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What is your least favorite character



  • Without a doubt its Riker. He makes Chakotay seem interesting. In 7 seasons the most interesting thing about Riker is the way he sits.

    Spock, Kira, T'Pol, Chakotay >>>>>Riker.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Tasha Yar was the most hamfisted portrayal I've ever seen on any show that I can remember. I don't even know what her character was supposed to be. Her sister, on the other hand, had potential.

    Reed worked on my nerves on many occasions, too. A flat, one-note character. (At least with Sato and Mayweather, we could imagine that there was more to them, that we just haven't seen yet. With Reed, you just knew there was nothing more there.)

    Neelix and Wesley were annoying at times, sure, but then they were also supposed to be so, based on the reactions of other characters. I don't blame them for that any more than I blame a villain character for being the bad guy. (If Q had been in every episode, he would have dethroned both of them as most hated...)

    Not really an Ash Tyler fan, either. He seems... over-hyped.

    P.S. I'm still shocked than anyone can hate on Janeway. :smirk:

    wow we must be twins, I feel the same exact way about pretty much everyone you described lol.

    I found yar to be completely one dimensional and unnecessarily aggressive, almost as if over compensating for being female in authority which I found insulting.

    I also found Reed bland, and almost a bit creepy if Im being honest, he literally brought nothing to that show at all.

    I agree about Neelix and wes also, and weren't they suppose to be a bit annoying? I think that was part of their purpose lol.

    I am also shocked about Janeway, I thought she was amazing and still do. Not sure why voyager gets so much flak, I think it was a very well done show.

    I also don't understand the comment about Dukat, and Winn, I mean yah they were both awful and Ratchet, no pun intended, but that is what made them great villians.

    If we have to add a list of useless characters, how about Kim, Chakotte and mayweather? I mean talk about flat, boring, and uninspired.

    I do find it a bit hypocritical that some of you, aka the poster above me, is willing to let Yar slide, because of writing, but then come down so hard on wesley, whether or not he was on the show longer doesn't mean he was allowed more freedom with the character or how it was expected to be portrayed. He also didnt quit the show like she did, and then come back later after realizing it had been a mistake lol
  • WhatMeWorryWhatMeWorry ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Plus, can the trombone a la Riker. Painful.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    So am I the only one who thinks that Ezri was a better character than Jadzia?
    The problem with Jadzia is that she doesn't have any growth in all six seasons. The only ''growth'' is a wedding with Worf when she put her ego aside with Sirela.
    We never larned who was Jadzia without Dax. What was she like? Who were her parents? What was her motivation?

    Then comes Ezri Tigan. Confused and complicated. A young counselor and Starfleet ensign who comes from a rich family. And we see her doubts, her insecurities, her growth. Then she is torn apart with her Ezri side and her Dax side. Worf doesn't accept her. She screws badly with Garak. But slowly she makes progress she helps Garak, makes peace with Worf gets confident and becomes an integral part of a DS9 crew.
    After a while, you don't even remember that she is a replacement for Jadzia it feels like she was always here.

    So agree about Ezri. Rarely does Trek do so much, in so little time, in developing a character. As much as I love Jadzia, Ezri was actually a more balanced character. Wish we had more time with her.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • TonyZeeTonyZee ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    TOS: Checkov -- he was there specifically to make Americans feel superior to Russians, and total cringefest

    TNG: Very unpopular opinion here -- Q. Too much, and not enough, at the same time. His de-evolution all the way through Voyager seems quite --unnipotent

    DS9: SO MANY CHOICES. Every character got ground to dust by the end, but Ezri Dax was completely unnecessary, and a living symbol of Terry Farrels poor treatment off screen. Her one good episode with the transporting bullet rifle could have been any character.

    VOY: Did nothing wrong. Tuvix? Because star trek sh*tposting wont shut up about him this week. The Kazon were terrible, for sure.

    ENT: I didnt like Archer. Or Reed. Cowboys in space should have just been trip, hoshi, phlox and merriweather (with a new actor) with T'pol as captain set post COP.

    DSC: not enough episodes yet to fully appreciate how boring one of the silent crew members will turn out to be. I think all the leads are strong, Voq was the least believeable though.

    PIC: Data's head in a jar? Too Futurama for me. (😂😂😂)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How could I forget Guinan. Terrible actress in a role never clearly defined
  • I’m going with the dark horse candidate: Data.

    And I say this as a one time Data fan. Come at me, bro.
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  • Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    My least favourite crew addition is
    ‘Celebratory Ash Tyler’.
    He’s a 4* and demonstrates a lack of imagination in difference to the previously added 4* Lt. Ash Tyler.

    There are others that I consider a waste of crew slots when more deserving crew could have been added.

    There as so many crew possibilities out there to be added before unimaginative knock offs are considered.

    For example...
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Gabriel Lorca!

    He was such a good character until that stupid twist. A captain damaged by the brutality of the war. His methods are questionable but they are necessary for the time of war. Or are they? Clear signs of PTSD and the only thing that holds him together is Discovery. Plus a potential Section 31 agent.

    Then new producers come in after Bryan Fuller - ohhh screw that plotline who cares about PTSD. We saw that with Picard, Sisko and Archer. Let's retcon him.

    Twist revealed - he is a 2d cartoon villain. Like literally space Hitler without any good quality. How is that event the same character we were rooting for 10 episode?

    He was a good character to the end. He was just not a good person. These things are not mutually exclusive.

    I don't know where you got this information about the "new" producers changing the Lorca character but that is factually incorrect.

    Jason Issacs took the part knowing the plot twist. He helped write the part. He specifically said he was trying to make him unredeemable. He was the one who added the cringe line about he galaxy that I won't repeat. Issacs did not want to commit to multiple years. So he took the part knowing he would be killed off at the end of season 1.

    As for "new producers". Kurtzman was hired by Fuller. He co-created the show with him. He was in place before anyone was cast or anything was written. Kurtzman made changes but changing Lorca was not one of them. One of the changes Kurtzman made was asking the writers to write two low budget episodes because Fuller had blown a significant portion of the budget on re-doing the Klingon ship (which had no use beyond episode 2 because it was destroyed)

    Sorry but "a captain damaged by the brutality of war, PTSD, Section 31" that was all in your head. He didnt turn out to be the character you were imagining. Thats not the writers fault. Hindsight is 20/20 but the signs of who he was are there from the very first time he appears on screen.

    The fact that you were rooting for "space Hitler" is not the writers fault. He was space Hitler wrapped in package that made you comfortable. A package you like. You looked at him and said this character cannot possibly be evil. (even though every indication was there) Every time he did something bad you excused it.

    Some have suggested its a writers troll. If it was, it is not good look for you.

    I have been racking my brain and Googling to figure out what line about the galaxy you are talking about but I can't remember. And now I need to know! Can you post or PM a link?

    I thought he was a fascinating character btw. But I do tend to root for the bad guys in movies and shows.
  • DIS: anyone but Michael
    ENT: T'Brat (should have been replaced by Ambassador V'Lar after episode 23, who was much more likeable)
    VOY: Kes
    DS9: Nog at first but once he went to Starfleet I liked him more
    TNG: The Crushers and Bruce Maddox
    TOS: no-one
    Star Trek first season rankings from best to worst: DS9, TOS, ENT, VOY, TNG, TAS, ORV, DIS
  • Also, Jake is great. He isn't a precocious space cadet showing up all the grownups at every opportunity. He is just a regular kid, living his life the best he can while making cool friends like Nog and Kasidy Yates (remember he introduced Yates to his father?). Jake is the anti-Wesley Crusher. Jake also gives us one of our few recurring looks at civilian life in the Federation. Jake isn't interested in Starfleet, which is a unique perspective in a franchise in which 99% of the characters we follow are officers in a space military or para military organization.

    Thank you. :)
    Star Trek first season rankings from best to worst: DS9, TOS, ENT, VOY, TNG, TAS, ORV, DIS
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm really surprised this thread hasn't devolved into a string of counter-arguments from people defending a character someone else hated. It's sort of an incendiary topic for a thread, lol.

    Maybe someone should start a new thread asking which character had the biggest turnaround from being unlikeable at first to someone you could appreciate by the end of the series.

    Also, this thread should probably be in Strange New Worlds, eh?

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Beyond a Doubt my least favorite character at the moment
  • Its fun to vent on characters that you dislike, and even to defend those you like. This really hasnt been a mosh pit of character assassination.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    My least favourite crew addition is
    ‘Celebratory Ash Tyler’.
    He’s a 4* and demonstrates a lack of imagination in difference to the previously added 4* Lt. Ash Tyler.

    There are others that I consider a waste of crew slots when more deserving crew could have been added.

    There as so many crew possibilities out there to be added before unimaginative knock offs are considered.

    For example...

    Quoting just for sheer cheek. Plus a salute for the effort :)
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