempted completion using Alternate Future Jadzia Dax with an over 90% chance of success many times. Each time, and have not been awarded the rare reward.
This is a major issue for those of us who trusted the displayed chance of rare reward only to NOT get it. In other words, EVERY player who relied on this display lost an opportunity to get the rare reward.
I'm running on Android on a Pixel XL. I have the latest and greatest app installed. I'm getting the same issue. When building on the War Zone, it's usually the far left one. I've contacted support.
I have a simple question. Can’t DB’s developers simply remove this mission out of the lineup while they work on fixing the problem?
Sure, there will be one few missions from a variety standpoint, but at least people who may not read the forums will be shielded from any opportunity losses regarding the acquisition of rare rewards.
Yup, 7 5 star jadzia builds and it gave 0 green boost for losing. Lost all 7 times but it gave the item creation pop up on the build screen. Something might be wrong on the build command too.
@Shan : One more question. Will DB be sending a warning through in-game messaginer/email so that users who are not reading the forum can be made aware of this issue?
In addition to this one, "Scanning the Stars" and a couple other missions are also acting wonky. It auto-populates with crew before you can click on anything, and won't let you change the crew.
Yup, 7 5 star jadzia builds and it gave 0 green boost for losing. Lost all 7 times but it gave the item creation pop up on the build screen. Something might be wrong on the build command too.
I also noticed that the most accurate crew to complete for Rare Reward (which now should be labeled Extremely Rare Reward) is not at the top.
Yup, 7 5 star jadzia builds and it gave 0 green boost for losing. Lost all 7 times but it gave the item creation pop up on the build screen. Something might be wrong on the build command too.
^This.... fixing it isn't enough, people who built this a few times without realizing were hampered for the rare rewards
But I love submitting snarky ticjets
even more specifically, seems to be the Ablative armor item that's issue .. other items are fine.
I ask this because War Zone Rescue will prepopulate the broken segment with the last crew used in the event. If we know what the best featured crew is, we can then go to War Zone Rescue after using said character in another event mission, and then build with very little loss. Or, at least, that’s the theory.
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Never mind. After doing some experimentation, no matter which prepopulate crew you use, you are NOT awarded the rare reward. I have attempted completion using Alternate Future Jadzia Dax with an over 90% chance of success many times. Each time, and have not been awarded the rare reward.
This is a major issue for those of us who trusted the displayed chance of rare reward only to NOT get it. In other words, EVERY player who relied on this display lost an opportunity to get the rare reward.
Sure, there will be one few missions from a variety standpoint, but at least people who may not read the forums will be shielded from any opportunity losses regarding the acquisition of rare rewards.
I also noticed that the most accurate crew to complete for Rare Reward (which now should be labeled Extremely Rare Reward) is not at the top.
^This.... fixing it isn't enough, people who built this a few times without realizing were hampered for the rare rewards
You need to restart the game to bring it back. Then it works.
An in-game mail will be sent out, yes.
Andriod s6 edge+
every auto loaded crew failed to give rare
I restarted as soon as I saw this. No email. No email or response from not getting the token yesterday, either.
The in-game mail for this has not been sent out yet.
As for your ticket for the Voyage token, you will get a reply as quickly as is possible.
Shan, can the voyage token be used for an early recall?