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Do you like the new ranked rewards structure for events?



  • Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I like it better. I don’t buy the $99 packs and occasionally I might get a 5* from an event pack, but this change lets me start out the event with the fully leveled 5*, so I actually get to use them.

    With the previous structure, you got the reward AFTER the event was over so you couldn’t even use them.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I don’t have enough info to comment. I haven’t made the push in an event since this structure was instituted. I’m thinking I won’t like it though. If I went for it, I would buy the $100 offer and have at least three stars on the event crew. This way I won’t. I’m not going to burn resources the previous week to get someone I really don’t want just to use him once. Or is that how it works? Man, I’m still really confused.
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    i enjoy the change for the dramanit causes but since i barely play any more, it does not entice me to become more active.

    so if I was more active I'd hate it, otherwise i love watching to the dumpster fire.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I'm torn. It makes mega events feel more "mega". The rest of the time, it's just a thing that happens. There is one change that I would like to see regardless of whether event crew is useful the same week or the following week.

    I've played other phone games that base the rewards on percentage of participants. There is still better rewards for the #1 rank and so on, but after the top 50 or 100, the rewards are top 1%, then 5% and so on. It allows the game to scale as the player base grows. I like seeing new players, but hate to see them get discouraged.
    Farewell 🖖
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    There are two sticking points for me:
    1st we don’t know the next event format. Secondly the next event you might not want the next legendary so out goes the advantage, for example I want this data but I am not really going to be fussed if I don’t get weyoun particularly when it’s two galaxies and I will still have to find the chrons to level data. Which brings me to the second point.

    The reward structure was sped up not slowed down we received nog which is all well and good but at a time when I was still levelling event crew under the old regime and that was probably the reason I half burnt out mid way through the mega event.

    It may have brought in competition but I think it has put a strain on newer players or slightly more seasoned squadies.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I do like being able to earn a 5* that can be used right away.

    I hate the impact of the "waterfall" effect on those of us that are regularly in the top 1000. It makes it a lot harder to take an event week off, since you are actually impacting multiple weeks when you make that decision. And I agree with the observation above that this means newer players are being boxed out from the top 1000. I don't care about Weyoun 5, but I'm going to get him anyway because I might care about the next character in the following week, and Weyoun will help me earn him/her/it. Under the old system, someone else could have gotten Weyoun instead of me.

    I also hate that I am competing for character X but not using that character's variants (if they exist) to do so. Under the old system, if you want HMS Data, you benefit from having spent prior effort to accumulate variants of Data. Now, we need Silva La Forge and Morgan Bateson in order to chase Data. How is that related? (Hint, it's not.)

    My preferred idea, posted in other threads, is to have the character variants count in the first week, but only have the ranked 5* count in the second week (but not the variants). This blends the old and new systems. You get to use variants to chase the character you like AND you get to use the shiny new 5* crew in the next event. This doesn't do much to change the waterfall issue - the only way I can see to change that is to go back to the old format.
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    It’s a no from me. I’m finding it less of an incentive to both buy event packs and then aim for top 1000. The reward structure needs changing but this solves none of my problems.
  • izausome wrote: »
    i enjoy the change for the dramanit causes but since i barely play any more, it does not entice me to become more active.

    so if I was more active I'd hate it, otherwise i love watching to the dumpster fire.

    Heh. I was wondering how to phrase my answer. Then wondering if the question is even worth the effort it takes me to post and here you've taken the words right out of my mouth.
  • Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    Saves me money, I often airlock the reward cause I got 5/5 in the packs.
    Now I can 25 days before and pull packs with another 25 wednesday.

    If they added the event type for next week. The complaints would not seem as loud.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    The event type does seem pretty important. You want to know if this crew is going to help with shuttles or Galaxy. Big difference in the crew members usefulness
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    I see the advantage of getting the 5* one week earlier, but as others have pointed out, I need more information about the next event. Just knowing the next event's 5* isn't helpful in determining whether to spend resources for that 5* for the next week.
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I like obtaining the event 5* the week before. I got Silva last week, leveled her up, and then fused her up with event packs on Wednesday. She helped me out quite a bit during the first half of the event. But the fact that Silva isn't even providing the proper bonus during the second half of the current event is the perfect example of how, even if this change were for the better under ideal circumstances, DB's implementation leaves a lot to be desired, so I'd rather they just change it back. I would have obtained one copy of Silva regardless because I go for top 1000 in all faction and skirmish events, but I wouldn't have leveled or fused her. Since I cleared thresholds already, I guess I'm calling it quits and will hope to see Data someday in the future, though I guess that's increasingly unlikely given that every move DB makes seems to discourage my spending.
    In addition, the announcement schedule is inadequate for the current prize schedule. Not knowing far enough in advance what kind of event the former week's top prize crew is going to be used for makes it really hard to know whether a character is actually going to be worth it. Finally, I also really think that I should be using my Data variants to earn a Data rather than having Data be bonus crew next week to obtain a Weyoun, who is not bonus crew.
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    I am a bit on the fence with this one. Usually we get 2, sometimes 3 supply kits, this week only one.

    Having Captain Silva Laforge this week, even though I got her leveled and FE'd in time (took all 3 days to do it prior to event!), didn't do much as she has such low stats, she barely got on any shuttles, and now doesn't do anything since bonus crew for galaxy portion is broken.

    It is nice having extra time to level that character for the next event, but if they are going to start making those Gold Event crew have meaningless stats, it doesn't matter when you get them.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I want my merits back from the end of the reward tier.... Move it up a again to a higher vp threshold but bring it back.
  • Emperor Borg Drone (SC)Emperor Borg Drone (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    I don't particularly dislike the change in itself, but there are a few things that make it annoying:

    1) Late information for the following event. I know that some of you think early event information is not necessary, but a lot of us would really appreciate it and I don't see what kind of damage it could do to everyone else if they made that addition. It would allow players to plan their effort in events with some advance and the fact that it requires some planning is already one of the enjoyable aspects of this game. I'm sure that the people who work on it know those things with a certain advance, so DB could as well let the players know info on the following event and its ranked reward on Wednesday, together with the current week's info.

    2) Personally, I don't care that much about arena battles and I already have a fairly decent crew for skirmishes, but it would be nice if the event info included the ship stats for the ranked reward, given that currently there is no way to know it until the event is over.

    There are a couple other things that they could do to address complaints about rewards and the confusing aspects of this change. They could make the ranked reward event crew, just one that can't be obtained from event packs. That way things would look less random and confusing and there would be an actual link between events, given that the ranked reward of Event 1 would still be featured crew on the subsequent Event 2 (and in that event's packs). This would only affect events that have a ranked 5* which already has other versions in the game, but at least for those, it would reduce the need to constantly freeze and unfreeze crew.
    And they could eventually make some change to the ranked rewards. Add something like beholds or ship schematics that are not in the portal yet, to create an actual distinction between the 5 or 6 different reward levels from 25/50 to 1000.

  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    So, I have changed my vote on this poll to "change it back". The reason is related to the mess-up with rewards on the last event. Whoever gets the HMS Pinafore Data -- or more than one copy of the HMS Pinafore Data -- has a significant advantage in the next event. Because of the mess-up in the event, and the subsequent mess-up in the compensation for the mess-up, a lot of folks will have this advantage that shouldn't have. And, in some cases, perhaps vice versa.

    If DB were to go back to the old reward structure, at least any mess-ups would be largely contained in the one event and not have follow-on effects for the subsequent event. This would also mean they don't have to rush to deal with compensation.

    Don't forget the 1000 Chronitons(Sofrytons) given out during the event too, rather than waiting until after the event had finished.
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    i feel a participant count based reward system, presently only the top 1000 players even have a chance at even 1 of the next weeks crew. that being said is less than 1% of the entire participant group.
    so the top prize of getting the 5/5* crew is less than 0.01% of the player base.
    DB, perhaps its time to up those percentages especially with the fact that presently a lot of peeps just dont bother because they have no chance or hope of gains for wasting so much time or chrons for so little gain game wise.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    So, I have changed my vote on this poll to "change it back". The reason is related to the mess-up with rewards on the last event. Whoever gets the HMS Pinafore Data -- or more than one copy of the HMS Pinafore Data -- has a significant advantage in the next event. Because of the mess-up in the event, and the subsequent mess-up in the compensation for the mess-up, a lot of folks will have this advantage that shouldn't have. And, in some cases, perhaps vice versa.

    If DB were to go back to the old reward structure, at least any mess-ups would be largely contained in the one event and not have follow-on effects for the subsequent event. This would also mean they don't have to rush to deal with compensation.

    I'm leaning this. What they could do instead, is allow the legendary gold to be in the previous week's event pack. Haha I can see that putting a cat among the pigeons!

    But seriously. The knock-on effects of a borked event will carry on not just to the next event but the one after too, albeit slightly less in effect. I like self-contained events for the most part.

    I would suggest that DB keep this for mega events, but keep standalone events in between. Or do the occasional 'Timelines Shorts' which go over 2 or possibly 3 weekends when the legendary can carry over. Mix it up a bit.
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  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    No, I liked the way it was before. I want it changed back.
    i feel a participant count based reward system, presently only the top 1000 players even have a chance at even 1 of the next weeks crew. that being said is less than 1% of the entire participant group.
    so the top prize of getting the 5/5* crew is less than 0.01% of the player base.
    DB, perhaps its time to up those percentages especially with the fact that presently a lot of peeps just dont bother because they have no chance or hope of gains for wasting so much time or chrons for so little gain game wise.

    Okay, let's get this out of the way-

    Event participation is under 100,000.

    Top 1,000 is greater than 1% of the players who participate in the event.

    There you go. Now, don't you want to choose a number other than 1%?
  • Other - feel free to share in a comment.
    Everyone has said for years that the reward structure needs changing. The latest change does not address the whole issue of why it should be changed, enough to make much of a difference, imo.

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    It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.

    All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.

    WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.

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    Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.
  • Yes, I like the new rewards structure.
    I like winning a rank reward legendary I can use for next event. Rather than winning someone after the event they were for has ended. Under the old system, they just gathered dust till they were useful.

    I get the lack of information upfront that puts some people off who like to pick and chose events, but the solution would be to get that information up sooner regarding what the next event will be. Especially mega events, so can start saving for 50k honour for the recurring legendary and have time to level/upgrade bonus crew.

    Suspect if it makes more money for DB, because participation in events increases, then our thoughts are mute about new reward system.

    I’m more concerned about a galaxy event ending and another galaxy event right after it.
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