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We need "unfreeze crew tokens"

With the new rewards and extra shuttles, we need a way other then merits to unfreeze our guys...it getting kind of costly to unfreeze enough crew. (either that.... or the cost of unfreezing needs to be reduced) But it would be sort of cool if we could earn a few unfreezes from the previous event.


  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Throw in some more slots too :DD
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    This game has enough currencies and tokens. Leave it alone.

    You do realize that they have taken the 1000 merits out of the threshold awards.....but maybe you are a whale and get 1000's from buying packs or something?
  • Etienne wrote: »
    This game has enough currencies and tokens. Leave it alone.

    You do realize that they have taken the 1000 merits out of the threshold awards.....but maybe you are a whale and get 1000's from buying packs or something?

    You do realize packs don't reward merits...but maybe you are making ad homenim attacks that don't relate to your own post that you're trying to derail?

    Have a nice day...…
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Etienne wrote: »
    This game has enough currencies and tokens. Leave it alone.

    You do realize that they have taken the 1000 merits out of the threshold awards.....but maybe you are a whale and get 1000's from buying packs or something?

    I am disappointed that DB has removed the 1000 Merit threshold reward.

    Of course, I always spend it on the Merit 3xPull which is worse than a Premium 10 Pack that I now get from Threshold rewards.

    Personally I never have trouble finding the merits to thaw out crew. Speaking of which... its time to thaw out some Dominion crew so I can get my Spock.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • 1500 Honor instead of 1000 Merits is a pretty significant change. I don't think a new currency is the answer but I'm pretty sure that this is going to be a noticeable net decrease in by Merit bank over time
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think that it shouldn't costs anything to unfreeze crew that you immortalized and froze. It's a pain enough to immortalize crew as is. Or if not that then I would prefer that the cost would be in credits rather than merits, merits are much more difficult to acquire. Or they could just say that one unfreezing per crew per day is free, anything more than that would cost resources.

    Treat it like dabo: first thawing essentially free, progressively more expensive for second, third, etc, ad watch to get a second one for free.
  • ByloBand wrote: »
    I think that it shouldn't costs anything to unfreeze crew that you immortalized and froze. It's a pain enough to immortalize crew as is. Or if not that then I would prefer that the cost would be in credits rather than merits, merits are much more difficult to acquire. Or they could just say that one unfreezing per crew per day is free, anything more than that would cost resources.

    Treat it like dabo: first thawing essentially free, progressively more expensive for second, third, etc, ad watch to get a second one for free.

    I would gladly watch an ad to unfreeze a character.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I think that it shouldn't costs anything to unfreeze crew that you immortalized and froze. It's a pain enough to immortalize crew as is. Or if not that then I would prefer that the cost would be in credits rather than merits, merits are much more difficult to acquire. Or they could just say that one unfreezing per crew per day is free, anything more than that would cost resources.

    Treat it like dabo: first thawing essentially free, progressively more expensive for second, third, etc, ad watch to get a second one for free.

    That's pretty much what we have with escalating costs.

    What I've always wanted is a 7d timeout after freezing a crew. If you want to unfreeze within that week you pay something(maybe first for merits and then dil). After 7 days, you can unfreeze the crew for free.
  • I would suggest an alternative: Allow us to freeze legendaries at any fused level. Legendaries only. Slowly, after playing two years, the majority of my active crew is partially fused legendaries. Most of them serve no purpose.

    Yes, that would be great but it doesn't address the merit problem (if there is one) I run out of merits all the time to unfreeze crew as well as to buy enough shuttle missions to do a Faction Event. Now with less merits in the game, it's going to get all that much harder. From the time todays event was announced to now, I haven't even been able to unfreeze all the Dominion and Andorran crew I have ( dread a mirror crew event) it's cool that we are getting all these shuttle tokens but if we can't crew our extra shuttles then they aren't worth much.
  • Yeah, we have those tokens, they're called "merits" and are easily farmable from Gauntlet.

    And unless it's a Faction event with a gazillion crew, you can thaw out a couple of a day for, what, 250 merits total?

    I'm all for a rejigging of the costs and process of thawing out crew, but I don't think we need to add yet another currency.
  • If you're running out of merits, stop trying to extend your gauntlet streaks and just use it as a merit farm. Very easy to collect merits this way. Hopeless gauntlet round? choose a crew to sacrifice, and kill them off. forget streaks. you'll still get 3-6 streaks at least, but you'll collect a lot more merits.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yea I have so many merits that I blow them on pulls every day. Can't see how anyone can't farm enough to unfreeze characters.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Etienne wrote: »
    I would suggest an alternative: Allow us to freeze legendaries at any fused level. Legendaries only. Slowly, after playing two years, the majority of my active crew is partially fused legendaries. Most of them serve no purpose.

    Yes, that would be great but it doesn't address the merit problem (if there is one) I run out of merits all the time to unfreeze crew as well as to buy enough shuttle missions to do a Faction Event. Now with less merits in the game, it's going to get all that much harder. From the time todays event was announced to now, I haven't even been able to unfreeze all the Dominion and Andorran crew I have ( dread a mirror crew event) it's cool that we are getting all these shuttle tokens but if we can't crew our extra shuttles then they aren't worth much.

    If losing 1000 merits every two or three weeks breaks your personal merit spending plan, you may have a deeper problem. Reducing spending in faction stores and on Gauntlet re-rolls, plus staggering your unfreezing process over the course of several days, will help greatly.
  • Yeaaahhhh...no.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Just give us more crew slots and we won't need to keep doing this.

    This right here.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Etienne wrote: »
    This game has enough currencies and tokens. Leave it alone.

    You do realize that they have taken the 1000 merits out of the threshold awards.....but maybe you are a whale and get 1000's from buying packs or something?

    I’m with you on this and I don’t understand some of the hostility/frustration in response to your posts.

    In general, If you’re not running all of your different currencies down to a set limit, then you’re wasting them. Some obvious exceptions apply, for example if you’re saving chrons for use in a galaxy event.

    Excess merits can be used on the 3 crew pull, converting them to honor or if you’re really lucky a crew member you actually need.

    The removal of the merits from event rewards stings a little bit and having to play the freezer shuffle is frustrating. Cryo was always an awkward solution to a technical problem with the game that with better forethought should never have existed. I don’t think it’s fair to tell people just to farm them better, they may already be doing this.

    And maybe the problem isn’t felt so much with the bigger spenders. We should all remember that just because a particular resource issue might not be a problem for us, it doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate issue for newer players or those with lower VIP levels.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is the first week without the 1000 merits in an event. People who saynthey dont need them may find that they do after we go a few weeks without them.
    Let’s fly!
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    This is the first week without the 1000 merits in an event. People who saynthey dont need them may find that they do after we go a few weeks without them.


    I, like many others, always run the same 4 best missions over and over, so i leave all other missions always open, cause once i collect 1 shuttle, the exact same mission opens again. Saves some time, but requires a lot of add. merits.
    And if u then run ur shuttles all 3hs or even 90 minutes, well.... i havn t done the total math how many merits i need for a single faction event(cause i am too scared to see the total), but for me its a lot. And the extra 1000 merits made things a lil easier.

    Not to forget that for this event alone i needed soo many merits to defreeze like 10+ Andorian and Dominion bonus crew. :s

    Yes, i can still farm merits via gauntlet, by doing no refreshes and ranking lower. But still, i will miss the 1000 thresholds Merits. :neutral:

    So i total support the idea for either new „unfreeze tokens“ that are added as event rewards and in thresholds, or in general make unfreezing crew „free“.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is the first week without the 1000 merits in an event. People who saynthey dont need them may find that they do after we go a few weeks without them.
    I get enough merits from Gauntlet farming I dont really think they are a problem. It would be good if they reduced the cost or gave us more crew slots but hey, pigs might fly.

    DB: Do Better
  • Unfreezing crew isn't overly expensive. Merits may be one of the easiest currencies to acquire. Yet another new currency is not necessary. Crew management is a vital component to this game. It can be frustrating if you have a ton of bonus crew and it takes a nice chunk of merits to unfreeze, but do you really need every bonus crew? Most of the frozen crew we all have are frozen for a reason--they are finished and not particularly useful in everday play. More crew slots is also not an answer. There is a cap on available crew for a reason.
    Do you remember the times before the cryovault? Strategy was far more important then. I will take the merit cost over the old way of airlocking subpar crew any day.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Merits are also rank rewards, increasing in quantity at higher ranks. And you earn more from the gauntlet by having better gauntlet crew, which takes time or money to build up. So yeah, spend is a consideration here, just as time and effort invested is.

    There’s no such thing as ‘spare’ or excess/undeeded merits. After carefully defrosting crew I need, any extra are used in the crew pulls. Keeping enough in stock for transmissions and gauntlet refreshes.

    I think DB could do away with cryo altogether and just let everyone have unlimited slots. That’d be a nice Xmas present (hint hint!). I’d rather that than another currency and they’ve had plenty of time to work on a solution to the technical resources issue.
  • Having a good gauntlet crew does take time, but not money. Proficiency is the same whether or not that crew is fully fused. You can get plenty of free pulls through normal gameplay. Some of the best gauntlet crew have been available through the gauntlet (which is based on rng) or have been rewards for participating to a certain point (mega event reoccuring rewarded for a very low amount of VP).
    The crew cap is universal. It applies to everyone, regardless of spending. A player can choose to spend to increase that cap if they desire. Having an increased cap is a benefit of choosing to spend. If we were allowed to have every single available crew there would be even more demonizing of "whales" causing more contention.
    It really boils down to resource management--money, crew, dilitium, credits, merits, crew slots, equipment, time ...they are all resources.
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