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What is your least favorite character

I could do without: Lwaxanna, Neelix, anything Jake, and Worf's son whose name I'm too lazy to look up.


  • I had a strong dislike for Neelix then Kes left the show and he became bearable. Jake, Alexander, Wesley - yeah Trek doesn’t do well with children in the show. They often come off as really annoying.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Two worst characters IMO: Wesley Crusher, Kes.

    Worst casting choice: Dr. Crusher.

    Later seasons Holo Doc was also incredibly insufferable.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Back in the day, I didn't like Wesley. After rewatching the show as an adult I had more appreciation for the character although earlier episode of TNG had weaker writing and his story arcs suffered because of that.
    Jake's ok. I get the impression they didn't know what to do with him later in DS9.
    Nog on the other hand had an excellent story arc.
    Alexander's ok but he was mostly just a story telling device for Worf.

    There aren't a lot of characters I actively dislike. Tucker and Reed I never cared much for but Enterprise was relatively weak Trek.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah Jake was lame. Alexander was lame. I thought Tasha Yar was bad. I actually think it was good for the show that she left. To steal a word from above, Neelix was insufferable. I’m sure I’ll think of more I will post later
  • 23rd Century Martok
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Vash and Major Hayes were annoying. Wasn’t a big fan of Chakotay.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pulaski. Didn’t care much for her
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    Vash, Pulaski, Keiko (on DS9), Winn Adami, Kes, Dukat.

    Of these I'm going to give overall worst to the unholy Winn.
    Dukat is second. His Bajoran fetish is the darkest thing in all of Trek and it creeps me out.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like Jake. He and Nog are examples of how to do children right. Wesley was badly written for the circumstances he was in.

    I find Neelix dislikable. Lwaxana is overbearing, but not dislikable, though if she had been around more, she would be. I find Janeway annoying. As the son of a therapist, I find Troi to be a horrible counselor, but I like her in general.

    For me, T'Pol is the character I dislike the most. I am aware I am in the minority, but she is just annoying and overly self-righteous. She is more emotional than most other crew. She is better in later parts of the show. I also acknowledge that some of that is probably just bad writing. The actress was pretty good in Stargate. Whatever the case, I just don't like the character.

    Please don't flame me for my solicited opinion.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »


    :) Probably the main reason I don't like Voyager.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Winn and Dukat are evil people, but they are extremely well acted and well written. They are wonderful characters.

    Can’t go wrong casting Nurse Ratchet in that spot

  • I always felt the ensemble cast of voyager was like an old crank (Janeway) that ran a summer camp and the rest of the bridge crew were your typical inept summer camp counselors. No offense to those summer camp counselors who were actually ept.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Early seasons Neelix was awful, though he improved. Early season T’Pol was haughty but also improved over time. Wesley started annoying and ended pretty much as annoying, so I may have to go with him.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    One of the things I loved about Enterprise was how T’Pol evolved. If she would have stayed like first season T’Pol yes she would be a meh character but the way her character developed was very cool to me
  • When I started watching DS9 and voyager I had a deep dislike for Neelix and Quark. But as I continued watching DS9 I grew to like Quark better. The same thing didn't happen to Neelix. Dishonorable mentions include Rom, female changeling, and some others I can't think of right now.
  • Wesley and O’Brien. Wesley has already been explained well by others. O’Brien was ornery at the best of times.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Tasha Yar was the most hamfisted portrayal I've ever seen on any show that I can remember. I don't even know what her character was supposed to be. Her sister, on the other hand, had potential.

    Reed worked on my nerves on many occasions, too. A flat, one-note character. (At least with Sato and Mayweather, we could imagine that there was more to them, that we just haven't seen yet. With Reed, you just knew there was nothing more there.)

    Neelix and Wesley were annoying at times, sure, but then they were also supposed to be so, based on the reactions of other characters. I don't blame them for that any more than I blame a villain character for being the bad guy. (If Q had been in every episode, he would have dethroned both of them as most hated...)

    Not really an Ash Tyler fan, either. He seems... over-hyped.

    P.S. I'm still shocked than anyone can hate on Janeway. :smirk:
  • I think Janeway was just too blunt, as a character. If you needed a Captain to do an operation on you, you would want Picard. You would want Janeway to work on your car.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Tasha Yar was the most hamfisted portrayal I've ever seen on any show that I can remember. I don't even know what her character was supposed to be. Her sister, on the other hand, had potential.

    Reed worked on my nerves on many occasions, too. A flat, one-note character. (At least with Sato and Mayweather, we could imagine that there was more to them, that we just haven't seen yet. With Reed, you just knew there was nothing more there.)

    Neelix and Wesley were annoying at times, sure, but then they were also supposed to be so, based on the reactions of other characters. I don't blame them for that any more than I blame a villain character for being the bad guy. (If Q had been in every episode, he would have dethroned both of them as most hated...)

    Not really an Ash Tyler fan, either. He seems... over-hyped.

    P.S. I'm still shocked than anyone can hate on Janeway. :smirk:

    Yes, I didn’t like Ash Tyler either.

  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Michael Burnham

    Mary Sue
    Everyone always talks about how awesome she is.
    She always saves the day and never makes a mistake. Even in the pilot, her ''mistake'' would prevent the war.

  • I may be weird but....i like all the characters listed in this thread, kes, janeway, neelix, the doc, wesley and beverly crusher,jake sisko, even quark. There were only three times i didnt like a character...belanna's first episode, came off as a pita. Stamets first episode, came of as pita, and Ro Laren, first episode came of as a pita. But as they gradually got developed in their shows, they got to be better imo. The difference between these characters and ones like neelix and jake is their annoyingness (if you can call it that) was more adoreable and endearing.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Winn Adami isn't so bad, she is unlikable but she seems like a real person. She got superb writing and superb acting. And don't forget that at one episode she was a hero who saved Jake Sisko, Kira, Benjamin Sisko, DS9, Bajor and possibly an Alpha Quadrant when everyone else lost their damn mind.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Gabriel Lorca!

    He was such a good character until that stupid twist. A captain damaged by the brutality of the war. His methods are questionable but they are necessary for the time of war. Or are they? Clear signs of PTSD and the only thing that holds him together is Discovery. Plus a potential Section 31 agent.

    Then new producers come in after Bryan Fuller - ohhh screw that plotline who cares about PTSD. We saw that with Picard, Sisko and Archer. Let's retcon him.

    Twist revealed - he is a 2d cartoon villain. Like literally space Hitler without any good quality. How is that event the same character we were rooting for 10 episode?
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