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How much will new offers increase pay-to-win on Faction events?



  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    If anything, higher rankings this event will be driven by the 5* Spock reward and the 10-pull in threshold rewards.

    Agree. My higher ranking has been wholly driven by paranoia that I'll miss out on Spock than on Enterprise rent-a-shuttles (har har, I made a funny...).
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    If anything, higher rankings this event will be driven by the 5* Spock reward and the 10-pull in threshold rewards.

    Agree. My higher ranking has been wholly driven by paranoia that I'll miss out on Spock than on Enterprise rent-a-shuttles (har har, I made a funny...).

    Enterprise Rent-a-Shuttle: We'll pick you up!
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  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Agreed on wondering where the bloodbath went...I burned through every shuttle requisition token, 4* time boost, and 5* time boost I had in the fear that 2000 other people were doing the exact same thing and am still somehow in the top 150. I can’t imagine that will last but still...I’ve never been this highly ranked for this long.

    I've not spent any requisition or double-ups yet - only several 3* time boosts - and I'm still comfortably inside top 1000. Let's see how that develops, when everyone is spending close to the end to make it.
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  • I think that the new mechanism won't affect the game that much. The paying players have the ability to spend in a different way than previously to gain their advantage! It'll be interesting to see if this changes the hybrid events, as f2p had a better/easier chance of being very competitive there. I'm thinking this might start to distance the paying players significantly during the first phase so that you can't challenge enough in the second phase. Of course, as always you can't begrudge the players who want to spend cash, as they are propping up the f2p base!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    And so far this event where people had 14 free tokens before it started, I haven't noticed a major difference.
    Scores do seem to be increasing more quickly though there is very little point ranking top 100, 200 or even 800. Ultimately the magic number is 999 anything above that is a bonus - for the extra merits and portal pulls there really is no incentive to spend on the shuttle packs and to be honest, I don't have the crew for them.
    DB: Do Better
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmm, after first day I’m not seeing the apocalypse or expected bloodbath happening from my ranking position. I’ve used 4 or 5 of the “free” rentals and the usual slate of Thursday cadet time doublers but it hasn’t made much of a difference. I’ve only gone from “in the top 1000” to “easily on the top 1000”. But I can easily ascribe the better performance to:

    - having focused on leveling up bonus crew (biggest factor)
    - Happening to be on vacation this week, so discipline in timing and not trying to kickstart in the middle of a workday
    - Avoiding factions with “poison pill” (for my crew) missions

    I can see this maybe making a big difference for the top 25, some difference for events with lots of bonus crew, and maybe for play if the new TBD ranked rewards put thresholds for things of substantial value outside the 1-25 and 1000 marks.

    A solid and purposefully cultivated bench still seems a huge win factor...

    Agreed on wondering where the bloodbath went...I burned through every shuttle requisition token, 4* time boost, and 5* time boost I had in the fear that 2000 other people were doing the exact same thing and am still somehow in the top 150. I can’t imagine that will last but still...I’ve never been this highly ranked for this long.

    All this means is that most players aren't accepting this new monetization scheme, not that it doesn't have the potential to affect the top 1000. I find that quite reassuring TBH. The line has to be drawn somewhere and to me this is a bit too much.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had a fleet mate report getting 18/24 success on his overnight (9hr) shuttles, so that's over 150K vp in a single evening. That's vp escalation at its finest. Of course, he's also up in the top 50, so that makes it a leaderboard issue and not a top 1000 concern.
  • I'm comfortably floating between 700 and 1000. I'm not finding it particularly harder than average. I'm realizing at the moment in could probably make a harder push with the event bonus crew I have.
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Whether the new ways are helping me or not, I can’t say yet. The highest I’ve finished in a faction is 13. I’m currebtky sitting at 7 but there is a long way to go. What I can say is I really like the new structure. Factions were dull and mundane. This has infused strategy and allows for use of much more of your crew. There have been many times on here where I have said you can only use what? 20-24 crew members at a time? That is not the case anymore and I think that’s effin cool!
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm sitting in the same area I often do without using any rentals so far. Currently 475 which is maybe a little further down than usual, but I've also been a bit sloppy on some of my shuttle turnovers so it could be from that.
  • Ren has a good point amongst all of the pay to play objections. If stt is failing and they need revenue maybe its bcuz they keep increasing the cost to play, therefore ppl are quiting the game, and new players turn away fast. I also respect and understand the need to have revenue. However the increase cost is what is driving ppl away from the game. More players spending a little still adds up. Rather than few players paying alot.
    As far as this “test run” of new faction event options the entire idea of all changes is poor. Faction was my favorite event and now it is ruined.
  • The individual choice to spend money on this game, or where to spend it, is being taken out of player's hands and rammed down their collective throats which is naturally going to leave a bitter and rancorous taste and turn people away.
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  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    The individual choice to spend money on this game, or where to spend it, is being taken out of player's hands and rammed down their collective throats which is naturally going to leave a bitter and rancorous taste and turn people away.

    How does this take any choice out of the player's hands of whether or not to spend?
  • I see the increase in difficulty.
    Rentals, donno for sure but my gut feeling is that it's a combo
    Of the two.

    I think the smartest thing db could have done or could do while there is
    Still time would be to revamp the rental system.

    Once this event is over, don't sell any more tokens, announce that in two faction events the system will change and existing tokens should be used prior.

    Then switch it so the rental lasts 2 days, 100 Dilithium or $1 dollar. (For 1 extra shuttle, 200 Dilithium /$2 for a second extra shuttle)
    I think they would get a lot more bites and would be a sustainable long term increase to revenue that more players could accept.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I think it will, and has affected this event at least, but I don't think it will have as much of a lasting impact on future events. I think it is affecting this event specifically, because this Officer is so desired/loved, and because the shuttle tokens are new, and because their are so many of the offers.

    So it will be interesting to see if this push for pts, will continue after the event.
  • Kind of makes it official, if you want to play and rank in top 1K in shuttle events, you must spend money. Not saying good or bad, just sayin...........


    I’ve not noticed any difference. I didn’t purchase any packs, and I’m still in the top 180. I think these new purchase additions will kick in more at the top end for people competing to win.... that would most certainly require purchases. But for the guys like me who just want top 1000, i personally haven’t see any changes yet.
  • I could see a lot of jostling for position in the last few hours: you know how it is with Galaxy events where people hold back cashing in the rare rewards until the dying minutes....

    Well, people could make a late push in a similar fashion with requisition shuttles. Imagine being ranked 1200 with just over three hours left.... and you have 5-10 requisition tokens? You could send them all out on a late push for glory, and probably get it.

    Similarly, those competing for the top spot could play possum (playing dead/ exhausted: depleted) and secretly send out an armada of shuttles to snatch first prize.

    These requisition shuttles definitely add an element of uncertainty and insecurity to the rankings... the end result being that people would depend more resources to ensure rank.
  • I dunno. It's kind of fun to push for a new threshold, and all the rewards that go with it. The rental shuttles allow some variety in how to push for that, and I think that's a great thing.

    Sure, it impacts ranking but truth to tell factions are the lowest VP events and can be really stagnant affairs so it's good to see variety.

    I actually think it gives players more of an opportunity to go hard when they want to. It's a case of picking your battles, not necessarily a case of ranking regardless.
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  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Rather sad. It was nice when the F2P and monthly days early on you could rank under 1k and get a 5*. Gave you something to strive for, gave you a reward and sense of accomplishment when you could get there.

    Now that's just gone. There's no more progress, no more pretense. If a new player comes in today, it's flat out pay to win. If I started in that environment, I know I would have left quickly. And I doubt I'm unique there. I think this structure today is VERY unfriendly towards growing the population.
    It's not the simple. I've been around a little more than 6 months now, I can definitely see what you are saying, but in the case of your stated premise that the game is punishing to new players who can never catch up, DB in that case cannot win for trying. If they keep things the way they are, DB get accused of holding new players back. But the Ahdar Ru'afo situation taught us that if DB DOES try and give everyone a really viable card to allow newer players to catch up, "seasoned" players lose their G D minds because they are losing a competitive advantage against us.

    And like I've said before in other threads, newer players are just used to this. We have it tough in both directions, that is just the nature of our existence. I appreciate the sentiment for trying to look out for us, but there is nothing that can be done about it, and we know that. I am never going to compete for the top rankings in an event, so it is up to me to decide if I will let that bother me or not. I have accepted it, and I choose to find fulfillment, enrichment, and accomplishment in other ways.
    muwoo wrote: »
    Rather sad. It was nice when the F2P and monthly days early on you could rank under 1k and get a 5*. Gave you something to strive for, gave you a reward and sense of accomplishment when you could get there.

    Now that's just gone. There's no more progress, no more pretense. If a new player comes in today, it's flat out pay to win. If I started in that environment, I know I would have left quickly. And I doubt I'm unique there. I think this structure today is VERY unfriendly towards growing the population.

    I disagree. I'm fairly new - about 6 months. I don't try to hit the top 1k but there is plenty of progress to be made for me. There are hundreds of crew I don't have which I earn during voyages and events that I quit at threshold. Shuttle events I often don't make threshold but I still get some new crew. I'm not getting 5*'s necessarily but I still get a few from time to time and I have a lot of purples needing to get fused. I get a lot of enjoyment out of the game without having to be in the upper echelon.
    I agree with you completely. This game can be perfectly enjoyable and enriching to newer players. We are all free to set our own goals and not determine our worth based on our event rankings or how much "stuff" we have (or don't have).
    Flay wrote: »
    However, for the newer players, who are very under-represented on the forum, the new rewards and rental shuttles (remember, they also drop from the threshold and can be hoarded) mean more tactical possibilities, they can decide if using those additional rewards is worth it.
    I agree with this, however I am not entirely sure what the culprit is. These forums have been a tremendous boon to myself personally in growing my knowledge of the game which has had a direct and profound impact on my abilities to play "better", and to a MASSIVE degree this is due to the legacy of the "whales" and veterans of this game who have been nothing short of amazing with their willingness to share knowledge, track drop rates, update the wiki, and generally become unpaid mentors to those of us who have followed the path they created. To all of you who fit this description, I want to sincerely thank you for your dedication toward taking care of the community and helping everyone.

  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    ByloBand wrote: »
    It's not the simple. I've been around a little more than 6 months now, I can definitely see what you are saying, but in the case of your stated premise that the game is punishing to new players who can never catch up, DB in that case cannot win for trying. If they keep things the way they are, DB get accused of holding new players back. But the Ahdar Ru'afo situation taught us that if DB DOES try and give everyone a really viable card to allow newer players to catch up, "seasoned" players lose their G D minds because they are losing a competitive advantage against us.

    Hear, hear (on whole post).

    And I think it's even worse than Ahdar. As the Minuet situation taught us, even a weak but robust card valuable to newer players will cause "seasoned" players to lose their G D minds. As a 6-month in player, I'm smart enough to know that Minuet isn't a great card, but my 5* roster is still weak enough that I still get regular use out of her in voyages and gauntlet.

    I think one culprit here is that Events HAVE to be made about more than winning the legendary; no legendary will make everyone happy. The Threshold reward changes are a step in the right direction; now we desperately need the ranked reward changes implemented with things of real value to everyone (e.g. honor) added more liberally as gradations through the rankings, both sub-1000 and within 1000. Give everyone a reason to play events and enjoy their rankings wherever they land, rather than creating a faux crisis mentality by the artificial 1000 breakpoint, and everyone should just be happier players. Currently, if I'm not going for the legendary, I'd be playing for something like 1/50th to 1/25th the honor value of a 5* citation, which isn't worth the effort. Fix it, DB! It ain't that hard.

    Since the thread started on the new offers/shuttle tokens, at 2 days into the event I'm in the camp of actually enjoying the new options. Being able to dig into 2nd/3rd tier crew and get value out of them is interesting and rewards past effort. Choosing how and when to boost (especially the bonus "5th shuttle") becomes more interesting and 'strategic' (9-hour doubler, reward doubler, time reduction, skill boost, even passing on some missions entirely). Choosing whether to use or hoard the "free" shuttles becomes interesting. Reducing grind and increasing play options is a good thing IMHO.

    Without excessive hoarding / event-skipping, or massive spending, I'm not competitive for the top 25 anyway (but managed to break 100 for the first time this week through smart preparation and play, a good bench and little spending). Outside the top 25 and within the top 1000 I don't see any significant negative impact yet that isn't balanced, for me, by more interesting play. Just my $0.02.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    This is not paying vs f2p. It's whales vs everyone else. The majority of paying players are monthly card players with maybe an offer here or there. They were not paying to speed up shuttles before. There is no reason to expect them to suddenly start paying now. The people this affects are the people in the top 25/50 who were already paying to speed up shuttles. Yes non whales won't be able to rank top 25, but guess what, they weren't competing for top 25 before anyway.

    And so far this event where people had 14 free tokens before it started, I haven't noticed a major difference.

    I agree with this completely. Spots 200-1000 are determined by crew depth and repetition of shuttle reset. I am at 250k half way through because I happen to have a solid 4* crew this time and I have been diligent about restarting my shuttles. Next time, likely not. If you are not a whale, you have to pick your spots. A good start, lots of bonus crew and not over reaching will get you there when you pick your spots. Better to have all your shuttles come back at 4k VP than to fail half by time boosting or renting low probability shuttles. Passing thresholds every other time is better than over reaching and missing 80% of the time.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anyone else seeing the £4.99 Shuttle Premium boost packs again? They were available on Thursday too.

    Does seem like DB are getting more and more grabby for cash.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think one culprit here is that Events HAVE to be made about more than winning the legendary; no legendary will make everyone happy. The Threshold reward changes are a step in the right direction; now we desperately need the ranked reward changes implemented with things of real value to everyone (e.g. honor) added more liberally as gradations through the rankings, both sub-1000 and within 1000. Give everyone a reason to play events and enjoy their rankings wherever they land, rather than creating a faux crisis mentality by the artificial 1000 breakpoint, and everyone should just be happier players. Currently, if I'm not going for the legendary, I'd be playing for something like 1/50th to 1/25th the honor value of a 5* citation, which isn't worth the effort. Fix it, DB! It ain't that hard.

    As a 2-year player, I agree with this point. It's the biggest pre-event decision I consider - is this a 5* that I want to get? If so, then I'm in and mostly don't care about where I rank as long as it's <1000... but if I'm in, then I've got to get the legendary or the event feels like a failure. If I don't want the card, then I don't really care where I rank. It's a very binary choice and has fairly dramatic impact on how I spend my next 4 days.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Antasil wrote: »
    I think the pay to win element is more pressing for top25 tham for top1000. Some people will spend tokens for extra shuttles, but those can still fail.

    I usually do well in factions but I can't get a 5th shuttle comfortably above 80%
    Antasil wrote: »
    I think the pay to win element is more pressing for top25 tham for top1000. Some people will spend tokens for extra shuttles, but those can still fail.

    I usually do well in factions but I can't get a 5th shuttle comfortably above 80%

    If this were the Captain's Oath rerun, I would be more comfortable with a >4th shuttle. I'm doing okay with a 2X rewards (Haven't missed on one of those yet)
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • They did make it significantly cheaper to speed up shuttles. Either way, faction events were already P2W. You could hit every single reset for 4 days straight at 1.5 hours per, pass every single mission, and you still wouldn't come close to winning an event. People were spending X amount before. They will continue to spend about the same amount. The only thing that might change are the specific mechanisms people are using.

    Agreed. Shuttle events were already pay to win, especially in the top 25.

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They did make it significantly cheaper to speed up shuttles. Either way, faction events were already P2W. You could hit every single reset for 4 days straight at 1.5 hours per, pass every single mission, and you still wouldn't come close to winning an event. People were spending X amount before. They will continue to spend about the same amount. The only thing that might change are the specific mechanisms people are using.

    Agreed. Shuttle events were already pay to win, especially in the top 25.

    I score top 25 by being a hoarder and only going for that every few months but I feel that won’t be good enough any more

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