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Is there a possibility...

.... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.


  • While I sympathize with not being awake when a Gauntlet finishes, I've won at least a dozen Gauntlets during Caretaker season, and finished dozens more in Top 3, and have not received a single Caretaker from any of those finishes. Just saying.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Closing time of gauntlet surly impacts who is able to win the gauntlet, but plenty of people get the gauntlet rare from streak boxes which aren't impacted by closing time at all.
  • .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    Locutus, Guinan and Caretaker x3 all came from less than 12 streaks for me.
  • Ive got a 4/5 caretaker and dont think I have won a guntlet round since he has been the gauntlet crew.
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    0 Locutus (wasn't ranking real high during this time)

    2 Guinans ... Both streaks of 3 (starting to get better at ranking)

    1 Caretaker ... Streak of 6
    1 Caretaker from final boxes (out of many 1sts and a few top 10s)

    My general experience, most of those top tier lootboxes are just 3* items.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • While I sympathize with not being awake when a Gauntlet finishes, I've won at least a dozen Gauntlets during Caretaker season, and finished dozens more in Top 3, and have not received a single Caretaker from any of those finishes. Just saying.

    Well good to know that I am not the only one though that does not help either of us, right? It just unlucky fingers, i guess. In any case i wish you and all that havent got to get at least 1 cause it become really depresing. Especially when some of your fleet mates airlocking them and you know the reason. :)

    Peachtree Rex, you are on my block list cause discussion with you and that other player results with my temporary ban and a ban of my fleetmates.

    You know all, it is never what it seems and this here is last time that i adressed you or spent any time on your remarks
  • O btw. Congratulations to all that recieved him.
  • .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    I’ve received 3 copies of the Caretaker, 3 copies of Guinan and 4 copies of Locutus. Out of the combined 10 drops, only 1 was in an end of Gauntlet crate. The other 9 were just from streaks with a few dropping after only a streak of 3.

    So I don’t see where the Gauntlet end time has any impact on the legendary drops
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    I’ve received 3 copies of the Caretaker, 3 copies of Guinan and 4 copies of Locutus. Out of the combined 10 drops, only 1 was in an end of Gauntlet crate. The other 9 were just from streaks with a few dropping after only a streak of 3.

    So I don’t see where the Gauntlet end time has any impact on the legendary drops

    These days I often have trouble even getting to a streak of 3 without running into a wall of Surak-ack-ack-ack-ack.


  • So I don’t see where the Gauntlet end time has any impact on the legendary drops

    Based on recieving point of caretaker from my fleetmates ( dont have another point of reference) lenght of streak is not important. But what is, that they , in big procentage, for it after winning previous gauntlet. So they winn gauntlet and in next one at some moment they got it.
    That way general idea of my question. To allow europian players that work and can not afford beeing awake in 2.00 to have chance to winn gauntlet .
    I think there is no need going into gauntlet strategy or how most of it is very often resolved in last 1 hour of it.
  • Funny i thought this post would read like this: Is there a possibility...
    That gauntlet is rigged?
    Answer: yes
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think winning a gauntlet is important in and of itself. It's more the number of gauntlet prize boxes you open.
  • I don't think winning a gauntlet is important in and of itself. It's more the number of gauntlet prize boxes you open.

    I inclined to agree and say that is only RNG question.
    There is no rule in streaks. Some got it after 9th battle, some after 21 or higher. What is common, as i said, they did, in big procentage won previous.

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't think winning a gauntlet is important in and of itself. It's more the number of gauntlet prize boxes you open.

    I inclined to agree and say that is only RNG question.
    There is no rule in streaks. Some got it after 9th battle, some after 21 or higher. What is common, as i said, they did, in big procentage won previous.

    Of the six total gauntlet legendary crew I’ve gotten, two were from 3-win streaks, two were from 9-win streaks, and two were from end-of-gauntlet rewards. I cannot recall where I ranked when I got my second Guinan but my third Caretaker came from a 41st-place finish. For what it’s worth, I have never done better than 4th and usually end up between 15th and 25th.
  • Dr. Creon (¥SA)Dr. Creon (¥SA) ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    I don't think winning a gauntlet is important in and of itself. It's more the number of gauntlet prize boxes you open.

    I inclined to agree and say that is only RNG question.
    There is no rule in streaks. Some got it after 9th battle, some after 21 or higher. What is common, as i said, they did, in big procentage won previous.

    Of the six total gauntlet legendary crew I’ve gotten, two were from 3-win streaks, two were from 9-win streaks, and two were from end-of-gauntlet rewards. I cannot recall where I ranked when I got my second Guinan but my third Caretaker came from a 41st-place finish. For what it’s worth, I have never done better than 4th and usually end up between 15th and 25th.

    Pretty similar story for me. I have won the gauntlet once though...only got stuff I didn't need. Have 3 guinans all won by streaks 3rd, around 12th, and cannot remember the last one won. And I have 1 caretaker won by getting 15th place or so in the gauntlet. I have to agree with the sentiment here that winning doesn't help and many of my fleet mates report the same.

    I can understand the frustration from the OP though. Daily reset is at midnight for me and I wish it was a different time. Some in my fleet have to deal with events starting at 9am which always puts them behind in most events and they feel like sometimes it's too hard to catch up. With all that said, not sure how DB can fix this to make it fair for everyone in every scenario without causing mass confusion (by rotating times things happen for example).
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wouldnt mind the times moving around on gauntlet. Currently you cannot change the end time but you can change your start time. I start mine when I have twelve hours before I sleep so that I can get three rounds in on the first day and it helps towards getting a lead. I have found streak boxes especially the ones like 3 and 6 streak boxes to be better at giving a locutus or caregiver than the end reward boxes.
    Let’s fly!
  • My personal strategy is to always fight the crew on the right side, and win as few trophies as possible, so I can have 40 50 win streaks and get some 4* items my crew needs. Still no Caretaker since I started in July.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    FWIW, I got 1 Caretaker from a 12 streak and 4 from end boxes. I also had a streak of 4 gauntlet wins in a row where I got none. It's random.
  • I have 5 caretakers. Every single time I got one was almost immediately after winning the previous gauntlet and then hitting a 3 or 6 win streak in the subsequent gauntlet..

    Anyone noticed caretakers dropping more frequently after winning the previous gauntlet?
  • I lucked out with one Caretaker. I’ve only been playing since March and got him a few months ago. I can’t remember where I finished, but it wasn’t high.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve been lucky to get caretaker twice but never ranking top spot, one was from ranking around 25th spot and the other was the luckiest ever after 3 wins. I’ve given up ranking 1st because Ive got the achievement reward and am dubious that the rewards are any much better (certainly chance wise) and you only get 3 crates of a blue item or sometimes a purple or something equippable like just wow, I’d rather stay in the 7 crate zone and have seven chances at a caretaker and you still get very similar, if not same only more, rewards.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have one Locutus, 6 Guinans and 1 caretaker,. Most were from streak crates and I think one was from 3rd placed finish.

    These days I just farm the gauntlet for Merits.

    DB: Do Better
  • I don’t think I won any of my Guinans/Caretakers on a gauntlet win, of which I had several. I do remember getting one on a 3-streak, and another on a 12. I barely see any correlation between either wins or streak lengths to the prizes.
  • I think its not important to open the boxes right after the end of a round. I have 4 Caretakers, 2 from streak , 2 from the final lootboxes. I am from Norway, play my last fights at 12pm , then 2 hours later the gauntlet ends and I open the boxes at 5am, another 3 hours later.
    To win the gauntlet is not the biggest problem if you are from Europe, you can win enough points before the other guys play the last rounds after you. If you have a lead of 600 points there are not many players who will reach you later. I win probably 4 of 10 and place in the top3 another 4 of 10 rounds.
  • Everyone you ask got the majority of their Gautlet legendaries on low streaks (12 or less). I got 9 total drops, only 1 was above 12 (21) and one from a crate reward. All the rest were from low streaks.
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    It's basically Russian roulette where instead of leaving one bullet in, they only took one bullet out.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Everyone you ask got the majority of their Gautlet legendaries on low streaks (12 or less). I got 9 total drops, only 1 was above 12 (21) and one from a crate reward. All the rest were from low streaks.

    How many people realistically get streaks longer than 12 on a regular basis, though? Routinely getting streaks that long or longer is going to require dil and merits to be sustainable or repeatable. Whether or not longer streaks have a higher chance of dropping the featured legendary crew, bias is evident by the sheer number of people who get 3-, 6-, and 9-win streaks.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I admit that my streak length has dramatically decreased over the last 9 months. I used to get regular 18streaks at the start of a gauntlet. Now I'm lucky if I make 3.
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    You see most gauntlet 5*s won from "low streaks" of 3-12 because that's the largest number of streaks. It's just a matter of numbers and luck. The difference from the lowest chance box to the highest chance box is probably less than .3%, at the most. Just open the most boxes. Finishing 11-15 is better than 1-10, finishing 21-25 is better than 16-20.
    Just focus on streaks, higher is a little better because you might get better gear, and never finish between 5th and 10th.
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