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Do you like the new ranked rewards structure for events?

<TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
edited November 2018 in The Bridge
I figure instead of assuming anything, with the added benefit of possibly having a constructive way for us to share our opinions on the subject, I'd just go ahead and ask how everyone feels about the change now that we've gotten a taste of it.

So, I've attempted to forego more colorful wording in an attempt to cut the answers down to the bare bones and maybe make it more accurate.

Personally, I want it changed back, for multiple reasons. I'm sure I'll comment below at least a few times. I can't seem to shut up. :)

Edit to clarify: Yes, I am referring to having the next week's 5* in this week's ranked reward table.

Do you like the new ranked rewards structure for events? 144 votes

Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
Warrior WilloJeanLucKirkCaptain DurfCanAus ToddgarnerZombie Squirrel Travis S McClain[TLA]  84wbIrial[S14]SirManiacRaraRacingAggeTarrantPhotonKimPaladin 27SMM(HGH)ApolloCFOHSilverknightOdo MarmarosaSunshineRiker 43 votes
I don't really have an opinion here.
RocpileCaptain LostCapt. ChaosCaptain QPallidyne(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]Draiken78guest_757423444811776Capt. Pete Owencaptain_yarveX[7TW] Attack EyebrowsCaptain RomarKayJay47AandraaGogusAldudeDr. Creon (¥SA)MoDolphFox Van Vox 22 votes
No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
Skizzy • VIP0 • §ëuss_bonaventureStellar Ice[7TW] UnkieBizausome[7TW] Poots<TGE> DangerDrakeCaptain_WhoThe FishCaptainUnderpantsSSR Barkleymilamber42eXo | das411[TUFG] Siguard[QH] He-Who-MeowsJim RaynorTaskereXo | SilverRose (retired)Lady GaghgaghGeneral McDuck 63 votes
Other - feel free to share in a comment.
[DC] PrincipiaV.Jim SteeleCommander Sinclair[SJ] Admiral AkiBanjo1012My_Name[FSC] Adm: Gryphon[ET] dee[10F] Belle'Anna {DD} SmellyBingo von BongoIshmael MarxPrime LorcaST_DreadnoughtAdmiral Skywalker (SECOND FLEET HQ) 16 votes


  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I'm not sure it's made much difference to me one way or the other.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
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  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
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    what is the new structure? earning character for the following week? if so I have no opinion.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • I don't really have an opinion here.
    Since I usually do threshold and out, I don't really care.
    Most anticipated character not in the game: Mr. Homn
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I like that I'm able to earn someone and turn around and immediately use them. With so many 1/5s lying around that aren't quite as strong as many of my 4/4s, I appreciate getting to use them for at least a weekend before they sit in obscurity, waiting to show up in a begold six months later (unless they're actually strong enough to justify spending honour on).

    That's not to say there isn't still work to be done to spread out the tiers, but this has been a net positive for me.
  • Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I personally like the new event structure of getting next weeks event crew as the reward. Truly rewards players for playing hard. The ranked rewards still need to be changed to a percentage based system due to the many more players than when we started having events. I think for this reward structure to truly work we do need to know next weeks event type details before this event starts. That could definitely play a part in deciding how hard to participate for the ranked reward.
  • I personally like the new event structure of getting next weeks event crew as the reward. Truly rewards players for playing hard. The ranked rewards still need to be changed to a percentage based system due to the many more players than when we started having events. I think for this reward structure to truly work we do need to know next weeks event type details before this event starts. That could definitely play a part in deciding how hard to participate for the ranked reward.

    Does anyone who says this ever return to read more replies? multiple people on this forum have recently intentionally attempted to be in very last place in an event to see how many players there were total, and it had not changed in significant number from years past. There could still be more players in the game, but there do not appear to be more active event participants than in the past.
  • Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    Personally, I like it - having a 5* card for the entire event that they get max bonus for is a nice perk and has kinda spurred me to shoot for more <1k finishes.

    I'm curious: to those who liked it better before, why?
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I'd like it a lot better if we got full event info two weeks out, like we used to back in the day...
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    It creates a snowball effect for those who need it the least. That being said, it's the least of the issues events have right now. What event ranked rewards need is some sweeping changes like spreading out the good stuff, it's too top heavy and there are too many players.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't really have an opinion here.
    It doesn't really affect the way I play events. Even though it was nice to add a star to an existing character, now I get a new legendary "for free". If I was going for high rank, the current scheme would be preferable.
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    robownage wrote: »
    I like that I'm able to earn someone and turn around and immediately use them. With so many 1/5s lying around that aren't quite as strong as many of my 4/4s, I appreciate getting to use them for at least a weekend before they sit in obscurity, waiting to show up in a begold six months later (unless they're actually strong enough to justify spending honour on).

    That's not to say there isn't still work to be done to spread out the tiers, but this has been a net positive for me.

    What robownage said. Also, I understand why big spenders don't like it. They lose their advantage of being the only one with the 5* gold event crew for the event.
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I hate this new reward structure. It's far too grindy, and the waterfall effect is killer. It's also highlighting a key weakness of DB's - which is the inability to provide timely and accurate information - on a promised schedule. See: it's 4 PM ET and we don't know the info for next week's event, which is where we will be using this Data we're competing for.

    But, we also need to do something about the bottleneck / absolutely unfun grind for top 1k and the uselessness of ranking 26-50. The rewards needed an overhaul, but this particular overhaul was not needed.

    What she said.
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    The whole Ranking rewards for Solo & Squad need a total revamp.

    Different events give different rewards sometimes top 25 get 2x 5* other events it's top 15 to get 2x 5*

    Top 3k need a 5* crewmember

    There are 100k or more players so giving the 3% a 5* would be product building exercise.
    Similarly focusing on the top 15 or 25 inhibits competition.
    Why have a top 50 Leaderboard? If they don't get 2 or 3 5* crewmembers?
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    Hamsters2 wrote: »
    What robownage said. I understand why big spenders don't like it. They lose their advantage of being the only one with the 5* gold event crew for the event.

    I really hate when people talk about how others play and assume the reasons, often incorrect, for disliking things.

    The reward change has actually been largely neutral for my VIP14 accounts, because I'm able to scoop up gold cards with effort, if I so choose or buy them as I normally would. Honestly, I'm sitting in second right now without even a 1/5 Silva and I've got so much other bonus crew that I won't bother buying. I'm competing for Data to save the $100 spend for next week.

    This switch has been very rough on my VIP0, which doesn't have the deep bench that my other accounts do, and therefore needs to hit top 1k week in, week out in order to get the 1/5 bonus card to get a competitive push. The waterfall effect has been particularly killer there.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
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    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I usually decide if I'm going for the top 1k after doing some pulls. If I get the 5*, I go for the top 1k, if not, a lazy threshold run is the goal.

    With the new reward structure it is impossible and I lost the fun in trying to pull event packs.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I personally like the new event structure of getting next weeks event crew as the reward. Truly rewards players for playing hard. The ranked rewards still need to be changed to a percentage based system due to the many more players than when we started having events. I think for this reward structure to truly work we do need to know next weeks event type details before this event starts. That could definitely play a part in deciding how hard to participate for the ranked reward.

    Does anyone who says this ever return to read more replies? multiple people on this forum have recently intentionally attempted to be in very last place in an event to see how many players there were total, and it had not changed in significant number from years past. There could still be more players in the game, but there do not appear to be more active event participants than in the past.

    Mostly, I think they don't really care about that.

    I've had this argument more than once, and I think it boils down to the perception that events are harder now. And of course they are, everyone has more resources. And I don't really know what, if anything, should be done about that.

    Wanting it to be easier is a completely valid opinion, though. I don't think I can really compare the way it was a year ago with the way it is now, though, given that I only started to try to hit top 1k recently.
  • Thorozar Thorozar ✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I must have forgot how the old structure was, but how did we used to get the 5* crew in the subsequent event other than buying it? What did having the next event crew in top 1k replace? Wasn't it always just some random 5* and now it is one that can be used next week?
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    But, we also need to do something about the bottleneck / absolutely unfun grind for top 1k and the uselessness of ranking 26-50. The rewards needed an overhaul, but this particular overhaul was not needed.

    There's also not that much difference between 76 and 1000. Oh, sure, you get some extra trainers, but voyages should have you covered there, you get 150 extra merits, and you get 7 premium pulls instead of 3 premium pulls, but in my experience, that just means you get twice as many schematics for your effort.

    And the difference between 76 and 750 gets even narrower with 5 versus 7 premium pulls.

    As for new-versus-old, I just find the new method confusing, because I'm so used to playing it the other way. It also complicates things because I might be compelled to play for a 1/5 that I might not otherwise go for, if it helps me in the following week, except I don't know what the reward for the following week will be.

    With the old way, I never bought packs, so I basically just played to add a 1/5 to my roster if I *really* liked them, or if they were a shuttle, Gauntlet or Voyage monster (sorry Barclay and Phlox for not realizing how good you were on voyages). They were a reward unto themselves, instead of a means to an end.

  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I like it ... a couple of reasons why:

    - I don't put money into the game ... i.e. I do not buy event packs on the Wednesday ... so this is one way I can actually get use out of crew I get from getting top 1000! For example, I managed to get Captain Silva La Forge last week and she's doing well for me so far as a 1/5.
    If I'd get crew like Silva on Monday after the event she featured in, I'm not sure if and when I'd actually use her (because her stats are not stellar).

    - not really relevant now, but ... I used to have 40+ 4* crew at level 1 ... my main goal each week was to level crew associated with an upcoming event ... so, knowing that Data will be one of the crew means I'd have extra time levelling all my Data crew. I was always a mad rush to get associated crew levelled in time.
    The way it is now kinda feels like the old days to me ... when we knew a lot earlier in advance who the event crew would be. I wish they would have done it earlier.

    - I don't really care about crew stats etc. ... so, I'm not bothered about not knowing someone's exact ship battle stats or skills ... for me a 5* is great to get, no matter what. My main hinderance is the event type, I know I stand no chance in getting top 1000 in Galaxy events because I just do not have the time (or resources) to dedicate to achieve such a rank. For Faction, Skirmish, and Expedition I'll do well.

    A couple of addendums:
    - Have been playing since around July/Aug 2016 ... so I have built up an extensive crew during that time just because I've been playing so long.
    - Back in Dec. 2016 I did shell out for 2 monthly cards and I did buy a 10 for 10 deal in early 2017 ... so I'm not strictly f2p ... but haven't put a penny into the game since.
    - In general I rank between 1000 - 2000 for events, have only gotten top 1000 3 times, but I made an effort to do so last week during the Skirmish to get Silva ... i.e. the new reward structure fits my playing style.
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    I've always said I thought the structure that they've just now introduced made more sense to me as an impetus to spend/compete, because you're winning crew you can use later, versus winning crew you probably already just spent the time and money to FF in pursuit of a win.

    I think the timing and execution have been poor. Timing, because why make winning events an even stronger positive reinforcement loop right when we're having a rather large cheating issue with the newest event type, and execution, because if you don't know what the crew you're fighting for for the next week is fighting for, that renders the point slightly moot for anyone who isn't going to dump out their pockets every week.

    Remember back in the day when we'd received the promise of event information a month out? Actually meet that standard and the new reward structure is fine.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    - We don't know ship abilities before the event ends. This definitely matters if the next event is a skirmish event, but also matters in case a crew member is the next Killy (or Polywater Yar, lol), and their ship ability turns out to be very desirable.
    I'll give you this if you think that getting OP crew is improtant.

    - You can no longer use the variants of the crew you've collected in order to help you earn those crew. So, let's say you collect Jadzias, because you really like the character. Well, now your immortalized Jadzias aren't going to have an event bonus to help you get the next 5* Jadzia.
    Does it really matter which crew you use to obtain favourite crew? A boatload of Jadzias won't help if the event is Galaxy/Skirmish.

    - We also don't know the type of event we'll have next week for at least 24 hours after the current event starts. Or, in this case, we might not get the details today, which means we likely won't get them until Monday, after this event ends. So, I could theoretically spend a bunch of resources chasing a Data, and then turn around and thresholds and out next week because it turns out to be a galaxy.
    Does it matter? If you want the Data does it matter what event type it is the coming week? You got him so thresholds and out the week after is fine ... because you can't pick up more copies ... and if you really want a Data then do your best this week and coast it next week.

    - Player burnout. I like to pick and choose which weeks I want to top 1k, or save my resources and go for a much higher rank every once in a while. I'm not really sure what having this many 1/5s is going to achieve, long term. Oh hey, that brings me to...
    You still can pick and choose. No one is forcing you to play the event that features Data even though you picked him up the week before. You got the crew you wanted so thresholds and out ... this is exactly what I'm doing this week, I got Silva La Forge so it is thresholds and out because I don't care for the Data. Now, if I wanted the Data too, it'd be another story ... but this was the case for the old structure too, if I wanted crew three events in a row I'd have to play to that. Now if you like Weyoun you might want to pick up the Data ... event though he's not critical for Galaxy (but of definite use).

    - Crew slots. I don't have the crew slots to go for a 1/5 every week. I especially don't have the slots for that if I spend most of my chrons on getting top 1k in galaxy events and let my FF-not-FE backlog grow...
    This was the case for the old structure too ... you just got 1/5 crew and they never mattered anymore if they were unique (like Silva La Forge) and not main cast (e.g. Datas or Picards). Getting a 1/5 in any type of reward structure is getting a 1/5 ... my Silva is a 1/5 and will be so for a very long time I assume (am not holding my breath for her to feature in a behold), that doesn't matter if I get her at the end of this event or last event.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    Yes it makes the game interesting. Events had gotten dull but now there is much more at stake and you can then immediately use your new legendary the very next event.
    Let’s fly!
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I hate this new reward structure. It's far too grindy, and the waterfall effect is killer. It's also highlighting a key weakness of DB's - which is the inability to provide timely and accurate information - on a promised schedule. See: it's 4 PM ET and we don't know the info for next week's event, which is where we will be using this Data we're competing for.

    But, we also need to do something about the bottleneck / absolutely unfun grind for top 1k and the uselessness of ranking 26-50. The rewards needed an overhaul, but this particular overhaul was not needed.

    What she said.

    What they said. Plus this ranked but not bonus crew is just confusing.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I'm on the fence. It's nice to have the gold before the event however the pacj drop rates are so awful it's not worth trying to get the gold. Before I might have tried a punt and if the gold dropped I'd go all out in the event. Now there really is no point as 9 times out of ten I get multiple copies of crew which go out the airlock.
    DB: Do Better
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    But, we also need to do something about the bottleneck / absolutely unfun grind for top 1k and the uselessness of ranking 26-50. The rewards needed an overhaul, but this particular overhaul was not needed.

    There's also not that much difference between 76 and 1000. Oh, sure, you get some extra trainers, but voyages should have you covered there, you get 150 extra merits, and you get 7 premium pulls instead of 3 premium pulls, but in my experience, that just means you get twice as many schematics for your effort.

    And the difference between 76 and 750 gets even narrower with 5 versus 7 premium pulls.

    As for new-versus-old, I just find the new method confusing, because I'm so used to playing it the other way. It also complicates things because I might be compelled to play for a 1/5 that I might not otherwise go for, if it helps me in the following week, except I don't know what the reward for the following week will be.

    With the old way, I never bought packs, so I basically just played to add a 1/5 to my roster if I *really* liked them, or if they were a shuttle, Gauntlet or Voyage monster (sorry Barclay and Phlox for not realizing how good you were on voyages). They were a reward unto themselves, instead of a means to an end.

    I appreciate the break down.

    I think we can all agree, well everyone except DB apparently, that the reward structure itself needs a complete overhaul and or update.

    It basically boils down to this, unless you are going to rank top 100ish, depending on the event, you are going to end up with a single legendary no matter what you do, which you probably wont be able to upgrade for months, if ever. Welcome to the single Legendary graveyard. Who are the people that rank the top 100? Probably the people who need it the least lol, with the exception of those few who save for months and months. Can we throw the little guys a bone? or the medium guys? or just make it a bit more balanced;)

    Oh and good luck ever ranking top 10 in a faction event unless you wanna drop some cash:)
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    DeanWins wrote: »
    But, we also need to do something about the bottleneck / absolutely unfun grind for top 1k and the uselessness of ranking 26-50. The rewards needed an overhaul, but this particular overhaul was not needed.

    There's also not that much difference between 76 and 1000. Oh, sure, you get some extra trainers, but voyages should have you covered there, you get 150 extra merits, and you get 7 premium pulls instead of 3 premium pulls, but in my experience, that just means you get twice as many schematics for your effort.

    And the difference between 76 and 750 gets even narrower with 5 versus 7 premium pulls.

    As for new-versus-old, I just find the new method confusing, because I'm so used to playing it the other way. It also complicates things because I might be compelled to play for a 1/5 that I might not otherwise go for, if it helps me in the following week, except I don't know what the reward for the following week will be.

    With the old way, I never bought packs, so I basically just played to add a 1/5 to my roster if I *really* liked them, or if they were a shuttle, Gauntlet or Voyage monster (sorry Barclay and Phlox for not realizing how good you were on voyages). They were a reward unto themselves, instead of a means to an end.

    I appreciate the break down.

    I think we can all agree, well everyone except DB apparently, that the reward structure itself needs a complete overhaul and or update.

    It basically boils down to this, unless you are going to rank top 100ish, depending on the event, you are going to end up with a single legendary no matter what you do, which you probably wont be able to upgrade for months, if ever. Welcome to the single Legendary graveyard. Who are the people that rank the top 100? Probably the people who need it the least lol, with the exception of those few who save for months and months. Can we throw the little guys a bone? or the medium guys? or just make it a bit more balanced;)

    Oh and good luck ever ranking top 10 in a faction event unless you wanna drop some cash:)

    Basically we'd get far more value from a citation in the threshold than from a single 1/5* that is de facto airlock material because the odds of getting a copy are abysmal and it won't be in regular packs for months.

    I got silva la forge last week. Didn't bother upgrading her. She'll find her way to the airlock soon enough. It's not that she's terrible, but at 1/5 she's not really useful.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I don't like it as it provides yet another obstacle for newer players. Before this change if a newer player wanted to make a run to rank high enough to get meaningful rewards it was doable, but now that the 5* reward crew is needed for next week, many more "seasoned" players who otherwise might have just done the minimum to participate are now pushing harder collectively to finish in the top 1K, which has had the negative impact of boxing out newer players who are committing significant resources just trying to finish in the top 2K to get a couple 4* crew cards to actually improve their position in the game, effectively making it so newer players have no chance of a good finish.

    That being said, I think DB is on the right track. As it stands now I DESPISE the changes for the reasons above, but if the rankings were percentage based and not strictly a numerical finish (ie if the top 1% gets the top reward) then I would completely change and LOVE this new reward structure.

    There are simply too many of you players who have been playing forever and now that you all have incentive to try hard each weekend, there is much less point in the rest of us trying, so I am very much opposed to this new structure.
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    Sort of. At least you get to use the legendaries once.

    My crew, however, is rapidly stacking up with golds.

    My biggest grouch is that so far every time I have decided to pull packs to reinforce my newly acquired legendary the following week, the four star cards are so uninspiring or worse, fully fused, that I've decided to forgo spending dilithium there and put it back into voyages. My ability to pull.legendary crew from packs is appalling. I'm willing to risk it if I might get a useful purple in its place, otherwise no.

    It's a change, and I enjoy changes. It requires different strategies. That's good. But over time I may find myself ditching cards like Silva (who I can't see ever getting use in the future) just to save crew space.
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