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Should the droprate for legendary crew be much higher?



  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    All legendaries from 2016 should be re-classified as Super Rare and all super-rares from 2016 should be re-classified as Rare with intact stats.
    2/5 would be new 1/4
    3/5 - 2/4,
    4/5 - new 3/4
    5/5 - new 4/4

    All 1/5 are automatically converted into 1/4 which is a free upgrade.

    Super Rares
    2/4 - new 1/3
    3/4 - new 2/3
    4/4 - new 3/3

    All 1/4 are converted into 1/3 which is a free upgrade.

    All stats should remain the same because many of new super rares are stronger than legendaries from 2016 and some new rares are stronger than super rares from 2016.

    I think you're on to something here. We certainly need the crew split up, new players are hosed, and every ccg on earth has seasons and lets you buy from more select pools.

    As is, there's too much trash and too little return on packs, so I don't spend any more.
  • No, maybe higher droprates, but packs, event packs or spacials should be the only way to get them.
    The answer I really wanted isn't on the poll, so I picked the closest one.

    I think part of the perceived problem is dbrng. Things like when me and a fleetmate both get a bunch of the same 4* crew during a 10 for 10.

    But the bigger problem to me is honor conversion versus odds scaling. 4* and 5* have the same honor conversion rate for a citation (90-1). But the drop rate for 5* is far lower.

    Sometimes I ask whether DB should at least give more honor for dismissing a 5*. I think this would actually help them, as players would be less hesitant to buy weekly packs that have a 5* they already own in them.
  • With two new ones basically every week it’d be nice if there were more ways to be able to fuse up some of the perpetual 1/5’s. Even if it was just some of the older ones. Ultra rare drops from voyages would be one way. Dropping some sort of shards from specific missions that fuse into stars after you accumulate a ton of them would be another. Even a type of cumulative rng where each time you fail to get one in a pull you get a very slightly better chance one will drop. All stuff other games have done, but possibly worth considering (and they probably have at some level).

    As someone who has only 20 FF 5’s, yet only needs stars for 8 4’s that are in the pool options would be nice. I spend, but not at the level of many and my dwindling pool of needed 4’s means less $$ from me. Especially since I’m just flat out getting tired of “honor beholds” (not saying they have to change anything, just how it effects me personally). Beholds were once an exciting thing...

    Agree with all this. Think it would also be nice if new 4 and 5 star crew were added to the portal pools as soon as their events finished
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  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    With two new ones basically every week it’d be nice if there were more ways to be able to fuse up some of the perpetual 1/5’s. Even if it was just some of the older ones. Ultra rare drops from voyages would be one way. Dropping some sort of shards from specific missions that fuse into stars after you accumulate a ton of them would be another. Even a type of cumulative rng where each time you fail to get one in a pull you get a very slightly better chance one will drop. All stuff other games have done, but possibly worth considering (and they probably have at some level).

    As someone who has only 20 FF 5’s, yet only needs stars for 8 4’s that are in the pool options would be nice. I spend, but not at the level of many and my dwindling pool of needed 4’s means less $$ from me. Especially since I’m just flat out getting tired of “honor beholds” (not saying they have to change anything, just how it effects me personally). Beholds were once an exciting thing...

    Agree with all this. Think it would also be nice if new 4 and 5 star crew were added to the portal pools as soon as their events finished

    This would be stupidly simple to automate. Even monthly or weekly the portal could automatically be updated to include crew 30 days or 60 days after release.
    It's simply a management business decision. They want to create more work and scarcity by arbitrarily updating the portal manually on an quite rare basis.

    There is much potential, and much that could be fixed with this game. But it can only be fixed by changing company philosophy and upper management.
  • Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    With two new ones basically every week it’d be nice if there were more ways to be able to fuse up some of the perpetual 1/5’s. Even if it was just some of the older ones. Ultra rare drops from voyages would be one way. Dropping some sort of shards from specific missions that fuse into stars after you accumulate a ton of them would be another. Even a type of cumulative rng where each time you fail to get one in a pull you get a very slightly better chance one will drop. All stuff other games have done, but possibly worth considering (and they probably have at some level).

    As someone who has only 20 FF 5’s, yet only needs stars for 8 4’s that are in the pool options would be nice. I spend, but not at the level of many and my dwindling pool of needed 4’s means less $$ from me. Especially since I’m just flat out getting tired of “honor beholds” (not saying they have to change anything, just how it effects me personally). Beholds were once an exciting thing...

    Agree with all this. Think it would also be nice if new 4 and 5 star crew were added to the portal pools as soon as their events finished

    This would be stupidly simple to automate.

    Hold on now, DB gets compensation for a botched event mixed up...if you can mess that up...nothing is too simple, and boiling water is a feat of engineering prowess!
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    Yes but only a little bit, maybe like by 1-2 more percent. Legendaries should be a little hard to come by though, due to their stats and they are the majority of how DB makes revenue.

    I definitely want a Voyage legendary though. Same with an elusive scan-only legendary. You know shake things up, make it exciting and more potentially lucrative for us.
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  • I'd rather see some time-based tweaking, so after a year older legendaries have their own chance of being dropped, which would be the base rate% + (x% * months since release)

    And anything older then 2 years being added to a new Dilemma that can only be triggered past 10 hours (so you may not see it til hour 20 or something) and drops only one old 5*, no chrons or honour.

    I think that'd be a nice balance.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    You have more legendaries than any other card level so access to them needs to be slightly higher. Voyages sound good.
  • AMDGAMDG ✭✭✭
    Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    The problem is the random nature of beholds that turns the game into a roulette where the house always wins.
  • They should add seasons to the packs, season 1 could be all the original characters, season 2 could could be year 1-2, and so on. When you buy a pack it should be from a single season, or Target specific crew.
    This could add exclusivity to old characters make season 1 packs rarer) and make collecting specific character's extra stars more efficient.
  • Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    S31 wrote: »
    All legendaries from 2016 should be re-classified as Super Rare and all super-rares from 2016 should be re-classified as Rare with intact stats.
    2/5 would be new 1/4
    3/5 - 2/4,
    4/5 - new 3/4
    5/5 - new 4/4

    All 1/5 are automatically converted into 1/4 which is a free upgrade.

    Super Rares
    2/4 - new 1/3
    3/4 - new 2/3
    4/4 - new 3/3

    All 1/4 are converted into 1/3 which is a free upgrade.

    All stats should remain the same because many of new super rares are stronger than legendaries from 2016 and some new rares are stronger than super rares from 2016.

    I think you're on to something here. We certainly need the crew split up, new players are hosed, and every ccg on earth has seasons and lets you buy from more select pools.

    As is, there's too much trash and too little return on packs, so I don't spend any more.

    For current players this seems like a great idea, but let's think about new players. They'd have a lot more rare crew available to drop, making it significantly harder to FF them, and progress through missions. I guess if you also increased rare drop rate (for both basic packs and voyages), this could work.
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Yes, there should be a higher drop rate.
    Without a doubt. They should put some of the older 5 star crew in voyages or increase the drop rates. Crew that has been in the game years. Im still sitting on 1 star each for Captain Scott, Drunk Troi, Grilka and a host of other crew that have really low stats thanks to the power creep.

    Its time to start giving out more legendaries as time goes on and the game grows. Or make honor much more easy to get/increase the reward level.

    This has been my hot issue with this game for years. The idea is to collect the characters, and my stockpile of one star people is getting crazy.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't care.

    I want to contribute to this discussion, but...I dunno. I have opinions both ways, so ultimately I just don't really care that much either way. My game is basically locked for progress and there is really no path to take to catch up...

    ...to do well you either need to spend a ton of cash or you need to have been playing for 2+ years. I spend moderately and as such I do OK, but I'll never be able to really do anything of significance because I simply have no access to the crew cards I would need to advance my story missions, not be a punching bag in The Gauntlet, etc.

    I've stopped myself from starting a thread about this in the past, but to me this game feels similar to early Magic: The Gathering in that there is almost a reserved list wall for players who haven't been playing since the beginning.

    I'm rambling so I'll stop, but yeah, I don't care, do what you want.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    The problem with the honour system is that even some fairly new players are likely to have honour debts that they are never going to be able to complete, and the problem is only going to get worse.

    It has got to the stage that many players simply threshold and out if they already have the ranked Super Rare as there is no point chasing down the Legendary character.

    I personally have about 200 stars needed to complete all my current legendary characters. Even if I can get a legendary citation a month it will still take nearly 17 years to complete.

    We probably have around 200 legendary characters each needing 4 stars to complete once you have the first one - that would take (literally) a lifetime of honour to complete, and that number is going up every week (it would take around 67 years at the rate of one star a month)

    Making legendary characters or honour easier to get hold of would make me want to challenge more often for the top 1000 slots in events, and would probably increase the enjoyment for a number of players.

    However, those players who had spent big previously will suffer if the rate suddenly ramped up - maybe this could be balanced out by a large influx of honour based on VIP level?
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    All legendaries from 2016 should be re-classified as Super Rare and all super-rares from 2016 should be re-classified as Rare with intact stats.
    2/5 would be new 1/4
    3/5 - 2/4,
    4/5 - new 3/4
    5/5 - new 4/4

    All 1/5 are automatically converted into 1/4 which is a free upgrade.

    Super Rares
    2/4 - new 1/3
    3/4 - new 2/3
    4/4 - new 3/3

    All 1/4 are converted into 1/3 which is a free upgrade.

    All stats should remain the same because many of new super rares are stronger than legendaries from 2016 and some new rares are stronger than super rares from 2016.

    I think you're on to something here. We certainly need the crew split up, new players are hosed, and every ccg on earth has seasons and lets you buy from more select pools.

    As is, there's too much trash and too little return on packs, so I don't spend any more.

    For current players this seems like a great idea, but let's think about new players. They'd have a lot more rare crew available to drop, making it significantly harder to FF them, and progress through missions. I guess if you also increased rare drop rate (for both basic packs and voyages), this could work.

    No, you're backwards. With seasons and themes, the pool is smaller, so you're more likely to get the card you need. New players can target power creeped cards and catch up to the seasoned ones more quickly.

    And with is dropping rarity example old 5* drop in the 4* rarity pool, making it easier to upgrade them to a useful point. And the old 4* drop into the 3* pool, greatly increasing their drop rates.

    At the end of the day, DB has raised the bar and made it less lucrative and less desirable to start this game. And ticked off a lot of old players, driven away big spenders, and disincentiveized purchases.
    DB's current model is can only lead to shrinking revenues and population. They're their own worst enemy for growth.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes. Getting Legendarys from Voyages (maybe possible after eight or ten hours) should be possible
    S31 wrote: »
    All legendaries from 2016 should be re-classified as Super Rare and all super-rares from 2016 should be re-classified as Rare with intact stats.
    2/5 would be new 1/4
    3/5 - 2/4,
    4/5 - new 3/4
    5/5 - new 4/4

    All 1/5 are automatically converted into 1/4 which is a free upgrade.

    Super Rares
    2/4 - new 1/3
    3/4 - new 2/3
    4/4 - new 3/3

    All 1/4 are converted into 1/3 which is a free upgrade.

    All stats should remain the same because many of new super rares are stronger than legendaries from 2016 and some new rares are stronger than super rares from 2016.

    I think you're on to something here. We certainly need the crew split up, new players are hosed, and every ccg on earth has seasons and lets you buy from more select pools.

    As is, there's too much trash and too little return on packs, so I don't spend any more.

    For current players this seems like a great idea, but let's think about new players. They'd have a lot more rare crew available to drop, making it significantly harder to FF them, and progress through missions. I guess if you also increased rare drop rate (for both basic packs and voyages), this could work.

    No, you're backwards. With seasons and themes, the pool is smaller, so you're more likely to get the card you need. New players can target power creeped cards and catch up to the seasoned ones more quickly.

    And with is dropping rarity example old 5* drop in the 4* rarity pool, making it easier to upgrade them to a useful point. And the old 4* drop into the 3* pool, greatly increasing their drop rates.

    At the end of the day, DB has raised the bar and made it less lucrative and less desirable to start this game. And ticked off a lot of old players, driven away big spenders, and disincentiveized purchases.
    DB's current model is can only lead to shrinking revenues and population. They're their own worst enemy for growth.

    If you have 5* and 4* crew dropping at the same overall rate, then you are still diluting the total pool of crew to choose from. This is the primary complaint when the portal pool is updated: in addition to the X number of 4* crew already in the pool, an additional Y number of new 4* crew are added to the same pool. If you add Z number of old 5*s, that number is yet larger. You are right that breaking the entire pool down into seasons is a necessity to prevent such dilution.
  • Yes, there should be a higher drop rate.
    S31 wrote: »
    All legendaries from 2016 should be re-classified as Super Rare and all super-rares from 2016 should be re-classified as Rare with intact stats.
    2/5 would be new 1/4
    3/5 - 2/4,
    4/5 - new 3/4
    5/5 - new 4/4

    All 1/5 are automatically converted into 1/4 which is a free upgrade.

    Super Rares
    2/4 - new 1/3
    3/4 - new 2/3
    4/4 - new 3/3

    All 1/4 are converted into 1/3 which is a free upgrade.

    All stats should remain the same because many of new super rares are stronger than legendaries from 2016 and some new rares are stronger than super rares from 2016.


  • DippyDippy ✭✭✭
    I do agree that obtaining new legendary crew should be difficult so that it feels like an accomplishment. In that respect I feel drop rates are fine or maybe even too frequent. However Immortalizing a legendary crew should only be difficult, not a mathematical impossibility. Too often receiving a 5* crew feels like a punishment because they are taking up a spot on the roster that a fully fused 4* crew might fill with better stats. Increasing the drop rates would be one way to address that issue but there are far better solutions. Significantly increasing honor for dismissing a legendary crew would be a good strategy. Offering more than 3 choices on a behold and/or making all legendary crew drops beholds would increase the odds of immortalizing a 5* while not making legendary crew too easy to obtain.
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