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Gauntlet character reward rng frustration

i just want to say that even i'm very unlucky person or the gauntlet rng is bugged for me.
Really now. I play over more than 1 year, i have more than 7000 rounds completed, i was finished rank 1, got win streaks up to 30 more times, always finish between rank 1-20 in every gauntlet, and NOT EVEN 1 gauntlet character found. WTF i know alot of players that got guinan, caretaker, and now armus on first rounds that play... it's really not fair. What should i do? To reach 20k rounds only to get 1 Locutus? I eventually stop playing maybe... because im so pissed off.


  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not a bug or game issue. Moving to The Bridge.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like you just have rotton luck. It's unfortunate but you aren't the only one.
  • It is very frustrating. There really is no rhyme or reason to any of it.
    I wish I could trade in the ungodly amount of useless trainers that I’ve won for one of the featured Gaubtlet crew.
  • No Caretaker here either. Meanwhile, many people got 8 to 10. I also only got two Guinans. One of them was on the first day she was available, from a 3 streak. So I see the RNG gods are cashing in a sell your soul deal I don't remember making ("get the gold first day, but the next gauntlet crew you won't get at all!").
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • ThurthoradThurthorad ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh, it's definitely a game issue, it's just a bad situation that is working as intended.

    I can't even see how this benefits DB, it's not like you can really spend any money to improve the situation for yourself. (Though I guess you could spend dilithium to keep streaks running, though it's curious that that never even occurs to me during play, because it just wouldn't increase your odds of getting the character enough to make it worth it.)

    Anyway, yes Gauntlet **tsk tsk**, and has done for a very long time and DB know this, they just don't want to spend the resources to make it better. To be honest I'd actually prefer if they took it out of the game altogether. It's a constant source of frustration for players.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    It took me less than a year to complete 20K gauntlet rounds. Do it more and you'll likely get more.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Completely agree with this. Given the nature and significance of the prizes (more so caretaker and guinan, than armus), this type of disparity should not exist.
  • PolPol ✭✭✭
    adonibyte wrote: »
    Completely agree with this. Given the nature and significance of the prizes (more so caretaker and guinan, than armus), this type of disparity should not exist.


    Almost 20k rounds... and no gold
    Also ... there is no other way to get this crew
  • Ivanstone wrote: »
    It took me less than a year to complete 20K gauntlet rounds. Do it more and you'll likely get more.

    Or not. Some of the most dedicated players did not get a Caretaker, according to the poll that I started some time ago.

    I think it would be less frustrating if they didn't leave the Caretaker in the gauntlet for an entire year and with an extremely rare and useful skill combination. Now, most people have him and some of those who cared the most about it and may have tried everything to get him are left without one.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to ask, how many streaks do you rack up? You can get 10-20 streaks of 3 in a single gauntlet, each with a chance for the legendary. Versus 3-7 boxes with a chance of the legendary at the end. Since you always get three, you get 3-5 times more chances to get the legendary from streaking than you do from placing in the gauntlet.

    FWIW, I "only" got 4 caretakers last time, but they all came from streaks. Of the 7 Guinans I got, only 1 came from victory boxes, not even top 10, and the 2 Locutus I got both came from streaks. And not to rub salt in the wound (it seems like drop rates are higher when the character is first introduced) I got an Armus from a 9 streak : /

    We've been through this before, my opinion, which seems to have a lot of others in consensus, is treat the gauntlet like a merit farm, and emphasize streaks by picking low trophy matches, even if only multiple 3 and 6 win streaks, over placement. The second day, when streaking has already gotten you to the top 30 and it's harder to streak any more, then you start to look at ranking. You can easily finish 11-15 that way, and even make runs for 1st at times. all the while coming out merit positive, and having an 18-24 streak and a couple of 6-12s and a few 3s.

    And if you want to take the emotion out of it, use the iampicard tool to play the gauntlet. I don't do as well using it as when I use the actual STT app, but I don't get frustrated either.

    Good luck.
  • Mr. LincolnMr. Lincoln ✭✭✭✭✭
    Or, you could choose to have a life instead
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm also convinced that everybody else's luck on a given day and/or in a given Gauntlet also impacts your luck, similar to how the entire galaxy's success on shuttles during a faction event impacts your own personal shuttle success rates.

    umm what? If you're talking about the bell curve distribution of your overall number of successes on any given success %, then you've slightly misunderstood the CS answer and your math aint that great. If this is legit then wtf.

    on topic:
    I find it annoying that the gauntlet main prize is also very strong in gauntlet it self. So if you get one, great. You'll have easier time getting more. If you dont get one, it gets more difficult as time goes on. If everyone gets one, all you get are massive walls when ever their skills come up. Times 4 now. If you're in the top half of any gauntlet these days all you see are walls of Banjoman, Guinan, Surak, M Picard and Locutus. Would have been better desing choice to give them high base stats instead, imho.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm also convinced that everybody else's luck on a given day and/or in a given Gauntlet also impacts your luck, similar to how the entire galaxy's success on shuttles during a faction event impacts your own personal shuttle success rates.

    umm what? If you're talking about the bell curve distribution of your overall number of successes on any given success %, then you've slightly misunderstood the CS answer and your math aint that great. If this is legit then wtf.

    on topic:
    I find it annoying that the gauntlet main prize is also very strong in gauntlet it self. So if you get one, great. You'll have easier time getting more. If you dont get one, it gets more difficult as time goes on. If everyone gets one, all you get are massive walls when ever their skills come up. Times 4 now. If you're in the top half of any gauntlet these days all you see are walls of Banjoman, Guinan, Surak, M Picard and Locutus. Would have been better desing choice to give them high base stats instead, imho.

    I’m not so sure about your second part. The special gauntlet reward crew are indeed awesome in certain skill combos (DIP/SCI and DIP/SEC for Locutus, MED/DIP for Guinan, ENG/SCI and ENG/MED for Banjoman, and SCI/COM for Armus) but those combinations represent a small number of the total overall combinations that come up during each gauntlet. You still need crew that can adequately cover a majority of the possible combinations (skewed in favor of the feature skill, of course) and one crew member cannot cover them all.

    Likewise, the exceptional abilities of the rare gauntlet crew get a lot less exceptional after the first use. Other than maybe The Caretaker in an ENG/SCI battle, all of the gauntlet specials are much closer to an even chance against other top 5 crew for a given combo once they are tired. Unless you’re routinely paying for revives (which is dumb unless you have no other way to get the first place achievement), you’re getting really only one extra win per four hours per crew - less, really, as not every matchup between a rested gauntlet special and someone else will carry a 100% chance of victory.

    What we see in the gauntlet is a very wide distribution of outcomes: across nine month, many people ended up with no Caretakers while playing the same number of rounds as those with five or more stars for the Caretaker. Whether it is a proper Gaussian distribution or if it is skewed in one direction isn’t clear to me, as is the center of the distribution. I think the player base in general would be happier with a normal distribution centered on, say, 2 or 3 stars with 90% of people between 1 and 5 stars. Complaints about walls of the gauntlet special aside, this plus an appearance in the honor hall (priced at 100,000 or even perhaps 150,000 honor) I hope would make the majority of us not feel screwed by the gauntlet.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    I’m not so sure about your second part. The special gauntlet reward crew are indeed awesome in certain skill combos (DIP/SCI and DIP/SEC for Locutus, MED/DIP for Guinan, ENG/SCI and ENG/MED for Banjoman, and SCI/COM for Armus) but those combinations represent a small number of the total overall combinations that come up during each gauntlet. You still need crew that can adequately cover a majority of the possible combinations (skewed in favor of the feature skill, of course) and one crew member cannot cover them all.
    Well if you get favorable skill combo, you can beat any one of these heavy hitters. in 2 to 1 skill scenarious quite easily. But that leaves you very vulnerable like 75% of the time, if you choose your crew like that... And these guys have 3 strong skills... each.

    and your last paragraph
    if there was an equalizer in the rng so that most people would get the main prize... moar solid walls!
    Unless of course they change the character type to be base heavy instead.... It aint easy to make this stuff work and be fun for everyone.

    edit just to add, I kinda like what they did with Defensive Phlox. It's little bit better than your normal phlox but it is not wide spread, thus no walls. So you dont have to fight him or spend merits to re roll...
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm also convinced that everybody else's luck on a given day and/or in a given Gauntlet also impacts your luck, similar to how the entire galaxy's success on shuttles during a faction event impacts your own personal shuttle success rates.

    umm what? If you're talking about the bell curve distribution of your overall number of successes on any given success %, then you've slightly misunderstood the CS answer and your math aint that great. If this is legit then wtf.

    on topic:
    I find it annoying that the gauntlet main prize is also very strong in gauntlet it self. So if you get one, great. You'll have easier time getting more. If you dont get one, it gets more difficult as time goes on. If everyone gets one, all you get are massive walls when ever their skills come up. Times 4 now. If you're in the top half of any gauntlet these days all you see are walls of Banjoman, Guinan, Surak, M Picard and Locutus. Would have been better desing choice to give them high base stats instead, imho.

    Feedback from CS has been discussed on here in multiple threads, where they indicated that the posted expected success rate on any given shuttle in a faction event isn't a static calculation in a vacuum for each player/shuttle, but instead is influenced by all players/shuttles in the entire event. How exactly, and to what degree, well that is information they refuse to divulge.

    That's why I can't help but feel there are external influences on Gauntlet RNG, especially when the precise % for each type of chest isn't even published.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Feedback from CS has been discussed on here in multiple threads, where they indicated that the posted expected success rate on any given shuttle in a faction event isn't a static calculation in a vacuum for each player/shuttle, but instead is influenced by all players/shuttles in the entire event. How exactly, and to what degree, well that is information they refuse to divulge.
    If you are referring to the post I think you are, most people misunderstood the response in that thread. It basically said that on the server side the distribution looked 'normal' and 'as expected'. Some folks went nuts and proclaimed that just because some one succeeded a 40% shuttle it meant automatically that they would in turn fail a 90% one... which was not what was meant in the CS response.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Feedback from CS has been discussed on here in multiple threads, where they indicated that the posted expected success rate on any given shuttle in a faction event isn't a static calculation in a vacuum for each player/shuttle, but instead is influenced by all players/shuttles in the entire event. How exactly, and to what degree, well that is information they refuse to divulge.
    If you are referring to the post I think you are, most people misunderstood the response in that thread. It basically said that on the server side the distribution looked 'normal' and 'as expected'. Some folks went nuts and proclaimed that just because some one succeeded a 40% shuttle it meant automatically that they would in turn fail a 90% one... which was not what was meant in the CS response.

    No, I'm not referring to the 'and' bug.
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I'm also convinced that everybody else's luck on a given day and/or in a given Gauntlet also impacts your luck, similar to how the entire galaxy's success on shuttles during a faction event impacts your own personal shuttle success rates.

    umm what? If you're talking about the bell curve distribution of your overall number of successes on any given success %, then you've slightly misunderstood the CS answer and your math aint that great. If this is legit then wtf.

    on topic:
    I find it annoying that the gauntlet main prize is also very strong in gauntlet it self. So if you get one, great. You'll have easier time getting more. If you dont get one, it gets more difficult as time goes on. If everyone gets one, all you get are massive walls when ever their skills come up. Times 4 now. If you're in the top half of any gauntlet these days all you see are walls of Banjoman, Guinan, Surak, M Picard and Locutus. Would have been better desing choice to give them high base stats instead, imho.

    Feedback from CS has been discussed on here in multiple threads, where they indicated that the posted expected success rate on any given shuttle in a faction event isn't a static calculation in a vacuum for each player/shuttle, but instead is influenced by all players/shuttles in the entire event. How exactly, and to what degree, well that is information they refuse to divulge.

    That's why I can't help but feel there are external influences on Gauntlet RNG, especially when the precise % for each type of chest isn't even published.

    Pretty sure those answers are a case of people in a foreign country who have likely never taken a probability class trying to explain how a probability distribution works in a foreign language.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »

    No, I'm not referring to the 'and' bug.

    umm, me neither.

    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Pretty sure those answers are a case of people in a foreign country who have likely never taken a probability class trying to explain how a probability distribution works in a foreign language.
    Thats how I felt about it too. I could see what they were trying to say, but it came out slightly wonky. And then people who haven't taken a class either interpreted it the wrong way...
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • so far I have got 1 Locutus, 2 Guinan's and 2 Caretaker, and on the first gauntlet I got Armus I came 50 something won 2 prizes last gift was Armus. yup work that one out
  • Never got a Guinan, it was almost 7000 rounds between my only Locutus and First Caretaker. Pulled 3 caretakers in the first 2 weeks with him in Gauntlet and a fourth last month.
  • I see a lot more walls of guinans and caretakers than walls of other powerhouses like defensive phlox or gangster spock. I understand the frustration, but the typical player's odds of getting the gauntlet prize legendary are better than odds to get defensive phlox. Just because we play gauntlet you're not guaranteed to get that crew, just as you're not guaranteed to get defensive phlox from 10 pack pulls.
  • And if you want to take the emotion out of it, use the iampicard tool to play the gauntlet. I don't do as well using it as when I use the actual STT app, but I don't get frustrated either.

    Out of curiosity, have you ever won the Caretaker/Armus from iampicard? I've been using it for a few months now and not got a Caretaker from it. Could just be RNG of course.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    And if you want to take the emotion out of it, use the iampicard tool to play the gauntlet. I don't do as well using it as when I use the actual STT app, but I don't get frustrated either.

    Out of curiosity, have you ever won the Caretaker/Armus from iampicard? I've been using it for a few months now and not got a Caretaker from it. Could just be RNG of course.

    Two or three of my 6 Caretakers came from iampicard.
  • Out of curiosity, have you ever won the Caretaker/Armus from iampicard? I've been using it for a few months now and not got a Caretaker from it. Could just be RNG of course.

    Fleetmates have, yes. What you use is independent of him dropping, as that's all server side. A line of text is, of course, not as flashy as having his portrait pop up though. Hence why some didn't realize he dropped until later when they saw the new copy in crew quarters in-game..
    [SSR] Sorin08
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