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Why do so many of you encourage your fleets NOT to upgrade the reclamation rooms in your star bases?

I keep seeing all over the discussion boards how the reclamation rooms in your star bases are considered to be less worthy than the others, and so many of you wish you could lock your members out from being able to contribute to them. The truth of it is, the Dynamic Reclamation Unit provides players with one-star Dynamic Replicator Rations, and the Advanced Reclamation Unit provides players with one-star Advanced Replicator Rations. These items can be useful in helping players to replicate items they might not have, or to save their stock of what they do have for other builds.

I'd love to hear your input on why you think these rooms should be shunned. Please be sure to like this post, if you think it's a worthwhile discussion, too!

Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.

We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family.
We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.

Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.

It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.

All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.

WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.

If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.

Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.

Best Answers

  • Our fleet does not have any such directives. However, our starbase is not maxed out yet with base and proficiency roll upgrades. Most of our fleet is not lacking in replicator rations or supplies, so it makes sense for us to prioritize stat upgrades before increasing our supplies.

    It all depends on what your fleet needs. If it is a newer fleet with newer players, it might make sense to go for replicator rations before stat upgrades.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    If your fleet is scratching for replicator fuel, then upgrading those should be a priority.

    Personally, I would probably have to stop building 5* items for weeks and just replicate in order to make a dent in my current backlog of potential replicator fuel.

    The rooms are there as a safety valve for the chron rewards from the fleet daily quests. The replicator ration reward from there is actually worth a similar amount of replicator fuel to the starbase components actually used to produce it. In short, it's literally a trash compactor.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018 Answer ✓
    Simple Answer: They are less worthy.

    Most players don t have any issues at all with replicator stuff, since u can use almost everything for replicator, not just replicator rations.

    Including the starbase components directly.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    There are 2 basic reasons some players are not wanting fleet members to contribute to the 'Dynamic Reclamation Unit' specifically:

    # 1: Holoemitters are a limited resource for many fleets, and they want them directed to rooms that provide a permanent bonus of some type instead of Replicator Rations, because …

    # 2: Many seasoned players have far more replicator fuel than they need. This is due to what they acquire from Voyages, plus Ship Schematics for Ships they already have maxed, plus having more Trainers than they will ever use (many players reached the inventory max of 32,767 for Dynamic Officer Training units and the only use for these is then to put them into the Replicator)

    After having noted the above, I am still not be a fan of the proposed change to have fleet leaders be able to lock out players from contributing to a specific Starbase room - I like the idea of players being free to donate where they like, and maintaining the current system where fleet leaders only "recommend" rooms for donations.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    The 4* Ration room takes 60k Polymers and 60k Tritanium. A fleet of 50 fully active people, with max donations each day, would take 4 full days of donations to fill the room and get 5 of the purple 4* Rations as a reward.

    For example, 5 of the purple 4* rations are worth 50% of the replication power (with SB and Collection bonuses this may vary per person) of a purple item. 700 components are worth 12.5%. 4 days of 700 components = 50% of a purple item in the replicator. They are literally the same.

    Thanks for the math Frank. I was wondering which would have been the most efficient and was looking for a pen to do some cocktail napkin math. Saves me the effort.

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018 Answer ✓
    I have an abundance of rep rations, ship schematics, trainers and even star-base components that can be replicated directly.

    Having more of them would be completely worthless.

    These rooms are only a 'gap filler' so big fleets that have completed all the useful/worthy rooms don't loose their 100 daily chronos.
    DB: Do Better
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    For myself I have thousands of rep ration, tens of thousands of ship schems and so many trainers I keep running into the quantity cap. Plus stat boosts are just much more useful for everyone in our fleet.
  • Answer ✓
    All the points above are correct, and I'd add one other: you can always just use the starbase components you'd put in the replicator rooms as replicator fuel directly.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    All the points above are correct, and I'd add one other: you can always just use the starbase components you'd put in the replicator rooms as replicator fuel directly.

    Yes and considering how many components you have to dump to get a few rations, you would get more fuel from the components than from completing the room anyway

  • RogueAngylRogueAngyl ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    We loaded up the 4* reclaimator when it first came out. It was a nice way to get chronitons bonuses during a holiday shortage. Getting only one payout and having to start over was quite the buzzkill.
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    The short of it is: Unless your starbase is maxed, the reclamation rooms are a moderate or catastrophic waste of resources.

    The fact that this forum thread exists is kind of proof of why many fleets would like to be able to block these rooms. The OP has asked a reasonable question, but many wouldn’t and would probably donate in blissful ignorance.
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Upgrading the max chron transporter room would almost fall into the same category for all but the lower level fleets. We have been getting rogue donations into that for months.
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    The chronos room can benefit people doing skirmishes. I spend as I get them but I wait till 225 to do so. Any more means I am capped and don't get my 1 per 6 minute tick. Every little bit helps.

    If I didn't have it 225 would not work and I would have to stop more.

    Past that only once a day people could use it and that's a waste honestly.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Emmett K wrote: »
    The chronos room can benefit people doing skirmishes. I spend as I get them but I wait till 225 to do so.

    I still use the free trickle charge sometimes, but I don’t understand why you would wait to hit 225 (or whatever your cap is). There’s little benefit in waiting.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I'm not telling you how you or your fleet should play the game. But if someone is throwing items in those rooms before the starbase is level 134, they are wasting items.

    That is the best summation I've seen



  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages fill my chrons faster than I can use them.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Voyages fill my chrons faster than I can use them.

    Spend those chrons on useful missions. Throw excess material into the replicator. The amount of 1* ID Codes I need is much, much larger than the amount of Basic Spices I need. Running Deadly Disruptions gives me the 1* ID Codes. And also 12411 Basic Spices. Which I could throw into the replicator except for all the trainers and schematics I'm swimming in.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    Upgrading the max chron transporter room would almost fall into the same category for all but the lower level fleets. We have been getting rogue donations into that for months.

    there is some one in our fleet that does it pretty consistently. Attempts to ID this person have failed. The Adm is pretty upset about it.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • You are in a fleet, not a rogue maverick solo player. Do what is best for the fleet or leave the fleet for a loner role.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a really easy question to answer.

    Mathematically, you're better off just putting the components themselves into the replicator. The replicator rations are worth that little.

    It actually drains more resources than it gives you.

    It's really only good for the daily chrons, which, if you can get them through actually upgrading a room, that's all the better.
  • Our fleet is pretty laid back. We're only at lvl 91, but the Fleet Admiral has indicated it's up to the individual which room to donate in.

    My personal choices are: (after our replicator savings & bonus rooms were already finished)

    Core Skill bonus rooms first (No sense in advancing proficiency if the core skill isn't up first IMHO)
    Chrons, to help out the lower level captains
    Skill proficiency rooms
    replicator rations dead last – only when you are unable to donate to other rooms. (Which there is no excuse, since we constantly remind the fleet to do as many space battles to accrue holoemmiters as much as possible.)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • We've got a few errant donations piling up in the reclamation rooms too. Pretty sure that everyone here doesn't need a couple rations, or benefits more from the other bonuses. Rations and things that can be used as them are easy to stock up even on newer accounts. The stats rooms are permanent and benefit all the people.

    We vote on the rough order to upgrade the rooms and room types, but haven't included the reclamation rooms in the poll because there's low to anti-interest. Maybe it could be included next time so our errant donor will see. ;)

    It's the bottomless pit we've been asking for, for when we're maxed and much thanks to DB for doing it. Echoing wishes for a way to lock them out for now.
  • I keep seeing all over the discussion boards how the reclamation rooms in your star bases are considered to be less worthy than the others, and so many of you wish you could lock your members out from being able to contribute to them. The truth of it is, the Dynamic Reclamation Unit provides players with one-star Dynamic Replicator Rations, and the Advanced Reclamation Unit provides players with one-star Advanced Replicator Rations. These items can be useful in helping players to replicate items they might not have, or to save their stock of what they do have for other builds.

    I'd love to hear your input on why you think these rooms should be shunned. Please be sure to like this post, if you think it's a worthwhile discussion, too!

    Swap 750x honor or 1500x honor and you get the same Replication units.

    The rooms do not increase in level to get larger amounts of Replications. They just restart if completed. Once allrooms are completed or you are at Hololockout then to get the Chroniton bonuses for the fleet the Replication room were added so players could still donate 700 daily
  • If your base isn't maxed, you're better off contributing to real rooms.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is a really easy question to answer.

    Mathematically, you're better off just putting the components themselves into the replicator. The replicator rations are worth that little.

    It actually drains more resources than it gives you.

    It's really only good for the daily chrons, which, if you can get them through actually upgrading a room, that's all the better.

    My favourite summary so far.

    This is why it’s dangerous to have an ‘open donations’ (to any room) fleet policy. You will have a portion of members that don’t understand just how wasteful the reclamator is unless you’ve fully maxed the other rooms.

    Look at it another way - a majority of players might want to give these rooms a pop just to see what they do... after a few months worth of investment and some scraps of replicator rations thrown back, you’re now much further behind in terms of long lasting skill boosts.

    But, the reason behind these reclamator rooms is valid. 2 or 3 times historically some fleets have hit the caps and lost out on chronitons from fleet goals. This is actually a good solution that many people had asked for.

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