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Create "Victory Is Life" Dominion Collection

With the introduction of Yelgrun this week, there are now eleven crew with the Dominion trait. For comparison, there are 17 Borg and 15 Romulans, and they both have 10-crew collections. Though one of the Dominion crew right now is the Voyage exclusive Thot Gor, there is still one player-friendly advantage to a Dominion collection: there is only one 5* (Changeling Founder). Two of them are lowly 3*'s, including this month's freebie, Keevan. Completing 10/10, especially since at least one more Dominion crew member is surely in the offing for next week, if not two, is surely as reasonable as the Borg or Romulan collections, both of which necessitate immortalizing more than one 5*.

(I may or may not be making this request on the basis that once I clear the solo thresholds, I'll have immortalized 10/11 Dominion crew.)
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