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Dilithium: The Final Frontier



  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dilemma 30/31. Frozen/Not Frozen. Interference2/Friends. Got Lucien/Got not a 4*.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dilemma 32/33. Frozen/Not Frozen. Burden/OffTheBooks2. Bad Schematics/Thot Gor (who I didn't need but 200 honour is 200 honour).

    That leaves Higher Duty 3, Cracks and First Author. Honestly if I pull Higher Duty early I might just close the Voyage a little early. Extensions are pretty pricey right now.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Good grief, I'm very impressed. How much dil do you reckon? Times by 4 for a guaranteed copy of 6 of the 8 lol (let's not go 8 times, better to just use honor)
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Its about 10K. I also used my two tokens already. Not the most efficient way of doing things but I was gambling that Higher Duty 3 won't be dead last. Even if it is, I'm only out about 200 dilithium.
    Might not be worth it although most packs are junk for me anyways. Even with event packs its very likely I already have one of the 4* event crew.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • I really wish I hadnt used my tokens already.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »

    DB should refund some of my dilithium for the free bug testing I just gave them.
    I'll co-sign this if asked.

  • Unless something changed that I'm not aware of, I thought it was impossible to get both 3-Parters in a single voyage.

    I'd love to be wrong, but this was the case last time I did a Voyage to "conclusion."
    There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the bold." Well - I guess we're about to find out.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unless something changed that I'm not aware of, I thought it was impossible to get both 3-Parters in a single voyage.

    I'd love to be wrong, but this was the case last time I did a Voyage to "conclusion."

    It doesn't say this in the Voyage information tab. Therefore it should be possible. If DB wanted Voyages to be like this they should have explicitly stated that.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    Unless something changed that I'm not aware of, I thought it was impossible to get both 3-Parters in a single voyage.

    I'd love to be wrong, but this was the case last time I did a Voyage to "conclusion."

    It doesn't say this in the Voyage information tab. Therefore it should be possible. If DB wanted Voyages to be like this they should have explicitly stated that.

    I have to go back and hunt through the forum to remember how I found that out, but it was known back when Guinan and Worf were released that you could only get one of those per Voyage. Not sure if it was from DB directly or from player testing.

    This never applied to the crew from the Part 2 drops.
    There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the bold." Well - I guess we're about to find out.
  • I've been saving dilithium for a long voyage, too. This thread encouraged me to spend it somewhere else...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ELiL wrote: »
    I've been saving dilithium for a long voyage, too. This thread encouraged me to spend it somewhere else...

    Might I suggest for the extra rewards during the skirmish event. Do the 10 one each time. I promise you won’t be disappointed
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    ELiL wrote: »
    I've been saving dilithium for a long voyage, too. This thread encouraged me to spend it somewhere else...

    I wouldn't say I entirely regret it but on the other hand I feel like I'm being punished for spending dilithium.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    You also got a cool story you were able to share with all your friends on the forum :)
  • I noticed while looking on wiki last few days the voyage dilemmas have been updated to include the new crew and how to get them. Might want to look there and compare your findings, also anyone else who's curious.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Well, I got my loot last night. Which took longer than it should've and in the mean time I lost a day and a half of Voyage time. I did get some dilithium refunded which is about 2h15m worth of free Voyage time and I did get 4*'s in that period.

    So what did I learn here?
    1. DB wants your money but only sort of. Spending your money comes at some peril.
    2. Clown dilemma is bugged but there might be a work around.
    3. If its true that you can only get one of the two 3-parters, you should end your Voyage early after the first one.
    4. Two 36 hour Voyages is likely better than one 72 Voyage. I got a substantial amount of the Super Rare dilemma's in the first half.
    5. The last 24 hours costs as much dilithium as the first 48.
    6. Iampicard is my hero.

    On the plus side, on my first Voyage back got me my 4th Max Headroom.

    I decided to try the same and hope for better luck at the end. At 2 days 2 hours now so only another day of this. All I can say is stuck dilemmas are painful, either have to have the app open when the dilemma comes up or end up reloading the dilemma screen 20-30 times to get it to display.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin and I have been talking on the side about this - odd that for my last two 3 days voyages I did (last week and a few months ago) - my dilemmas never 'stuck' like you guys are experiencing. I've absolutely had it happen before, but not in a very long time. So it's not universal to long voyages, as i've seen it happen at a 6hr dilemma. But there is some kind of common correlation. I just don't know what it is yet.

    Also, the old "only one Voyage crew per Voyage" rule is no longer, as I obtained both Picard and McCoy on the same Voyage. In the past, you couldn't get Guinan and Worf in the same run, but that appears to not be the case now.

    Lastly, I agree with Ivanstones observation - 2 36hr voyages is both cheaper and likely a far better investment.
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I have never had a stuck voyage. I coudn't say what I'm doing differently. I put crew on the ship and send it out. Although I've never gone longer than 8 hours for a dilemma, aside from doing the 10hr and 20hr achievements.

    [SSR] Sorin08
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    3. If its true that you can only get one of the two 3-parters, you should end your Voyage early after the first one.

    I can verify that it is not true. When I did my 73 hour voyage I got all 3 parts of both 3 parters on that voyage

  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    3. If its true that you can only get one of the two 3-parters, you should end your Voyage early after the first one.

    I can verify that it is not true. When I did my 73 hour voyage I got all 3 parts of both 3 parters on that voyage

    Others have suggested it although its a pain to verify. Its probably better to end your voyage early anyways since getting that second 3 parter is substantially more expensive than the first.

    It could also be I'm being butt hurt because the one time I spend a substantial amount of dilithium on a Voyage, I get no end of grief from it. As I mentioned before I've never had any issues running Voyages in the past.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    3. If its true that you can only get one of the two 3-parters, you should end your Voyage early after the first one.

    I can verify that it is not true. When I did my 73 hour voyage I got all 3 parts of both 3 parters on that voyage

    Others have suggested it although its a pain to verify. Its probably better to end your voyage early anyways since getting that second 3 parter is substantially more expensive than the first.

    It could also be I'm being butt hurt because the one time I spend a substantial amount of dilithium on a Voyage, I get no end of grief from it. As I mentioned before I've never had any issues running Voyages in the past.

    50 hours in I haven’t got either of the part 3s, still missing one of the part 2s. I don’t think there is anything close to a guarantee of getting through all 3 parts in a 36 hour voyage.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    50 hours in I haven’t got either of the part 3s, still missing one of the part 2s. I don’t think there is anything close to a guarantee of getting through all 3 parts in a 36 hour voyage.
    There isn't. You're just playing the odds. The first 48 hours of a Voyage still uses up roughly the same amount of dilithium as the last 24. It might be ok to do that if you have a lot of Voyage tokens though.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • The clown dilemma definitely is bugged.
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    3. If its true that you can only get one of the two 3-parters, you should end your Voyage early after the first one.

    I can verify that it is not true. When I did my 73 hour voyage I got all 3 parts of both 3 parters on that voyage

    Others have suggested it although its a pain to verify. Its probably better to end your voyage early anyways since getting that second 3 parter is substantially more expensive than the first.

    Oh, I can definitely verify that part. Very expensive! LOL

  • muwoomuwoo ✭✭✭
    sorinev wrote: »
    I have never had a stuck voyage. I coudn't say what I'm doing differently. I put crew on the ship and send it out. Although I've never gone longer than 8 hours for a dilemma, aside from doing the 10hr and 20hr achievements.


    I also have never had this issue.
  • Very glad to hear you can now reach both 3-parters in a single Voyage. It was a royal pain running multiple 48+ Hour voyages, not knowing which 3-parter RNG would hand you first, then having to start over...

    The bad news is... add me to the list of people affected by stuck dilemmas. If it wasn't for IamPicard's tool, my current Voyage would have ended at 10 hours. I've had to use it 3 times in the last 24 hours to get through a Dilemma.
    There's an old saying: "Fortune favors the bold." Well - I guess we're about to find out.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So 10006 dilithium and 2 voyage tokens later I got both of the new voyage crew. Chose the option that removed the chance at a part 2 on 2 other dilemmas to save ~1500 dil so went the full 34 dilemmas given those choices. The last three dilemmas I got were the final three I needed for Picard and McCoy.
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