Just to remind folks, don't claim the token until you're ready to use it.
Once it's in your inventory you're forced to use it, and not dilithium, to refill a voyage. A lot of people prefer to save them for the more costly refills (or at least have the choice).
FFS, they should fix this, to give us the option and of course make it clear that for now, you don't have the option.
These people can't stop amusing me...
Why don’t you just demand free stuff?
I do... but then you give me dirty looks at the Burger King with my little cup of water...
Had quite an experience with that the other day. Coworker and I were eating there. There was a guy in there the whole time with said cup of water. Three females and a male working. He was real shady looking so the employees were too scared to kick him out. They were about to close so they locked the doors. When my coworker and I left, two other shady fellows barged in when we opened the door. Chicago. 10:00 at night. Didn’t feel like getting killed so we went on our way. Moral of the story.....DONT GIVE THEM FREE WATER
Truth be known, the water is just a ruse... What I want are FREE CREW SLOTS!!!
Or me and the other two shady fellows will be mighty displeased... 😇😇😇
Good job on the notice. No big deal being a bit late, not the end of the world. I appreciate the notice, but unfortunately forgot to abuse it to save my exploded voyage, and appreciate the free token. Something clearly changed on the backend, the client now connects to thorium.disruptorbeam.com, and didn't previously.
P.S. add those voyage tokens to the rewards tables, both in events and gauntlets.
Edit: Oh, and to offset the more plentiful extensions, test a week of half price extensions and recalls. Won't know till you test it, but it's possible you'll get more extensions purchased.
(Picard's Voice) .... Did you say, Thorium ?
(/Picard's Voice)
And it's a server connection..
Well, I've heard that word once before in my gaming life, on the last game I was in.
@Shan good time to come back lol.
Are you partnering with Kixeye now ?
Pure speculation here, but I wonder if this scheduled downtime for the server was done in preparation for a forthcoming client upgrade. The last one was in May 2018, as I recall, and something semi-major seems to roll out every quarter.
I will go hunting for @Peachtree Rex ’s post on the timing of said upgrades and edit this post with a link (if I can find it). 🖖🏻
"In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
Thorium is a far superior element for nuclear power. More plentiful than uranium, doesn't need to be refined pst it's natural state to be usable fuel, and you can't get an unstopable melt down using it. It just never got a fair shake because it doesn't produce plutonium for weapons.
It looks like "thorium" is what DB calls their backend engine. I think no relation at all to Kixeye. Looks like they're probably just updating how their games connect to their servers.
Just to remind folks, don't claim the token until you're ready to use it.
Once it's in your inventory you're forced to use it, and not dilithium, to refill a voyage. A lot of people prefer to save them for the more costly refills (or at least have the choice).
FFS, they should fix this, to give us the option and of course make it clear that for now, you don't have the option.
These people can't stop amusing me...
Why don’t you just demand free stuff?
I do... but then you give me dirty looks at the Burger King with my little cup of water...
Had quite an experience with that the other day. Coworker and I were eating there. There was a guy in there the whole time with said cup of water. Three females and a male working. He was real shady looking so the employees were too scared to kick him out. They were about to close so they locked the doors. When my coworker and I left, two other shady fellows barged in when we opened the door. Chicago. 10:00 at night. Didn’t feel like getting killed so we went on our way. Moral of the story.....DONT GIVE THEM FREE WATER
Refuse the water and end up on the news like a Philly Starbucks....
Just to remind folks, don't claim the token until you're ready to use it.
Once it's in your inventory you're forced to use it, and not dilithium, to refill a voyage. A lot of people prefer to save them for the more costly refills (or at least have the choice).
FFS, they should fix this, to give us the option and of course make it clear that for now, you don't have the option.
These people can't stop amusing me...
Why don’t you just demand free stuff?
I do... but then you give me dirty looks at the Burger King with my little cup of water...
Had quite an experience with that the other day. Coworker and I were eating there. There was a guy in there the whole time with said cup of water. Three females and a male working. He was real shady looking so the employees were too scared to kick him out. They were about to close so they locked the doors. When my coworker and I left, two other shady fellows barged in when we opened the door. Chicago. 10:00 at night. Didn’t feel like getting killed so we went on our way. Moral of the story.....DONT GIVE THEM FREE WATER
Refuse the water and end up on the news like a Philly Starbucks....
So be it. I’d rather be the Philly Starbucks than the Chicago Burger King
Thorium is a far superior element for nuclear power. More plentiful than uranium, doesn't need to be refined pst it's natural state to be usable fuel, and you can't get an unstopable melt down using it. It just never got a fair shake because it doesn't produce plutonium for weapons.
It looks like "thorium" is what DB calls their backend engine. I think no relation at all to Kixeye. Looks like they're probably just updating how their games connect to their servers.
I -really- hope your right.
Kixeye didn't bother with Nerf guns, they threw Nerf granades and that's what drove thousands of us away en mass during early mid 2015. It's why I stopped playing any games at all until Timelines came out.
I just had the game blink out on me a couple times just now.
Nothing major, but a couple weird errors
That I had to Back up and retry to get through.
I hate to go against the trend here, but I'm NOT happy about how this was handled. The outage was roughly an hour later than advertised. I had a Voyage come in shortly before the outage was supposed to occur, so I held off an hour before launching the new one so that the outage would be completed. I log in a couple hours later, and find the outage was delayed, and my Voyage was recalled minutes after I launched it. Effectively, I lost 2 hours of Voyage time because DB can't read a clock.
Truth be known, the water is just a ruse... What I want are FREE CREW SLOTS!!!
Or me and the other two shady fellows will be mighty displeased... 😇😇😇
(Picard's Voice) .... Did you say, Thorium ?
(/Picard's Voice)
And it's a server connection..
Well, I've heard that word once before in my gaming life, on the last game I was in.
@Shan good time to come back lol.
Are you partnering with Kixeye now ?
I will go hunting for @Peachtree Rex ’s post on the timing of said upgrades and edit this post with a link (if I can find it). 🖖🏻
It looks like "thorium" is what DB calls their backend engine. I think no relation at all to Kixeye. Looks like they're probably just updating how their games connect to their servers.
Refuse the water and end up on the news like a Philly Starbucks....
So be it. I’d rather be the Philly Starbucks than the Chicago Burger King
I -really- hope your right.
Kixeye didn't bother with Nerf guns, they threw Nerf granades and that's what drove thousands of us away en mass during early mid 2015. It's why I stopped playing any games at all until Timelines came out.
I just had the game blink out on me a couple times just now.
Nothing major, but a couple weird errors
That I had to Back up and retry to get through.
Speaking of downtime...
...but I love the error message.
Unless Madeline is invading your servers, the one you're looking for is spelled "Khan."
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
A free Polywater Yar perchance?
Check out our website to find out more:
is one of ours
Check out our website to find out more:
Too soon. Maybe mirror Picard? 😋