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Event Existing Crew

Is it just me, or does it seem like all of the existing 4* crew are the ones with horrible stats? I swear every week I have to unfreeze the existing crew.


  • Part of that may be attributable to pulling out older crew who have suffered from power creep. But it may also be deliberate, so that the 3x multiplier doesn't create complete monsters.
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    Most of the new crew have had mediocre stats. Maybe not Temporal Agent Seven or Commando Dhran bad, but still only useful for new players. I'm not asking for Victorian Pulaski or Mirror Jadzia, who easily get 1000 with starbase/collection bonuses. But it would be nice to get some 4*s with good enough base for the veteran players (whose best crew still include 4*s). Even the event 5*s haven't been all that strong (with the exception of Professor Sato, of course). Any good 5*s are showing up in the packs (still not too many).

    And when was the last time we got a good gauntlet 4*? Nurse Garland? Marshall of France Q?
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