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10 for 10 for everyone on portal updated day!



  • Is it normal to go through 20 packs and not get a single 5* character?

    I have to stop doing this to myself. Such a waste of money. Nothing but disappointment again.

    Wow, such a bad feeling right now. :disappointed:

    I don't know about normal, but many of us have had it happen at least once or twice.

    It's certainly disappointing when it occurs.

    Seems to happen to me every time I try a 10x10. Maybe time to stop spending money on this game.
  • za6bpcr0qb6f.jpeg

    Mirror data on first pull, pretty happy about that
    Falcon just can’t get enough of me and I can’t say I hate it
    Quite pleased with first 6 pulls, gonna play the dyc waiting game now before opening others

    To add to my contentment, second 10 for 10 purchase finally brought me into the 14 club!

    Those sweet, sweet crew slots have been taunting me for months
  • Bought 2 packs. An extra star for Suliban Reed, RAF Miles and gangster Kirk. Happy with that.
  • al103al103 ✭✭✭
    Is it normal to go through 20 packs and not get a single 5* character?
    Exactly as normal as somebody getting 4 in 20.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    al103 wrote: »
    Is it normal to go through 20 packs and not get a single 5* character?
    Exactly as normal as somebody getting 4 in 20.

    Just a little off should have said 5 legendaries. If you open 40 and get 5 you averaged 12.5% per a x10 pack the actual odds are 12.7%

  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Picked up some packs, pleased with the begold results.

    Picked up Troi, almost went with Soval.


    Picked Kirk, as I have been waiting a long time to get this variant. He’s powerful for base stats


    Kira was the easy choice

  • ovxm1khqpflr.png

    Got Saru :smile:
  • kobakoba ✭✭✭
    Well, I'm so, so, sooo stupid.
    I promised myself I wont buy premium packs, and I bought it anyway. Result? Zero (=0) useful crewmembers. Wasted money.
    Leader of the Czechoslovak Fleet (Starbase level 134). We are recruiting!

    My Cryostasis Vault
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is it normal to go through 20 packs and not get a single 5* character?

    I have to stop doing this to myself. Such a waste of money. Nothing but disappointment again.

    Wow, such a bad feeling right now. :disappointed:

    Yeah, my myself and my OH have had this happen. I opened 10 and left it at that as I didn't get a legend and I need to clear some space. If I airlock rubbish 4* that I just paid money for my OH gets incredibly grumpy so hopefully the skirmish will allow me to level up some crew.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    That first 10 was quite the bust - another star on Assimilated Tuvok for what it's worth, but no golds and every purple behold already maxed. Which, again, means I've got a pretty decent crew, but there's only so far my obnoxious optimism can take me...

    But in a spirit of inquiry and maybe pigheadedness (and not having spent anything last week since I got lucky with Polywater Yar first try (just like Data, aha) and not going to this week, since I didn't even remember Preacher Phlox - I mean I don't dislike him, the art actually looks pretty good to me, but he's neither here nor there to me) I took another 10. Results were better - a legendary behold from which I took a second star for the Traveler (left behind General Chang, since I've already got one, and Romulan Data, since Data's part of Unification didn't feel like a huge deal to me), and various additional stars to purples including Galen, Tourist Quark, EV Suit Tucker, Human Q, Warship Chakotay, and Klingon Neelix.

    Still though, even in the less-bad 10, quite a few purples found their way out the airlock. I'm not entirely regretting the buy as such, but I think the lesson learned is that I should steer clear of 15-packs and so on from now - given the crew I have, anything pricier than 10-for-10 is just not worth trying.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is it normal to go through 20 packs and not get a single 5* character?

    I have to stop doing this to myself. Such a waste of money. Nothing but disappointment again.

    Wow, such a bad feeling right now. :disappointed:

    It doesn't happen too often, but it can happen. I once had a streak of 37 10x before I got a 5*.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    I am happy with my results from the 20 packs, picking up 5 gold and 4 purple, including one of the seven I was missing from my crew. I also picked up schematics to upgrade 5 ships from 7/10 to 8/10.

    - 4th copy of 5* Delta Flyer Paris
    - 4th copy of 5* Scientist Degra
    - 3rd copy of 5* Will Scarlett
    - 2nd copy of 5* Captain Nog
    - 1st copy of 5* Captain Sisko
    - final copy of 4* Warship Janeway (immortal #349)
    - 3rd copy of 4* Trader Odo
    - 3rd copy of 4* Apollo
    - first copy of 4* Friar Tuck Data
  • I only pulled 9, saving the rest. I am not understanding why some of the beholds show you have 4/4 of them, and some immortalized when they are ALL immortalized? Strange. I guess I may not of screencapped all of them...

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only pulled 9, saving the rest. I am not understanding why some of the beholds show you have 4/4 of them, and some immortalized when they are ALL immortalized? Strange. I guess I may not of screencapped all of them...

    The only difference between showing them as "immortalized" and **** is whether they are frozen or in your active crew. If it says immortalized then you have them in the freezer.
  • Reading this thread was a mistake. I had only duplicates and none of the new portal additions. Last pack had a begold and that's it. Took Mirror Crusher over Captain Nog and Mirror Kirk.
  • Bought both.
    One Sheriff Worf, one Buster Kincaid and 150 Discovery schems. And lots of honor and replicator fuel.
    I've had worse...
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