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Requisition Shuttles - Best Use?

So, we now have these new Requisition Shuttle tokens. Anyone who's been playing for a while would have gotten 14 of them for having all the factions to Honored.

Now, what do we do with them? What do you think the best strategy is? Presumably they should be held for a Faction (or Faction/* Hybrid), but how do you plan to use them in the event? Do you use them at the beginning to speed up your kickstart? Do you hold them until you're on the 4k shuttles for maximum points returned? Or are you doing something different?



  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Depends on how deep your crew is. If you can adequately staff a fifth (or more) 4k shuttle, that would be the best use.

    Otherwise, you could use it as part of your ramp up strategy once you get beyond 1 min shuttles. I still think total available missions are going to be a bigger limiting factor, but it could speed things up.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    From what I calculated kickstarting faster is more valuable then just using them on 4k shuttles unless you are using a double reward boost on the 4k shuttle.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And say I open 24 missions then rent 6 shuttles. Are they each a minute to completion and will that affect the time on missions I already opened? Seems smart if that works out as it can help kickstart your kickstart
  • It's not a race, it's a marathon.

    It's a rat race to be precise. The best "strategy" is to get all threshold rewards up to the gold Penk's outfit and stop. That's my plan and it's the best one. :p

    #rentalsucks :D
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's not a race, it's a marathon.

    It's a rat race to be precise. The best "strategy" is to get all threshold rewards up to the gold Penk's outfit and stop. That's my plan and it's the best one. :p

    #rentalsucks :D

    Why would you stop when you can get more goodies?
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    It's not a race, it's a marathon.

    It's a rat race to be precise. The best "strategy" is to get all threshold rewards up to the gold Penk's outfit and stop. That's my plan and it's the best one. :p

    #rentalsucks :D

    Why would you stop when you can get more goodies?

    Because being treated as a rat does not suit anyone...
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Depending on the number of missions you might want to use 1 in QuickStart. As an example if it was 18 missions you can do 31 with the best QuickStart strategy before you are on 3 hour shuttles.

    Using 1 requisition shuttles to get to 4K in two rounds might be okay. You could also just use a two 3* time boosts as well the first round, or instacomplete 1 shuttle to get to 32 before opening the first round.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Besides the event, my first thought was using a few on needed other Faction Missions/supplies for Event crew building, since inevitably, event crew require stuff from faction shuttle missions other than the factions of the event!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I'll be saving mine for a later event, although I might use 1 or 2 this time around on the final day.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I didn’t use any while kickstarting but once I hit the 3 hour mark I actually did send four extra shuttles, though I may not do so many again as time goes on. If there is a limit to the number that can be sent at once, it’s more than four.
  • I will use them for a 5th shuttle in the next days, should bring me safe to 400k and then we will see if its good enough for top1000.

    Using them in the kickstart is wasting points imho.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don't use time boosts until I am secure in the 4000 VP range. Then I use them. I'll use these new boosts the same way.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I could see them being quite valuable for a mega-event faction event, when there is a deep pool of bonus crew, allowing most long-time players (from F2P to whale) to fill more than 4 shuttles @ 4k points to a really high success rate.

    Another good potential use is stockpiling rental shuttles and then using them in a particular faction/hybrid event you have a good bonus crew for, in an attempt to place higher than usual in pursuit of an event-ranking achievement.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    So for the second round of post-kickstart shuttles I did use four more tokens but with skill boosts instead of time boosts to get completion percentages back up where they should be. I’ll run out of tokens soon - I am avoiding any offers for them as I do for boost packs - but it has been a fun learning experience all the same.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Based on the above, I'm guessing you can send up to whatever the event max is - so 4 normal and 20 rentals in the current event.

    Does anyone really think this is a good innovation? When it was first announced, I was imagining that we could rent a 5th shuttle here and there and maybe eek out a few more points. (Or more generally, that a player could rent a +1 shuttle, regardless of how many you normally have.)

    Now... we can apparently send dozens of shuttles simultaneously, and of course there are multiple pack offers to buy more tokens. I suppose this will increase the vp totals of faction events, and thus improve their phase balance in hybrids. But is this the best solution?? Perhaps I'll eventually wrap my head around this change, but right now all I predict is that I will be decreasing my efforts on faction events in the future.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Based on the above, I'm guessing you can send up to whatever the event max is - so 4 normal and 20 rentals in the current event.

    Does anyone really think this is a good innovation? When it was first announced, I was imagining that we could rent a 5th shuttle here and there and maybe eek out a few more points. (Or more generally, that a player could rent a +1 shuttle, regardless of how many you normally have.)

    Now... we can apparently send dozens of shuttles simultaneously, and of course there are multiple pack offers to buy more tokens. I suppose this will increase the vp totals of faction events, and thus improve their phase balance in hybrids. But is this the best solution?? Perhaps I'll eventually wrap my head around this change, but right now all I predict is that I will be decreasing my efforts on faction events in the future.

    I also had the impression that it would be a +1 kind of deal. The more I think about it, however, the more I realize that there was no basis for such an impression and, indeed, we should have expected this given DB’s redoubled efforts at squeezing every last dime they can out of us.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Based on the above, I'm guessing you can send up to whatever the event max is - so 4 normal and 20 rentals in the current event.

    Does anyone really think this is a good innovation? When it was first announced, I was imagining that we could rent a 5th shuttle here and there and maybe eek out a few more points. (Or more generally, that a player could rent a +1 shuttle, regardless of how many you normally have.)

    Now... we can apparently send dozens of shuttles simultaneously, and of course there are multiple pack offers to buy more tokens. I suppose this will increase the vp totals of faction events, and thus improve their phase balance in hybrids. But is this the best solution?? Perhaps I'll eventually wrap my head around this change, but right now all I predict is that I will be decreasing my efforts on faction events in the future.

    Making it easier and easier to "thresholds and out"..........
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Based on the above, I'm guessing you can send up to whatever the event max is - so 4 normal and 20 rentals in the current event.

    Does anyone really think this is a good innovation? When it was first announced, I was imagining that we could rent a 5th shuttle here and there and maybe eek out a few more points. (Or more generally, that a player could rent a +1 shuttle, regardless of how many you normally have.)

    Now... we can apparently send dozens of shuttles simultaneously, and of course there are multiple pack offers to buy more tokens. I suppose this will increase the vp totals of faction events, and thus improve their phase balance in hybrids. But is this the best solution?? Perhaps I'll eventually wrap my head around this change, but right now all I predict is that I will be decreasing my efforts on faction events in the future.

    Making it easier and easier to "thresholds and out"..........

    Yeah but the threshold is now 350K. I don't remember how many VP I got the last time there was an event with a smaller amount of bonus crew but getting 350K would still take some work. May as well go all in. I'm gonna go for top 1K without renting extra shuttles.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    And say I open 24 missions then rent 6 shuttles. Are they each a minute to completion and will that affect the time on missions I already opened? Seems smart if that works out as it can help kickstart your kickstart

    You can't do this. Where there are only 24 shuttle types for a faction event, only 24 missions can be opened, period, no matter your available shuttles to send.

    These things don't help a kick start much because of that. You have to turn in number 1 to get number 25 open, and then the opened shuttle is one shuttle VP tier higher.

    These are mostly a whale benefit. You have to have crew to make them succeed. Or a late game 4k gamble. Or a 800 VP bonus gamble that risks dropping you back down to 3500vp shuttles.

    The effects most people will feel are a generally higher 1k rank VP total, forcing more time dedicated to the game, or more dollars spent, just to get the nominal reward.

    If it cost 350k to rank 1k before, now it'll cost 370k. That's it.

    Now, the whale math, under rank 25, I spent a year hoarding tokens or $300 on the event, that's another story. Similar idea, but higher scale, more dollars. I don't care enough, and I don't think enough others do either, so I'm not going to address that.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    As part of a final surge, you could send out a last wave that has 20 extra shuttles, which would net you an extra 16,000 points even if they all failed (48,000 points @ 50% success / 80,000 points @ 100% success).

    Suddenly the standings at the end of a faction event have the potential to be as volatile as a galaxy event, assuming people stockpile/purchase a significant number of rental shuttles.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sure but unlike Galaxy events where the VP is the same and turning in rares only affects timing, running a bunch of extra shutles at the end will result in less VP than running a limited set throughout the event.

    And people already could use 5* speed boosts or pay Dil to speed up shuttles.
  • While it may not be a wise use of them, you could use some at the ending of phase 1 in a hybrid to max your threshold and out score without having to craft anything in phase 2.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    If Captain Proton taught me anything a few weeks ago it is there are never enough shuttles in the galaxy to run enough missions to acquire all the components needed sometimes to build up event crew. And now this week we have Weyoun Clone 5 who for some reason needs many basic holoprograms from Section 31. I picked up Weyoun yesterday from event packs and thankfully had a handful of holoprograms in my inventory so I was able to rush him to FE in a couple hours, but since I never compete for the top of the ranking table, my advice for people and the plan I intend to use for my shuttle rentals is to hold them back for future events to use specifically to farm up components I need to gear up event crew when they need components from factions NOT involved in the event.

    For example: I just acquired my first copy of Penk a little bit ago and only have him at level 60 so far, but if I get up to level 80 and I need an item not offered by the Ferengi Traditionalists, Bajorans, or Dominion, I'll use my shuttle rental tokens to run extra missions to farm up the items I need to level Penk. (I have not yet looked to see what is needed for Penk so it is likely he WON'T need me to do this, I was just using this as an example).

    To paraphrase @eXo | Frank this game is a marathon, not a sprint, only for me my entire strategy is about being viable 4 months from now, so that is how I make my plans.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    I have been running them as a 5th shuttle at 4k VP with my best skill boosts. The point is to guarantee success with these. If you can't guarantee success, don't waste them. Don't run time boosts unless you can guarantee it will pass. 4k per pop x 14 = thresholds passed and maybe more.
  • Save them up til there's an event that you really want to rank in, and have a decent enough crew to man, then go hard.

    If the 4 free ones you get in the event aren't enough to get you to the threshold point you want, don't use them. If they do, then use them but remember you won't have any for the times you want to go harder.
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  • I threw all mine into the kickstart just to see if it was worth it. I made 4000VP in around 30 minutes. Considering this event doesn’t have a great deal of event bonus depth, it was, for me, the best choice. If there’s an event with a lot of bonus crew... it would probably make more sense to use the extra shuttles while at 4000VP in shuttles that you are confident about in terms of percentage of success.

    I’d say that the best usage of the extra shuttles depends upon your crew depth in that particular event. This event, i boosted kickstart to 4000VP in no time... on another event with excesses of bonus crew, I’d most likely use them at the top end (4000VP) to accrue a lot of points.

    I’d say no one size fits all here
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