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  • Well said Frank!
  • Inflation of chrons in the game means we've got to put more time tapping for the ranks. Although there might not be more players now, it's more competitive. This is why I like the idea of expanding and smoothing the rewards through the ranks. Avoid at least some of the last minute rush, and maybe help to keep more players engaged in competing for the ranked rewards.

    +100 agree with playing the game however's most fun for you.
  • You shouldn't need to spend $50 to rank under 1k. F2P players have come in 1st in galaxy events. I've ranked under 1k in any galaxy event I wanted to and never spent a cent on the event. The key to galaxy events is preparing in advance and pre-farming your items. The chrons you earn and use in the days before the event to pre-farm are a lot more than what you got from your $50 purchase.[/quote]

    I did, so this post is irrelevant. But again, don't worry, I'm not upset. I'm a fast learner though. :)

  • I say this to David (if I may call you that sir)....
    As long as you spend some $$ on those grandkids, you can buy or treat yourself to whatever you dang well please. No, you're not always going to be able to compete at higher levels with $50 or $500 invested, but it's not a competition, it's not a race. It's a mobile game - it should be fun and a nice time killer or escape. Enjoy it as you see best fit.

    Thanks for the response. Money is not tight or anything.... so I don't mind blowing some. But I am a bit conscious about how I do it. I like "progression". I don't mind blowing money on progression. It's a learning process. I pay, I lose, I learn. What I learned is $50 is a waste. Like you said, I'd rather spend it on the grandkids, if I'm not going to gain anything here out of it. Again, I'm not quitting, I'm not upset, I'm quite happy actually...…. who wouldn't be when you learn a valuable lesson. :)
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