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New 4 Star Crew in Ranked Rewards


Normally the existing 4 star crew is in the ranked rewards and the new crew in threshold but for this Event it's reversed.

Just looking for confirmation that this is intended and not a mistake.

The Guardians of Tomorrow
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  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    It does occasionally happen! Not often, but occasionally
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • Yeah, looking more closely at the rewards, the equipment is for Quark so it's obviously an intended switch.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

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  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Meh, I'm not sussed. That's how it goes, just means I get to quit earlier. There was a time when I liked that (especially in factions), as it meant I could get a 4/4. Now the work's too much, so I spend less time working, play a game for a bit, and give time and resources to other things.
  • [GoT] Gabe wrote: »

    Normally the existing 4 star crew is in the ranked rewards and the new crew in threshold but for this Event it's reversed.

    Just looking for confirmation that this is intended and not a mistake.


    Normally? It only was the past couple months?, and we were lucky. Not long ago it was pretty common that the new crew was ranked reward only, or at least it tend to switch between the galaxy events.

    Who would buy packs for Chakotay if he was thresholds? 130k can easily be cleared by almost everyone(just hoard some free voyage chrons a couple days B4 the event).

    Yes its great when the new crew is Threshold for galaxies or hybrids, so u get a „free“ 4/4 crew, but revenue wise, i never understood it.
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    It looks like DB is committed to stopping threshold and out. First they add new threshold rewards to get people to play longer, now they flip the crew so you need to rank for the new crew.

    Yep, now I can 25k and out
  • Doesn't make any sense from a gameplay perspective. You need the bonus crew to progress further in the event, not as a reward for finishing high.

    I applauded DB for making the 5* event reward next week's bonus character. I advocated it early on when events/rewards first started.

    One step forward, two steps back...
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was gonna fight for 350K (the new threshold and out) anyways. Recently in some Galaxies I've been scoring around 200K just so I can get a bit more honour. 130K VP is only a little work but its still kinda depressing finishing outside the top 10K.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Not a fan of this development at all.
  • Earlier this year, I had a thread tracking this. By the end of May, New Crew in Threshold was established as the new norm. I haven't updated that thread since then, but here are the numbers:

    21/27 events: New crew in threshold

    5/31 "Superior Ambition 1: Catching Fire" (Roga Danar in rank, Young Khan in threshold)
    6/7 "Superior Ambition 2: Turning Point" (Malik in rank, Arik Soong in threshold)
    6/28 "The Isthmian Games 2" (Bestselling Author Jake Sisko in rank, Prospero in threshold)
    9/20 "Family Tree 2" (Lieutenant Valeris in rank, Disguised Tuvok in threshold)
    11/1 "The Captain's Oath 2" (Captain Sulu in rank, Captain John Harriman in threshold)
    11/29 "Children of Apollo 2" (Platonian Kirk in rank, Apollo in threshold)

    Notice that four of those six events were replays where no new 4* crew were added.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Tourist Quark was the reward 4* last time. Now they are putting him in threshold so everyone can get him. It's not that's bad to switch them occasionally, especially if the repeat was reward only the previous time.
  • Tourist Quark was the reward 4* last time. Now they are putting him in threshold so everyone can get him. It's not that's bad to switch them occasionally, especially if the repeat was reward only the previous time.

    I'm definitely in favor of switching for an event replay. I'm less enthused when it's a case like this where the same crew member was simply featured in two different events. But, whatever. I prefer New in Threshold, but I accept that I'm not on the design team.
  • So... Mega Event or Meh-ga Event?
    1. Zero interest in Sphere-critter
    2. Near-zero interest in Miami Vice Chakotay
    3. Minor interest in Butthead Toga Woman - but only because she's recurring.
  • So... Mega Event or Meh-ga Event?
    1. Zero interest in Sphere-critter
    2. Near-zero interest in Miami Vice Chakotay
    3. Minor interest in Butthead Toga Woman - but only because she's recurring.

    Same, except for me
    2. Zero interest in Miami Vice Chakotay
    4. Strong interest in last star for Tourist Quark

    If this wasn't a mega-event, I'd craft one thing to qualify for the Quark from community rewards and ignore the event entirely beyond that.
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    3. Minor interest in Butthead Toga Woman - but only because she's recurring.

    At least she has good base Eng, the 10th highest at FF/FE, but almost the same as 9, 8, and 7. At 4/5, she'll be better than most of my Eng crew. That's much better than Minuet, though definitely not as good as Ru'afo.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well that makes for an easy weekend for me - basically just Etana and out, I cited Quark up to 4/4 back when he was bonus crew in What Is A Man?, and I can live with just 1/4 of Chuckles from the community rewards.

    But that's not a bad thing, I'm glad Etana's where she should be, and if I hadn't boosted Quark on my own I'd be happy to have the chance to finish him for 'free'. And I'll have a bunch of saved chrons left over to work on Etana, I'm actually feeling pretty good about having a weekend off without losing anything for it, so in a roundabout way, good start to the mega.
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