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Who should be the #1 MED crew?



  • Dr. Schweitzer... no, Dr. Shmullus... wait no, Dr. Van Gogh. Ah screw it... the EMH.

    I know many don't like Voyager, but Picardo is just a great actor and plays the EMH very well. There are so many episodes about the EMH that stand out over any other series' doctors.
  • edited October 2017

    Dr. Phillip Boyce. Give me a Dr that'll prescribe a shot of whiskey and a pack of Lucky's. http://memory-alpha.wikia.com/wiki/Philip_Boyce
    eXo | Z•A•P•P
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    It's reasonable to assume that Borg technology had advanced to a point where the outdated research would no longer be useful, is it not?
    Wasn't it Borg from "First Contact' and thus Borg from the future?

    Just guessing, buy maybe because those Borg were wrecked to Gre'thor and back by being blown up in orbit then taking a nap in the snow for a century, the tech level they manifested once they were up and about was heavily reliant on the tech they assimilated in the process. Like the Replicators (the Stargate ones, not the food dispensers) on the submarine being weaker because all they had to make more of themselves out of was primitive metals, not their usual fancy space-alloys - maybe the nanoprobes Phlox dealt with were weak because those Borg only had a crummy United Earth ship to work with.

    (Somewhere on the assimilated Arctic One, there was this one Borg sat in front of a screen thinking "Okay, so I've got enough iron to make a level 2 forge, then that can make us some level 2 iron, we've got some carbon so we can use that to make it into steel, then... how far up the tech tree is tritanium? Why does a level 5 nanoprobe factory need Ender Pearls anyway, where the heck are we supposed to find those?")
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Magisse wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Its crap like that that makes Enterprise look sloppy. Ferengi first contact as well.
    Hey now, even TNG didn't get that very well. That first snarling Ferengi episode with the laser whips? Ugh.

    TNG Was a lil ugly with a few missteps. It just didn't create another First Contact when First Contact wasn't going to happen for more than a hundred years like Enterprise did. Oh yeah. Enterprise folks just didn't ever keep records of anything or logs either. Yeah thats the ticket.

    No comparison in the least. If you think laser whips makes the TNG thing better than yet another completely wrong continuity, I've got a 3d Kaleidoscope you can use so you can have pretty pictures.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    It's reasonable to assume that Borg technology had advanced to a point where the outdated research would no longer be useful, is it not?
    Wasn't it Borg from "First Contact' and thus Borg from the future?

    Just guessing, buy maybe because those Borg were wrecked to Gre'thor and back by being blown up in orbit then taking a nap in the snow for a century, the tech level they manifested once they were up and about was heavily reliant on the tech they assimilated in the process. Like the Replicators (the Stargate ones, not the food dispensers) on the submarine being weaker because all they had to make more of themselves out of was primitive metals, not their usual fancy space-alloys - maybe the nanoprobes Phlox dealt with were weak because those Borg only had a crummy United Earth ship to work with.

    (Somewhere on the assimilated Arctic One, there was this one Borg sat in front of a screen thinking "Okay, so I've got enough iron to make a level 2 forge, then that can make us some level 2 iron, we've got some carbon so we can use that to make it into steel, then... how far up the tech tree is tritanium? Why does a level 5 nanoprobe factory need Ender Pearls anyway, where the heck are we supposed to find those?")

    Thats some heavy logical gymnastics, even the East German judge would give you a 9.5 for style and effort.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the Federation had no futher contact with the Borg, and had more pressing matters with Klingons and Romulans and such, it's easy to see how no one would make the connection once TNG rolled around. There was alot of time between Enterprise and TNG. Enough time for Phlox's research on nanoprobes to be forgotten over the centuries, buried in the notes amoung the other discoveries he made, lost in computer whipe, suppressed by Section 31 or stolen by temporal agents.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the Federation had no futher contact with the Borg, and had more pressing matters with Klingons and Romulans and such, it's easy to see how no one would make the connection once TNG rolled around. There was alot of time between Enterprise and TNG. Enough time for Phlox's research on nanoprobes to be forgotten over the centuries, buried in the notes amoung the other discoveries he made, lost in computer whipe, suppressed by Section 31 or stolen by temporal agents.

    Along with the Ferrengi notes, and all other manner of contact that was then 'new' again in TNG and other places. Make it funny once, shame on me for nit picking. Make it a habit and you just don't care as a writer.
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