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Would you recommend a friend to play Star Trek Timelines?



  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    PERSON: 1, this game is bad, the RNG is bad, the publisher is bad, the CS is bad, everything is bad! I wouldn't wish this game on my worst enemy!

    ME: OK, if you think it is this bad and pretty much hate it, why do you keep playing?


    You clearly don't understand the question. I'm fully aware of DB's poor way of conducting bussiness and I can deal with this in my own way. To say this, I would never do to my friend such disservice as reccomending him or her STT. I would feel very bad if he or she blame me for this imprudent deed. However I would gladly recommend this game to any enemy of mine.
  • GaldranGaldran ✭✭✭
    If you asked me a year ago if I would have recommended the game, the number would be higher, but when you make a game slowly p2w, and you make it harder and harder for new players to catchup, then my recommendation level goes down.
  • jestergeniejestergenie ✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I have one more reason to not recommend this game to my friends. Another event started and game started to laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag extremely. That's the way of conducting bussiness I refuse to recommend. :p
  • 1
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    I'm embarrassed to tell people I PLAY the game. I can't even imagine recommending it.

    Man, that's harsh... but it's well deserved. :p
  • 1
    After approximately 3 days...

    13% promoters
    21% passives
    48% detractors


    I'm sure the in game survey returned better numbers ... but this is still a really bad NPS...
  • 1
    ByloBand wrote: »
    PERSON: 1, this game is bad, the RNG is bad, the publisher is bad, the CS is bad, everything is bad! I wouldn't wish this game on my worst enemy!

    ME: OK, if you think it is this bad and pretty much hate it, why do you keep playing?


    "Sunk Cost Fallacy", my friend.

    I want so much to quit. Like I want to quit drinking, smoking and gambling.

    This. The app/casino/carnival game is, to me, a time sink and money pit. DB's actions trend toward the arbitrary and perverse. I'm cognizant of the irrationality of continuing in what amounts to a toxic relationship yet, here I am, still "playing" or, more accurately, being played. I make no excuses, but that's not the point of this thread.
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    Yesterday I sent a CS ticket. Today they sent me back a generic, copy-paste reply wich has nothing to do with my problem. This is another reason to not recommend this game to anyone but your enemy.
  • 1
    Second phase of current event is bugged. You can't assign specialist to build certain items. It seems like it's another old bug. I think it would be dishonest to recommend game so bugged...
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    I don't understand why we have a 1-10 scale of answering a binary question. Anyway, yes, I have recommended Timelines to friends. So far, two started playing. I created my fleet just so I could be in a squadron with one of them, and he's still active today. The other lasted maybe a week before deciding that the restrictions were too frustrating. This was before a lot of the things that have improved the Timelines experience had been introduced, though. A third friend keeps saying he'll look into it, but I know he never will.

    Scale of one to ten is pretty common these days. Probably inspired by the same scale being used in the survey DB just did.

    "Would you...?" is a yes/no. It's not a scale. "How likely would you...?" is a scale. "How interested would you be to...?" is a scale. Even "How reluctantly would you...?" is a scale. But "Would you...?" is not.

    Let’s not nitpick the question. We know the intent as more than enough information exists to arrive at the correct inference. It’s the Forums, not necessarily a place requiring pedantic levels of expression.

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