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Hailing Starfleet...

It's Sunday afternoon again and connection issues occur again.

After skirmish battle, getting rewards: Hailing starfleet...
Try to open voyage log: Hailing starfleet... (possibly losing voyage but whatever)
Tried to sign in in the forum from mobile: log in form do not even load.

I wrote it from my laptop, that auto logged me in.


  • On Facebook game does not even load in.
  • And problem here. Seems to be OK now though.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Can't log in. Android.
  • Took me six tries to log in, went to my dilemma, and it just hangs. Game wouldn't respond, and I can't get back in now, just sits at "Communicating with Starfleet"
  • I started a thread in the engine room, likely connected. Can get in on cell data but not wifi. Wifi works perfectly. Same issue wife account different Android device
  • Same. Can’t get in.
  • Stuck on ... Communicating with Starfleet.
  • It works with mobile net, but have to turn off wifi.
  • Same here actually. WiFi won’t connect to the game, but can on 4G Mobile.

    Never encountered an issue like that before.. strange that several of us have the same issue.

    For reference, I’m a UK based player on Vodafone for Mobile and Virgin Media for WiFi.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    DB please tell us your aware or working on this
  • This is bizarre. I'm a virgin customer and could not log in. I've got a VPN account too though and when I activate that I can log in, so it looks like it might be a blocked IP through virgin (at least in my case).
  • Can't connect, or update, via steam either.
  • Another in UK who can connect with phone (3), but not with wifi (Virgin)...
  • With the cell / wifi / VPN trifecta juggling act, i wonder if it's their IpV6 support that went down or got misconfigured. A lot of vpns don't have stable V6 and I have no idea about cellular. If they also are generally v6'less then perhaps someone having issues connecting via of/laptop should test disabling IpV6 then try again.
  • It looks like the issue is with the internet connection - not necessarily on DB end
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    UK Virginmedia customers complain by calling 150
  • VioletBlue wrote: »
    It looks like the issue is with the internet connection - not necessarily on DB end

    How did this conclusion come up ?
    Everything else seems to work just fine

  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Everyone connects to the internet using things called DNS and IP routing tables that are local to your ISP. They all share and swap info. There is an invalid record in your ISP. We know this because when a phone network or VPN is used different DNS used that don't have the glitches record hence IP packets are routed correctly.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Everything else works fine because only one record out of millions or billions is glitched.
  • I was glad I finally logged in, then tried to click on voyage and stuck on hailing starfleet again ... which DNS record is correct and which incorrect? BTW, UPC, czech republic ... although I might be using different DNS ...
  • I have problems accesing the game from within my Wi-Fi, but when I use the Phone provider, it works! The problem is that in Argentina Internet Mobile speed is not exactly good.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Then shouldn't everything we do with those glitched connections produce similar errors in other applications ?

    And the fact that sooooo many of us are having the same problem at the same time all over the world with the one same game..

    Suggests that is something wrong at DBs end.

  • My Ipv4 versus IpV6 theory makes much more sense
  • There must be one or several links down from a big Routing Company because there seems to be people from different places not able to use the game over their home connections. It would no be crazy thinking DB might be connected to them too and that connection might be making all of us having trouble...
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Then shouldn't everything we do with those glitched connections produce similar errors in other applications ?

    No, if it is a routing issue it doesn’t work like that. Your game is trying to reach the server to login and confirm almost every action, so it’s looking for a specific address on the internets. There might be an issue somewhere where the information is being sent to one place, but should be being sent somewhere else.
    Other applications and internet activities continue to work fine because there’s nothing wrong with the ‘route’ taken to reach their server.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    The other possibility I think is that one of DB’s servers has crashed/overloaded. Depending on how DB load balance players between their servers (could be based on ID, your IP address, or random rotations, for example), it may be 25% of players are directed to a specific server (of many) but that server is kaput right now.
  • Aye for the lucky players tho still trying in the event have an open field with most of us locked out :(
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Aye for the lucky players tho still trying in the event have an open field with most of us locked out :(

    If you’re locked out then I do feel bad for you and hope CS will address it properly.

    I am not sure it’s most players though, we’ve only had 2 report it in our fleet though I have seen a couple of other players in the Line groups. Best guess 10-25%?
  • Then shouldn't everything we do with those glitched connections produce similar errors in other applications ?

    No, if it is a routing issue it doesn’t work like that. Your game is trying to reach the server to login and confirm almost every action, so it’s looking for a specific address on the internets. There might be an issue somewhere where the information is being sent to one place, but should be being sent somewhere else.
    Other applications and internet activities continue to work fine because there’s nothing wrong with the ‘route’ taken to reach their server.

    It just doesn't work as the problem is with SO many of us having it at the same time in the same specific way around the world.

    If it was just me and the other guy from Canada.. ok ! Its a dns resolution failure..
    1 in a billion issue as you said.

    Theres at least 20 of us around the world at the same time having the same problem What's the commonality ?

    It could be a main balancing routing server, but I would guess our connection would then be intermittent based on server load. This has been constantly down for over 5 hours now.

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