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Can we talk about Gauntlet rewards...



  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    The fact that you can't get trainers from gauntlet vaults makes 3 of them far more appealing for me vs 7 crates.

    I get so much garbage equipment from vaults that I'd rather get 7 crates
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nothing.... NOTHING is worse than getting blue trainers from streak boxes
  • Getting trainers at all at this point is worthless for me. I'm guessing many here are in the same situation as me. You could level every crew you have and still have 1000s left over.
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  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aldude wrote: »
    The fact that you can't get trainers from gauntlet vaults makes 3 of them far more appealing for me vs 7 crates.

    I get so much garbage equipment from vaults that I'd rather get 7 crates

    Garbage equipment >>>>> Trainers

    Plus, if you leave equipment gaps at each rarity, it won't be garbage equipment. You'll get equipment to fill the gaps. I have 7 3* Campaigns to show for that.
  • Gauntlet RNG goes farther than just the rewards. The entire crit systems needs a revamp. As more players obtain higher tier cards, walls of twins appear making it highly improbable to keep a streak going. Theoritically, a mirror match is 50/50 but since our cards get tired, we know this is not the case. Now almost everyone has those cards compared to when gauntlet first released. Having a strong star base with 10% boost does not help win mirror matches because crits are so common. Mirror matches are generally always won or lost with crits. 5% is way to high.

    Crits need to be rare.
    - Reduce base crit and crit per trait to 1%.
    - Alternately, introduce Delta system. For example if im 25% and opponent 5%, my value should go to 20% and opponent 0%.
    - Alternately, add caps to crits. 5% = 1 crit max. 25% = 2 crits max, etc.

    Gauntlet has potential to be a end game to keep players busy but the randomness removes strategy completely. Instead of intellegent challenging play, it's just random garbage. Random garbage matches with Brandon garbage rewards.

    DB needs to stop trying to sell Dil recharges because bad RNG. This doesn't encourage buying a recharge. Get rid of RNG, make gauntlet more strategy intense and then a recharge may look attractive. Cards still get weaker and always temptation to great 1 more round in and raise achievement counter.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Nothing.... NOTHING is worse than getting blue trainers from streak boxes

    Reversing your car over your best mate's child?
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Aldude wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Nothing.... NOTHING is worse than getting blue trainers from streak boxes

    Reversing your car over your best mate's child?

    Well that escalated quickly...

    It escalated sure, but is it that much of a difference...?

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  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just trying to keep perspective ;)
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • I don't have the brains to know how to make the Gauntlet Great Again, but I sure know how I don't enjoy playing it. When I remember, I kind of thoughtlessly push buttons. It works out the same as actually strategising and trying to get streaks. Just push demand buttons and walk away. It's like Dabo, only goes for a bit longer. Push push push, oh all done? Great.
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  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    Aldude wrote: »
    I'm sure all of the blue trainers and bad equipment would be great for newer players. I certainly thought they were useful. But voyages do make it easy to get these items now.
    I've never liked the rewards system, mainly around ranks 7-10. The number of times I ended up with 3 vaults instead of 7 chests... The 3 vaults were always useless.

    I have been lucky with gold crew - 2 locutus, 4 Guinan and 1 Caretaker.
    But to be honest I play mainly for merits. It annoys me when I'm sitting at 670 merits, and thinking "ooh, I can get a merit pull soon"... Only to find that I'm always getting credits and it takes the day before my first merit drop... But that's a bad run of RNG for you!

    I´m nearing the Locutus achievement and never got a single gold crew, for me its a merit farm only...
  • Just my thoughts, going on about a year now since the introduction of the Caretaker playing every day, sometimes like I care and mostly like I don't care [do to medication :-) ] and of course No Caretaker. Before that only only 1 Gunian. And I see others with half my playing level with 6,8, 12 of them. If I played this based solely on the Gauntlet I would have been dismissing this game and going back to table top games with only one set price upfront. :-)
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    When I first started playing the game a year-and-a-half ago, I enjoyed the Gauntlet. Not only was it a quick and easy side mission, it was a great place to farm lots of useful stuff for a newbie - merits, trainers, equipment, etc...

    It was also a great way for me to track my progress in the game, relative to established players. I initially strived to crack the top-100 (an extra reward), then the top-70 (again, more rewards). Of course, this was all before voyages, achievements, rewards for shuttle fails, and mega events (walls of free 5*) existed.

    The Gauntlet just got stale and outdated, due to the introduction of new features and modifications... and that is all before you even start contemplating the impact of RNG for both critical roles and rewards. For the record, I was too weak to really have a chance at Locutus, I managed to get 3 copies of Guinan (streaks of 3, 6 and 6), but have failed to land a single copy of the Caretaker despite playing nearly 18,000 rounds and regularly competing for at least a top-10 finish.

    The Gauntlet is definitely long overdue for a refresh, as I can't imagine it is even as valuable for new players today, as it was for me just a little over a year ago.
  • Remove trainers from the rewards, and I'd be happy.
  • Im so tired of the gauntlet, I play everyday, place decent and the Caretaker never drops. Revamping the rewards structure would really freshen it up

    Ditto. Some ppl in the fleet has 5 or more drops. Some has none.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    It does get discouraging to see some people with five or more Caretakers (most I've seen someone have is 8, but I'm sure someone has more) while others who play at similar levels have none or one.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find it gets bad when: you're on 2/3 for a streak and you clearly can't win it. Either you pick off an easy target... And still manage to lose, or the options you get are just natural losers.

    My other gripe are the walls. I'm ok with the odd wall now and then, but I do get a bit jaded when (like today) I lose 9 rounds in a row due to 9 caretaker walls (where I lost the first and sixth mirror matches).
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, trainers need to be removed from the gauntlet. At least after short streaks.
    "Customized" equipment should actually be usable crap for you, but I can always use some 3* alchohol.
    And there needs to be a more consistent way to get the golds. Leave the small chance in the lowest boxes and streaks, but build a way for advanced and determined players to have a cumulative or good chance of getting the Gold. Maybe after a 6 streak all trainer boxes are replaced with a 50th of a gold character. Or cumulative finishes above x rank give y pieces of the gold.

    One common theme that's quite apropos now is gauntlet rewards no longer feel rewarding. Since the game has advanced and new methods of play, like voyages, have been introduced, the gauntlet seems more like an RNG head banger without any appreciable reward for the pain and frustration.
  • gauntlet is unplayable....


  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    gauntlet is unplayable....


    Match 1/2: 83% win chance
    Match 3: 82% win chance

    These were far from guaranteed wins. I have collected data from, now, 2000+ gauntlet rounds and haven't found anything unfair about the roll or crit mechanics.

  • Captn DurkCaptn Durk ✭✭
    edited August 2018
    the above...just the above...

    I can´t even get a streak going anymore - not that I ever got very far...mostly 6 games, beyond that I can just pack up or start from scratch
    5 percenters critting AF (as in 2-3 crits out of 3) while my 25 percenters sit and hit nothing...really cool!
    utter rubbish!
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