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Peldor Joi Threshold Pull

I actually received a fairly decent pull in the threshold 10× Premium Portal reward:


3 beholds!!! Of course the 2nd behold was all immortalized but, given my past luck with these, this was a HUGE win. :)


  • One ff 4 star behold.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got a Landry, some Andorian legendary ship schematics and some honor.
    Let’s fly!
  • 1000 honour
  • 600 honor
  • Got lucky and managed to snag last star for Sloan.

    But I totally agree with @ByloBand above. The positioning is odd as it is most likely honor for ppl who will get it. They could at least make it into event pack to make it a bit more useful.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I got Phillipa G-something-or-other. I don't know anything about Discovery, do I don't know who she is, but I didn't have her and she will be useful for a Discovery mega... I hope. All the rest was honor.

    I understand your reasoning, @ByloBand. It is logical. I don't normally do so well, but this event has been perfect for my crew. I've also used about 50 of my hoarded 3* time reducers and 6 of my new extra shuttles, but I've maintained top 300 pretty much the whole time while spending no money on it. I actually stopped most of the special boosts yesterday morning since I figured my 215 (at the time) rank was sufficient to remain top 1000.

    I also see how difficult or deviding this event must be when I see my fleet has 4 people in the top 400 but the next best 2 are not until between 2500 and 3000.
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I find the addition of the 10x premium pack threshold reward and its placement fascinating. For people like me who could actually use it, there is unequivocally zero chance to reach the required 350,000 victory; for people who already have a majority of 4* and possibly even 5* crew immortalized, reaching 350,000 victory is an afterthought and yet the 10x premium pack reward is almost entirely useless except for the converted honor.

    (Just for the sake of transparency, I am on pace to have BY FAR my most successful faction event ever, and with 26 hours to go I am sitting at 182,482 and have been trying as hard as I can given my means - I will be lucky to hit the 250,000 threshold reward)

    Anyway, happy for you guys, I am excited to see what you get!

    DB has many flaws but excessive generosity isn't one of them. By the time you're able to reach the required VPs you won't need any of the content of that pull.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    3rd star on mr president of the earth could have been worse

    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Drone_one wrote: »
    Got lucky and managed to snag last star for Sloan.

    But I totally agree with @ByloBand above. The positioning is odd as it is most likely honor for ppl who will get it. They could at least make it into event pack to make it a bit more useful.

    The problem is if you have the 4* fully fused, there is no point trying for threshold because the pull will likely be honour. At least a portal pull might be useful .... Unless you get Rogue Harry Kim....
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Honor, with a hint of fuel.

  • Immortalized Waitress Ezri (behold) and brought ISS Defiant to level 8. Plus 500 honor.
    I'm happy.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 honor and some fuel. Not bad.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    Ren~ wrote: »
    DB has many flaws but excessive generosity isn't one of them. By the time you're able to reach the required VPs you won't need any of the content of that pull.

    Me thinks you're vastly overestimating the crew requirements needed for that... I just reached 350k and claimed the pull (not planning on using it yet) and theres still like third of the SRs I dont have at all while a fourth could use some more stars and vast majority of the golds i have are sitting at 1/5 with only 3 mega event ones FF...

    So feel free to feel all grumpy if you want to, but I sure am loving these...

    I can relate, I have 12 10x premium packs unclaimed currently. Until I can reclaim at least 6 crew slots, I'm not going to bother with them.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I find the addition of the 10x premium pack threshold reward and its placement fascinating. For people like me who could actually use it, there is unequivocally zero chance to reach the required 350,000 victory; for people who already have a majority of 4* and possibly even 5* crew immortalized, reaching 350,000 victory is an afterthought and yet the 10x premium pack reward is almost entirely useless except for the converted honor.

    (Just for the sake of transparency, I am on pace to have BY FAR my most successful faction event ever, and with 26 hours to go I am sitting at 182,482 and have been trying as hard as I can given my means - I will be lucky to hit the 250,000 threshold reward)

    Anyway, happy for you guys, I am excited to see what you get!

    There are plenty of long time F2P or low spenders who jump at any chance to get a premium pull and can make 350k. There are other players who normally wouldn't make 350k, but are now incentivized to push harder to get it.

    And other players still need random crew here or there. You can't get that crew without portal pulls.

    Besides, if DB put 1000 honor there, people would be happy about it. Now they get the honor with a chance for something even better.
  • Drone_oneDrone_one ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Drone_one wrote: »
    Got lucky and managed to snag last star for Sloan.

    But I totally agree with @ByloBand above. The positioning is odd as it is most likely honor for ppl who will get it. They could at least make it into event pack to make it a bit more useful.

    The problem is if you have the 4* fully fused, there is no point trying for threshold because the pull will likely be honour. At least a portal pull might be useful .... Unless you get Rogue Harry Kim....

    Point taken. I was thinking of getting a chance to fuse the new event SR . After the series of -gates, I am mostly F2P these days and end up with a bunch of 3/4 with no chance of getting another copy for months.

    I used to get some packs from saved dil during faction/skirmishes when the legendary interested me. I would mostly end up FFing the new SR but sometimes got lucky and got the legendary. In those cases, I would then push for rank. But with the new rank structure, this strategy no longer works as you have already earned/or not earned the event legendary from the previous event. As a result, I have stopped all pack purchases until I figure out a good way to use the limited dil I have.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I can relate, I have 12 10x premium packs unclaimed currently. Until I can reclaim at least 6 crew slots, I'm not going to bother with them.
    wow, I dont save them for that long! Now that I have all the 3 stars in ice and don't need multiple copys of them at once, I tend to use them when I have 20-30 individual pulls (thats like 2 ten pulls and handfull of singles or w/e lol) and then spend all the merits and credits I dare for more honor :DD

    That gives me usually couple interesting drops I can feel good about. It's a psychology thing... prevents frustration :DD
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • All honor. The reward change is nice, but I do wish they had kept the 1K merit reward too.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • The threshold pull gave me my final star on Ambassador K'Ehleyr, so thanks for that.

    My event pack earlier in the week left me with far more reaction...
    ...generally positive reaction at least (I had already leveled Weyoun 5 earlier in the week so didn't need rep fuel).
    My 8-Point STT Strategy:

    1. Voyage.
    2. Have fun. If something isn't fun, don't do it.
    3. Only pursue characters I care about.
    4. Contribute to the fleet.
    5. No more spending beyond monthly cards.
    6. Have fun.
    7. Voyage.
    8. Have fun!
  • 900 honor for me. No surprises.
  • Final star to immortalize Klingon O'Brien, 700 Honor and schematics for two legendary ships needed. I can't complain with this one.
  • 700 honor and 550 Schematics
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