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Is there a possibility...



  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    My initial reaction to this thread was that shared by most people responding here. Not saying I've necessarily changed my mind, but this afternoon I experienced something that could only be described as supportive of the OP's original question; I was ranked 55th in my Gauntlet with 60 seconds remaining. I checked back 61 seconds later and I finished in 68th position. I lost 13 positions in the final 60 seconds.

    This is only a single data point, but it was also pretty eye-opening.
  • Ofc, that everyone looking at issue from own perspective. And as i do know something about games and their construction i was sure that it is only question of RNG. But when same things occurs constantly one has to start wonder. But as some respective players stated, it is hard to set time that would be convinient for all.
    In one of games that i played earlier events also had starting and closing time wit exception over the weekend. So during workdays they started at 9 p.m and ended 1.00 a.m but on weekends events started 4.00 p.m and ended 8.00 p.m. ( for europians GMT +1 ).
    It is also good to have more info from players from other fleets and reading about their expiriences.
    Lets hope then that RNG will show our number :)
  • I just had a round where a 45% had 6 out of 6 crits and my 65% only had 2 out of 6 crits. Guess what? It was on the third round. I lost. Shocking.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just had a round where a 45% had 6 out of 6 crits and my 65% only had 2 out of 6 crits. Guess what? It was on the third round. I lost. Shocking.

    Rule 2 strikes again!
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    NivenFres wrote: »
    0 Locutus (wasn't ranking real high during this time)

    2 Guinans ... Both streaks of 3 (starting to get better at ranking)

    1 Caretaker ... Streak of 6
    1 Caretaker from final boxes (out of many 1sts and a few top 10s)

    My general experience, most of those top tier lootboxes are just 3* items.

    When you are referring to "streaks", what do you mean? I won 14 rounds in a row once, is that a "streak"? And I have no idea how to win Guinan or the Caretaker.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • NivenFres wrote: »
    0 Locutus (wasn't ranking real high during this time)

    2 Guinans ... Both streaks of 3 (starting to get better at ranking)

    1 Caretaker ... Streak of 6
    1 Caretaker from final boxes (out of many 1sts and a few top 10s)

    My general experience, most of those top tier lootboxes are just 3* items.

    When you are referring to "streaks", what do you mean? I won 14 rounds in a row once, is that a "streak"? And I have no idea how to win Guinan or the Caretaker.

    Yes, that's a streak. Every streak of 3 consecutive wins gives a chance at the featured gauntlet crew so at 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. consecutive wins you have a chance to win one. You also have a chance to win one at the end of the gauntlet when you open the boxes you get for your gauntlet rank. There is no way to win Guinan from the gauntlet now as she was the last featured gauntlet crew so you can currently only win The Caretaker.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    NivenFres wrote: »
    0 Locutus (wasn't ranking real high during this time)

    2 Guinans ... Both streaks of 3 (starting to get better at ranking)

    1 Caretaker ... Streak of 6
    1 Caretaker from final boxes (out of many 1sts and a few top 10s)

    My general experience, most of those top tier lootboxes are just 3* items.

    When you are referring to "streaks", what do you mean? I won 14 rounds in a row once, is that a "streak"? And I have no idea how to win Guinan or the Caretaker.

    Yes, that's a streak. Every streak of 3 consecutive wins gives a chance at the featured gauntlet crew so at 3, 6, 9, 12, etc. consecutive wins you have a chance to win one. You also have a chance to win one at the end of the gauntlet when you open the boxes you get for your gauntlet rank. There is no way to win Guinan from the gauntlet now as she was the last featured gauntlet crew so you can currently only win The Caretaker.

    Ok. I've gone on many streaks then, and have never seen a crew. Must be bad luck, lol.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    To move the finish time would only shift the burden onto players elsewhere in the world. Timezones will always be an issue in global games, but sometimes they benefit us. As a Bri I find the event start and finish times to be perfect, as well as the chron boosts. How does that compare for someone in California? The first chron boost is around 4am?

    I think that this is one of those "it is what it is" situations, just the nature of the game.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jojospok23 wrote: »
    .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    To move the finish time would only shift the burden onto players elsewhere in the world. Timezones will always be an issue in global games, but sometimes they benefit us. As a Bri I find the event start and finish times to be perfect, as well as the chron boosts. How does that compare for someone in California? The first chron boost is around 4am?

    I think that this is one of those "it is what it is" situations, just the nature of the game.

    I believe chron boosts are based off your home time zone. You always see them at Noon/6/9 local. I am EST and have always gotten them at that time.

    As for gauntlet, I would think you could make them all last 48 hrs rather than always ending at 00:00UTC. Or at least a rolling 2 hour window (so they always last between 46 and 48 hrs).

    Events are trickier because they encompass the whole player base into one event..
  • Peachtree, that would make the most sense. A time window, an hour or two slot based upon your start time rather than moving the endpoint for everyone.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    I played all the time zones a year ago between Oct-Nov travels. Conclusion. Australians have it worst followed by Asia. Europe is OK in the middle but that’s where most of the complaining about time zones comes from. East coast USA is good and the most optimal is West coast where you can get your daily arena battles and reset at 10pm while events start and end at 9am.
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    .... that gauntlet closing time moves? Since looks like that getting a caretaker is somehow connected with winning the gauntlet and gauntlet ends for europians between 00.00 and 2.00 there are some of us that can not afford beeing awake. You know , job, traveling to work and so on.

    My initial reaction to this thread was that shared by most people responding here. Not saying I've necessarily changed my mind, but this afternoon I experienced something that could only be described as supportive of the OP's original question; I was ranked 55th in my Gauntlet with 60 seconds remaining. I checked back 61 seconds later and I finished in 68th position. I lost 13 positions in the final 60 seconds.

    This is only a single data point, but it was also pretty eye-opening.

    There's an interesting ranking display bug (feature?) Where the rank shown at the top doesn't necessarily match your ranking.

    I can't count the number of times its showed me ranked X, but on the list itself I was ranked X + Y
  • many a gauntlet
    have I won with nary a
    Caretaker captured

    There's your problem. I kept getting top 5 or top 3. Then one day I forgot my last round, and ended up 13th. and 4th reward box unlocked - yep, my 5th Caretaker!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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