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Plague of Plagues Scoring

Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
So its Sunday afternoon with the Top 1000 cutoff at 530k and the final cutoff likely being much higher and almost sure to be a record for galaxies.

I figured I'd ask why everyone pushed so hard this event?

Plague of Plagues Scoring 135 votes

I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
abegheer1middleheadHaBlackNS111111barrydancerAntasil[10F] Fuzzy MooTarrant(HGH)ApolloCFOHSilverknight[TUFG] Captain ZlogGib - Admiral MarinersIronagedaveThurthoradCapt. Pete OwenDScottHewittmejoyhWebberoniZetterbeard Selene 7 32 votes
Was clearing the thresholds for one reason or another and since I already had the first 400k, why not go for top 1000.
[KM]VidemCapt. Chaosscruffy151Commander Sinclair[SJ] Admiral Aki[KM] WOLF 359Hungry Dog DDMSoupKitchen RikerMr. LincolnkapuCaptain SushiIshmael MarxDownriverRick GrimbleBylo BandJoeSage 2ZuuruMadman1 18 votes
Need the extra star on McCoy, and stopped after getting it.
General McDuckJim SteeleCMO ZoidbergOdo Marmarosasexy_ladyMerinSunshineRiker[Deleted User]Shy KhanMaster Foo[7TW] Attack Eyebrows[DC] Picard Loves RedsDirk GundersonSocrManiac[10F] gobolts07 [OPA] Col. Fred L. JohnsonUluruguest_983683152154625adonibyteSpYDeR23 20 votes
Need extra stars on Danara Pel.
RocpileFinn SCNoneKanon[IR]HoratioHornblowerThorozar Sancho Panzer 7 votes
Since the thresholds are there, I must clear them.
uss_bonaventureDrone_oneGlenn FiddichDavideBooks*Nomad* {PoF}Quit GameWoof359Aldude 8 votes
Its been a few weeks since a galaxy and I have nothing better to do with my chrons.
Warrior Willo[NDQ] Joker41NAMZombie Squirrel SMMConfused KlingonMajor KonigsLegate Damar sagimaFlayCaolanG 10 votes
Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
AviTrekCaptain_WhoSabine of AthensKaitee[QH] OxmyxJim RaynorRennJaxoLeshy12345678 of 123456789(CSF) Jesus Is Lord [••••]PinkyfirstPaladin 27Beratis Kesla Redjac[S47] ELiLAmbrosius77cmdrworfMatt_Deckercaptain_yarHerbertData-less (n.) Void of a Data 40 votes


  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Need the extra star on McCoy, and stopped after getting it.
    I gave some thought to going for Hawk but when I saw the ridiculous scores already on Friday I decided to only go for a second star on McCoy, since he dropped from an event pack while hunting for more stars on the EMA.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I'm a fan of Neal McDonough so I want Assimilated Hawk. I also needed one more star on McCoy to immortalize him so that was added encouragement.

    I stopped at 700k along with four of my fleetmates but we aren't certain about being safe. I may grind up to 750k or 800k tonight as I work in the morning and can't play.
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    I tried for a third star on McCoy but don't have the chrons to get there. So I'm working on crew for the next event instead.
  • ImoklesImokles ✭✭✭
    Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    I got my last star for Chakotay from the community rewards, went to 100K to get the equipment for Chakotay and that's it. I don't have the chron buffer yet to spend 1000s for the 1st star of an old legendary crew that I don't even have a slot for, let alone go for a rank below 1000.
  • Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    Had some 8,5k chrons at the beginning of the event but I had a lot of crew to level up, so I only used a supply kit to equip that crew and went for the 1st supply kit. 6600VP for another copy of Warship Chakotay because I have room atm and done with the event :)
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    I had Chakotay, Pel, and McCoy all FF going in. I was not interested in a full galaxy just for a 1/5. I crafted one item, got a rare reward, cashed that in for some VP to be eligible for community rewards, and stopped.

    From the sounds of it, glad I didn't invest more in this event.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    I said i was threshold and out because I had only 3500 chrons. As usual I've got carried away, kept on going, just dropped out of the top 1000, will see how tomorrow goes. I'd keep me fingers crossed but I'm kinda expecting the usual dump of SRs tomorrow and I have a feeling I won't be able to keep up
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    Was clearing the thresholds for one reason or another and since I already had the first 400k, why not go for top 1000.
    i was at 400k after the first day, saw my rank and thought this is nuts lol gotta see where this goes :DD

    currently at 758k vp and rank 266. havent touched my sorrychrons either yet... At this point I just wanna be able to say 'I fought for Hawk!' lol never forget 1st event of 19!
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I haven't finished outside the top 1000 since inquisitor Troi.

    So I have to get that top 1000 finish. But I've never seen scoring like this!
  • Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    Build one item for 25 VP, got 400 honor and a 10er pull 😴
  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    The scoring is insane because so many people went for 400K for McCoy and then decided to do 'a little more' for Hawke. We're all driving each other upwards this way.

    Madness ;-)
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was clearing the thresholds for one reason or another and since I already had the first 400k, why not go for top 1000.
    Wasn't originally going for Hawk, but did the entire McCoy grind w/o turning in my rares. Once I had McCoy and turned in the rares, I was in the low 200's, so at that point I was committed to getting him.
  • I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I just thought Hawk was a cool card. The stats aren’t even very good. So I can’t understand why this event is so brutal
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    Wanted Hawke. Never had a chance to get him. Just over 300k, so I guess be happy with a Voyage Token
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I think this is natural consequence of 400k threshold. Lot of players just want to get to the threshold, it is human nature to go to the end of something especially with usefull 5* at the end. On the way they collect some SR, turn them in and that makes this galaxy a lot more competitive than any so far.
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was clearing the thresholds for one reason or another and since I already had the first 400k, why not go for top 1000.
    I went into this event having expressly told folks I was stopping at 130,000 victory. Problem is, I got to 130,000 and out of habit I had a lot of vaccines I had not yet cashed in, so then I was like, "OK, well I may as well go for the next reward."

    And this pattern kept on all afternoon, until I had hit 350,000 for the second to last reward, and then I was like, "OK, this is nuts, STOP!" So I cashed in all my vaccines, realized I had gotten up in the mid 500,000s so then just went for 600,000 to be "safe".

    At the time I was ranked 580 or something. We lost power this morning, so I decided to go to sleep. Just woke up at 2:30 PM and my 600,000 "safe" score is currently ranked like 850 or something.

    Now I am not sure what to do, lol I think we all know what is going to happen, but just for this moment, let me live in denial that I may allow myself to stop at 600,000 ;)
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I just thought Hawk was a cool card. The stats aren’t even very good. So I can’t understand why this event is so brutal

    Just curious what you consider to be good stats?
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    Need the extra star on McCoy, and stopped after getting it.
    Just trying for 1st McCoy. Would have liked to have broken 2,000th place to be able to FF Pel, but I'm way on the outside right now due to some bad Voyage management over the weekend..
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    Also need Hawke for event next week. But yes, cool card.
  • all events are gonna be insane from months ago and to the future beyond. if ya want top 1k, its gonna be tons of tapping.
    better to just give up.
    i crafted a whole 2 items vp awarding 'event' mission and got a 10 pack that was 800 honor. id say thats a win.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Need the extra star on McCoy, and stopped after getting it.
    I did keep playing after thresholds long enough to complete a set of rare turn ins
  • I am guessing that there was a large group going for McCoy who did 250k VP quickly and cashed in their SRs early to be done. (Some may have carried on too. ) That rush panicked everyone else who were keeping their SRs and we’ve been chasing each other up higher and higher.
  • Was clearing the thresholds for one reason or another and since I already had the first 400k, why not go for top 1000.
    I started this week's event as "threshold and out", but then notice my captain rank was teetering on the level 80 mark, so I thought "why not get me there [+20K honor reward] while keeping in the top 1K for a free gold?"
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    Voyage revival token and im done.
  • I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    I just thought Hawk was a cool card. The stats aren’t even very good. So I can’t understand why this event is so brutal

    Just curious what you consider to be good stats?

    I mean they’re not bad, but they’re nothing special. Not outstanding or anything
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since the thresholds are there, I must clear them.
    So what is the current 1000 score?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I must have Assimilated Hawk (either for the character or the voyage utility).
    So what is the current 1000 score?

    I have no idea. Only shows me the top handful of leaders
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who cares about this event, I stopped somewhere short of clearing thresholds.
    So what is the current 1000 score?

    I heard about 600k a couple hours ago, but that could have been rounded some.
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