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Last Event


I have just participated in my last event in a real competitive manner. I am just curious if others have seen what I just went through. I was rated in the 700s with less than 30 minutes left. I kept an eye on it, and it started dropping. No biggie, I expected it. I had 1300 chrom… so was ready to go. I spent the next 30 minutes playing events as fast as I could just to watch me go down in rank fast. So.... why would someone fall so fast WHILE they were playing as fast as they can? How can this happen? And why should I continue to participate in them if this is the norm. Obviously I am missing something, and was hopping others will fill me in.


  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    You probably didn't save your rares until the end and those who did turned them in racking up points way faster than you could crafting.

    Sounds about right.
  • Ah, makes sense. I appreciate the response, and now feel much better about not participating in them in a competitive way. There is no way I can. Have a good day gentleman.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    IT was a pretty tough event as most people had a FFFE Guns Picard, it just came down to chronos. But yeah it sounds like a last minute turn in issue. I usually expect to drop 300 places. Being as the event was bugged, I suggest you raise a ticket with CS as crew were not functioning correctly. You could argue that it may have made a difference to your final rank and thus the Pinadata.

    DB: Do Better
  • Thanks David. Everyone has to do what is best for them. I have decided to ONLY participate in them until thresholds are completed. I took today off of work and spent $50 on chronitons. I spent all of them on this, plus the chronitons I saved from voyages. Saving them wouldn't have helped me... as I spent all I had to begin with. Everyone has to come to their own conclusion about "worth". And I have come to mine. For what I get in return, it's not "worth" my time and effort to attempt to get into the top 1000. I'm not complaining and asking for any changes. Just accepting and working around it.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I have never saved these until the end and have never had a problem with dropping very far. Don't understand it. For galaxy type events I will get into the top 600 then when I drop just do what's needed to get back to where I was - usually 10 minutes maybe 4 times a day.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • I was in the 400s last night when I went to bed. Hey, you live and learn, right? :)
  • For the galaxy and galaxy hybrid events, it's much easier for me to go overboard or don't bother, as there is so much movement around the 500-1000 ranks. I think I went to bed once around 450 the night before the finish and ended outside the top 1,000. The ranks don't move as much once you get into the top 100. I went to bed last night around rank 75, dropped to around the 80s when I woke up and finished in the 60s after playing maybe a thousand chrons this morning. Thankfully DB incentivized people with the premium pack ranked reward.

    I don't bother to save rares, spent 2 supply kits and roughly 13,000 chrons (I save a lot of both). Had Harriman at 4/4 and Morgan at 3/5. I usually don't try hard unless I have bonus crew. I had good crew for the faction part of the hybrid but I don't think that matters.
  • DavidF95 wrote: »

    I have just participated in my last event in a real competitive manner. I am just curious if others have seen what I just went through. I was rated in the 700s with less than 30 minutes left. I kept an eye on it, and it started dropping. No biggie, I expected it. I had 1300 chrom… so was ready to go. I spent the next 30 minutes playing events as fast as I could just to watch me go down in rank fast. So.... why would someone fall so fast WHILE they were playing as fast as they can? How can this happen? And why should I continue to participate in them if this is the norm. Obviously I am missing something, and was hopping others will fill me in.

    I dropped over 650 places in the last 45min as I couldn't get back on to play. Finished 1055
  • I try to stay above around 1200 before turning in the super rares somewhere in the last hour. Usually go from 1200 to sub 300 and finish in the 600-800 range (all in the last hour). That tells me a good chunk of the player base waits until the end also, and I’ve done so ever since that one event last year during the Mirror Mega where learned my lesson with a 1004 finish :(
  • I don't compete in events any more. They're all threshold and out. I'm not behaving like a coke addict setting alarms and waking up 3 times a night just to send out shuttles. I'm not click, click, clicking for 8 hours for a skirmish, and I'm not crafting for 12 hours and spending all of my resources and giving myself carpal tunnel/RSI. The reward to effort ratio just isn't there any more since everything requires so many more resources to rank than when I started the game.

    Without a revamp and extension of the reward structure, and more access to 5* characters, this game just doesn't have any incentive for me to spend any money on it any more. Even the $10/10 packs deal isn't worth it since the pool of crap is just too large.

    The Pull of Crap is real. DB doesn’t even get my 3.99 a month anymore. How they treat us customers is f$cking ridiculous.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is sadly completely normal in any full Galaxy or hybrid event with a Galaxy component. People save their rare items to mask their real points total, luring others who don’t save rares into a false sense of security. It’s why I rarely have a desire to compete in hybrid or Galaxy events - someone will seemingly always be there to boot you out of the top ranks.

    This is hard to do in a Skirmish or Expedition due to the nature of those event types and gets phenomenally expensive to do in Faction events.
  • SunshineRikerSunshineRiker ✭✭✭✭✭
    We just posted an announcement about compensation regarding the last event:

  • DavidF95DavidF95 ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Thanks for the announcement. I appreciate all the work you guys do. However, I was more trying to "understand" what happened so I know what my limits are in the future, then complain about anything. I think my point was answered above, and the announcement itself will not change anything, even though it is appreciated. Point is, if I cannot get into the top 1000 with $50.00 purchase of chronitons, +1000 chronitons, and a day off of work and a weekend to spend them and maximize voyage delimas, then there is no need for me to spend $50 in the future to attempt it again. Obviously, there are people who can do this, and I don't want to take away anything from them. I just want to understand where I fit in the big picture.
  • Why would the compensation be in larger tiers than the rewards? Someone who pushed into top 200 spent a lot more resources against someone at 1500.
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • DavidF95DavidF95 ✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Why would people spend more money on events then what they could spend less and get more. After spending $50.00 for chronitons, and 3 days of voyage management, I got MUCH LESS at rank 1040 than what I would have received if I spent $50.00 today on 30 10-packs and 2750 dilithium. It's about "worth". What do I get for my money? This event gave back extremely little for a whole lot of money, especially when compared to other options given to me in the game.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    DavidF95 wrote: »
    Thanks for the announcement. I appreciate all the work you guys do. However, I was more trying to "understand" what happened so I know what my limits are in the future, then complain about anything. I think my point was answered above, and the announcement itself will not change anything, even though it is appreciated. Point is, if I cannot get into the top 1000 with $50.00 purchase of chronitons, +1000 chronitons, and a day off of work and a weekend to spend them and maximize voyage delimas, then there is no need for me to spend $50 in the future to attempt it again. Obviously, there are people who can do this, and I don't want to take away anything from them. I just want to understand where I fit in the big picture.

    A lot of the people who put lots of resources into galaxies don’t just maximize voyage dilemmas a couple days during events, they do it every day for months in a row. Not only do they build up the chrons to succeed in galaxies but also a bunch of 0/1 star components.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe all events bring back very little. Hiwever, as you improve your crew, you will find it easier. I pick and choose events (especially galaxy events) to really go after. And I save my chronitons. And I have a good fleet. I've been in the despair of succeeding as you are. I hope you do better. I advise against much spending. Patience works better, though I have spent and will again.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    The proposed solution is ok for some people. I’m ok with that.

    It’s not ok for those that were pushing for higher rewards.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Why would the compensation be in larger tiers than the rewards? Someone who pushed into top 200 spent a lot more resources against someone at 1500.

    This is true, but the argument that every player ranked 1001-1500 would make with CS is that they would have / could have gotten to <1000 if only the bonus structure wasn't nerfed. It's hard for DB to prove otherwise (or it's not worth the hate), so they concede the argument. Remember, nobody really cares anymore about the incremental "other" rewards for ranks 26-1000 (merits, trainers). Only the bright line at 1000 is what matters for most players.

  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    @DavidF95, I just want to say that I enjoyed reading your comments and responses to this point in the thread. Your attitude about this is very healthy. Play your game, and enjoy your life too.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    DavidF95 wrote: »
    Thanks for the announcement. I appreciate all the work you guys do. However, I was more trying to "understand" what happened so I know what my limits are in the future, then complain about anything. I think my point was answered above, and the announcement itself will not change anything, even though it is appreciated. Point is, if I cannot get into the top 1000 with $50.00 purchase of chronitons, +1000 chronitons, and a day off of work and a weekend to spend them and maximize voyage delimas, then there is no need for me to spend $50 in the future to attempt it again. Obviously, there are people who can do this, and I don't want to take away anything from them. I just want to understand where I fit in the big picture.

    I feel your pain, friend. Success in Galaxy events requires tens of thousands of chronitons and/or a significant amount of pre-farming. Galaxy events are winnable by anyone with enough preparation but for casual players, pretty much all events are out of reach, Galaxies included.

    If this is a fun side diversion for you, just sit back, relax, and wait for your favorite characters to come along. It might take a while but there is a lot less stress in the meantime.
  • You probably didn't save your rares until the end and those who did turned them in racking up points way faster than you could crafting.

    New-ish player here. What do you mean by this?
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aranamac wrote: »
    You probably didn't save your rares until the end and those who did turned them in racking up points way faster than you could crafting.

    New-ish player here. What do you mean by this?

    Do your galaxy builds to earn the rare items, but save them all and turn them in towards the end of the event (some do it in the last few hours, others the last half hour, others cut it closer to the end). Some do this, others turn them in as they go.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    DavidF95 wrote: »
    Thanks for the announcement. I appreciate all the work you guys do. However, I was more trying to "understand" what happened so I know what my limits are in the future, then complain about anything. I think my point was answered above, and the announcement itself will not change anything, even though it is appreciated. Point is, if I cannot get into the top 1000 with $50.00 purchase of chronitons, +1000 chronitons, and a day off of work and a weekend to spend them and maximize voyage delimas, then there is no need for me to spend $50 in the future to attempt it again. Obviously, there are people who can do this, and I don't want to take away anything from them. I just want to understand where I fit in the big picture.

    You shouldn't need to spend $50 to rank under 1k. F2P players have come in 1st in galaxy events. I've ranked under 1k in any galaxy event I wanted to and never spent a cent on the event. The key to galaxy events is preparing in advance and pre-farming your items. The chrons you earn and use in the days before the event to pre-farm are a lot more than what you got from your $50 purchase.
  • Hamsters2Hamsters2 ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I turn in SRs as go along because like to know where I am.
  • No reason to spend 50 if your only trying to get top 1k. Use the same 50 and get the deal for 1 gold plus packs.

    Using money for rank never made sense for me. Especially in galaxies when you end up burning the chronos with nothing to show for it.
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