"Rabid Fans" mission not doable.

"Rabid Fans is part of Distress Calls/Celestial Temple. There is a lock on a node with a Security requirement for "Investigator". The only character I have with "Investigator" and reasonably high Security is three-star Odo, he's 586 with my bonuses, and a proficiency roll of 28-89 with a 188 bonus for Investigator. While he does the mission, on Epic difficulty, there is no way to get the reward, because it's mathematically impossible to reach the required number. Bug or intentional?
As of 2017-09-11, only three characters may complete the node 2.C: Detective Data, Doctor La Forge and Tommy Gun Dixon.
There may be more since then, as well as starbase bonuses
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It's certainly a trickier one for a lot of folks. Thankfully most/all of the cards that can do it have been available from events (& are older so the 4's can drop from voyages) and aren't "pack only" toons.
Tuvok can not pull it off mathematically, based on what I see when I try, just no way. Romulan Picard I do not know, as I don't have that character.
530-646 + 188 / max 834 (plus starbase bonuses)
Of course I don't recall what is needed above the 712 to star the node...
Personally, the "Serious Business" one is one of three I'm still missing. I just don't have a security pilot high enough to crit it, though I can pass every time.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
There have been a few investigators added recently but not many are sec primary I think Romulan Picard is the only addition and he’s secondary.
OP I recently completed this with my tommy gun Dixon 3/4 FE but I may have had help with starbase/collections bonuses
I tried it, even with bonuses it's not close, I'm guessing well over 900.
Rabid Fans was easy enough with Tommy Gun Dixon but I also had trouble on Serious Business. My 1/5* FE Ushaan Archer ended up being able to pull it off...good thing, too, because neither Fencing Sulu nor RAF O’Brien could hack it and my other pilots with SEC got worse from there on.
Yeah this is one I’m stuck on I need to add stars to anbo jyutsu riker I think he is the only purple that can do that one
I did that one with Mirror Archer
He would surely work on Normal and maybe Elite but not Epic. Epic requires a 4/5* Aviator Yar, a 1/5* Ushaan Archer, an FF EV Suit Archer, maybe a 1/5* Joachim, an FF Lt. Ash Tyler, maybe an FF Anbo-jyutsu Riker, or an FF Undercover Sulu.
That is some serious entitlement. there are various purples who are readily available that can finish the node that you are not entitled to be able to complete, it is not a requirement to play the game to 3* all missions on all difficulties, you need to be able to complete them on elite to get access to all content, but some elements being difficult is not a bug or poor design, it is clearly a feature.
Hey, we were all n00bs once.
So not a bug, no money needed. Just patience and persistence.
You've been playing for years, but haven't gotten Tommy Gun Dixon yet? He's been around for a long time, and he's been dropping from the portal/voyages for a long time too. So...?
Took me a long time to clear the original-episodes node that only Detective Data could do (and maybe a couple others I didn't have either). Once I got that version of Data (from a free behold, no cash), it was easy-peasy. So, bug or intentional? Answer - Intentional.
It's not like your ability to play the game is limited by whether or not you clear the distress call anytime soon. Just relax. And stop airlocking Tommy Gun.
I remember it very clearly and was surprised myself but I did get that one with Mirror Archer. He was the only security pilot I had at the time. Plus Ushaan Shran doesn’t even have the pilot trait.
If you've been around that long, you remember the early days of the game, before all the re-balances, where the highest difficulty missions on EP6 and Distress Calls required a 5/5 Drunk Troi Immortalized just to pass with the Empath bonus. That was decidedly evil. This is just a small inconvenience until your voyages return Tommy Gun.