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Plague of Plagues compensation.....



  • I think it’s more than fair. It affected everyone in the same way so it’s tough to see how it can have massively skewed the results...
  • edited January 2019
    NS111111 wrote: »
    I think it’s more than fair. It affected everyone in the same way so it’s tough to see how it can have massively skewed the results...

    It didn't affect everyone the same way.

    Those who already had those items lost them. We can now no longer use those items to level crew or for subsequent galaxies.

    The mission required:

    1x Neutron microscope 1 (16 Chrons)
    1x Self sealing stem bolt 1 (15)
    1x Flux coupler 0 (14)
    2x Microconnector 1 (14)
    3x Casing 0 (7)
    1x Interphasic coil Spanner (7)
    2x power cell 1 (6)
    2x power cell 0 (5)
    1x isolinear chip 0 (4)
    1x plasma torch 0 (4)

    Total chron cost without prefarmed items was 91 (the others this phase were 51, 59, 63, 68, 70, 94).

    All these items were lost due to a "auto build" bug. So those that had more of these in their inventory were affected more. 106 were auto built for me. So 106x91 chronitons I have basically lost.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will add it to my stash of sorytrons, I have about 5k in my box now, and 2k not used from the event. I gave up at 400k - doing the same again just didn't seem like an intelligent or enjoyable way of spending my weekend. LLAP
    DB: Do Better
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
  • Given I barely did anything in the event, I was more than happy with the chrons.

    Although having watched my credits fall from three million to a few hundred in a recent FEfest, I'd have liked a few million of those even more!
  • Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.
    Playing since April 2016

    Waving dead chickens while using Voodoo in Star Trek Timelines since Jan 2017 (forum comment from another user)

    FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/181490765563427/

  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    The thread this morning was an obvious spoof. Will there be a problem with the next Event? We do not know yet. Will there be compensation if there is? Most likely. Will it be blanket or case by case? No way to know. Last two Events had issues. One was beyond DB's control, and was compensated case by case. The other had two issues, and both times were blanket compensated. Both ways were probably right for the specific cases. {Not addressing whether the reportedly wildly inconsistent compensations for the Fraction Event we're good or bad. Accurately done or not. But, at least they addressed a problem beyond their control.}
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    I keep reading this thread, and I keep coming to the same conclusion. A handful of people lost a bunch of pre-farmed/inventory items. This is a serious issue and worthy of careful attention at the CS level. Hopefully appropriate compensation can be obtained for the affected individuals.

    For the rest of us, it seems we all encountered the bugged recipe, tried crafting it a few times (some more than others, perhaps) and then gave up and moved onto another recipe. For the bulk of the playerbase, it feels like 500 chronitons is reasonable compensation for the issue & inconvenience.

    Did I miss anything?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I keep reading this thread, and I keep coming to the same conclusion. A handful of people lost a bunch of pre-farmed/inventory items. This is a serious issue and worthy of careful attention at the CS level. Hopefully appropriate compensation can be obtained for the affected individuals.

    For the rest of us, it seems we all encountered the bugged recipe, tried crafting it a few times (some more than others, perhaps) and then gave up and moved onto another recipe. For the bulk of the playerbase, it feels like 500 chronitons is reasonable compensation for the issue & inconvenience.

    Did I miss anything?

    Good summary. Perhaps CS has been authorized to address those who lost actual supplies on a case by case basis.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?
  • I actually found a work around so...thanks for the free chrons! If i built a different event item before i built the problematic item, that same crew member would be in the build slot. Granted they werent the best crew member for the job but it got done. Oh wait, i probably shouldve posted about this in the event...sorry gang.

    That recipe didn't drop rare rewards when it was forced to work, so it might have been better if you had just skipped it instead.

    Oooh now thats something i didnt notice...never mind they were sorrytons!! But at least i got my voyage token :smile:
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?

    So your alternate proposal is 25k honor? I'm not sure that's fair either, to be honest. The issue didn't impact me that much, other than slow me down slightly. I was able to construct the item, even got rare rewards from it (although I seem to be the exception, not the rule, on that one). 500 chrons is already more than enough compensation for the slow down I felt. Make no mistake: I would absolutely love 25k honor, but it would be an overcompensation in my case, and therein lies the fine line of what constitutes reasonable compensation.

    They've shown time and time again that their preferred currency for compensation is chrons (or tickets, in the case of Expeditions), and at least this time they waited until after the event. They've also stated time and time again that if you aren't happy with the generic compensation, you are welcome to submit a ticket. If you feel your time is worth more than submitting a ticket, don't.

    I hope that when you responded to their survey last week you shared all of these feelings.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    robownage wrote: »
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?

    So your alternate proposal is 25k honor? I'm not sure that's fair either, to be honest. The issue didn't impact me that much, other than slow me down slightly. I was able to construct the item, even got rare rewards from it (although I seem to be the exception, not the rule, on that one). 500 chrons is already more than enough compensation for the slow down I felt. Make no mistake: I would absolutely love 25k honor, but it would be an overcompensation in my case, and therein lies the fine line of what constitutes reasonable compensation.

    They've shown time and time again that their preferred currency for compensation is chrons (or tickets, in the case of Expeditions), and at least this time they waited until after the event. They've also stated time and time again that if you aren't happy with the generic compensation, you are welcome to submit a ticket. If you feel your time is worth more than submitting a ticket, don't.

    I hope that when you responded to their survey last week you shared all of these feelings.

    I wasn’t really affected much by the issue personally either, I just think 500 chrons isn’t enough of a blanket apology.

    Reasonable compensation should be enough to make people happy, but not to the point where it harms the company too much. DB could give everyone 2,000,000 honor points and it wouldn’t really affect their revenue much at all. May even improve it. Players might decide to buy more slots to take on more golds as a result.

    For those that were more severely impacted and lost lots of stored items, they’re the players I would expect to be listened to on a case by case basis via ticket.

    I did complete the survey.
  • Thanks i like whenever there is compensation! Sometimes it should be better but this game is SO much better than most of the other games I've played!
  • robownage wrote: »
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?

    So your alternate proposal is 25k honor? I'm not sure that's fair either, to be honest. The issue didn't impact me that much, other than slow me down slightly. I was able to construct the item, even got rare rewards from it (although I seem to be the exception, not the rule, on that one). 500 chrons is already more than enough compensation for the slow down I felt. Make no mistake: I would absolutely love 25k honor, but it would be an overcompensation in my case, and therein lies the fine line of what constitutes reasonable compensation.

    They've shown time and time again that their preferred currency for compensation is chrons (or tickets, in the case of Expeditions), and at least this time they waited until after the event. They've also stated time and time again that if you aren't happy with the generic compensation, you are welcome to submit a ticket. If you feel your time is worth more than submitting a ticket, don't.

    I hope that when you responded to their survey last week you shared all of these feelings.

    I wasn’t really affected much by the issue personally either, I just think 500 chrons isn’t enough of a blanket apology.

    Reasonable compensation should be enough to make people happy, but not to the point where it harms the company too much. DB could give everyone 2,000,000 honor points and it wouldn’t really affect their revenue much at all. May even improve it. Players might decide to buy more slots to take on more golds as a result.

    For those that were more severely impacted and lost lots of stored items, they’re the players I would expect to be listened to on a case by case basis via ticket.

    I did complete the survey.

    i am totaly desagree whit u first ur going to destroy the value of honor and 2nd because is not going be usefull to buy pack any more when u got 1 copy of the legendary for 50k for behold legendary ur going to use ur 200k honor for make 5/5 the game again going to need upgrade in threshold Reward because evry one going to have is legendary to max same for voyage in other wise if is give 2 000 000 honor is = 8 legendary FF is going to break the game

    when u know 200 honor is very rare when u air lock and legendary is 550 honor ….

    94 Legendary, 4x 5/5 , 8,x 4/5 , 2x 3/5 , 11x 2/5 , 68x 1/5 ,
    78 FE ,78 Lvl 100,
    Immortalized: 190
    Vip:12 Lvl :64
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2019
    robownage wrote: »
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?

    So your alternate proposal is 25k honor? I'm not sure that's fair either, to be honest. The issue didn't impact me that much, other than slow me down slightly. I was able to construct the item, even got rare rewards from it (although I seem to be the exception, not the rule, on that one). 500 chrons is already more than enough compensation for the slow down I felt. Make no mistake: I would absolutely love 25k honor, but it would be an overcompensation in my case, and therein lies the fine line of what constitutes reasonable compensation.

    They've shown time and time again that their preferred currency for compensation is chrons (or tickets, in the case of Expeditions), and at least this time they waited until after the event. They've also stated time and time again that if you aren't happy with the generic compensation, you are welcome to submit a ticket. If you feel your time is worth more than submitting a ticket, don't.

    I hope that when you responded to their survey last week you shared all of these feelings.

    I wasn’t really affected much by the issue personally either, I just think 500 chrons isn’t enough of a blanket apology.

    Reasonable compensation should be enough to make people happy, but not to the point where it harms the company too much. DB could give everyone 2,000,000 honor points and it wouldn’t really affect their revenue much at all. May even improve it. Players might decide to buy more slots to take on more golds as a result.

    For those that were more severely impacted and lost lots of stored items, they’re the players I would expect to be listened to on a case by case basis via ticket.

    I did complete the survey.

    i am totaly desagree whit u first ur going to destroy the value of honor and 2nd because is not going be usefull to buy pack any more when u got 1 copy of the legendary for 50k for behold legendary ur going to use ur 200k honor for make 5/5 the game again going to need upgrade in threshold Reward because evry one going to have is legendary to max same for voyage in other wise if is give 2 000 000 honor is = 8 legendary FF is going to break the game

    when u know 200 honor is very rare when u air lock and legendary is 550 honor ….

    I’m not sure what you’re saying?

    8 FF legendary crew wouldn’t really upset anyone. It would be a nice boost for new players, but it’s not even enough on its own to garuntee a top 1000 event rank.

    For the longer term players, it barely scratches the surface for Honor debt.

    Once those hypothetical honor points are spent, it’s back to the normal value for honor.

    Exactly how often do you expect and tolerate DB making easily avoidable mistakes? Sure, mistakes will still happen sometimes (we’re human), but the compensation given out should be significant enough to prove they don’t intend to let it happen again, for fear of it starting to erode their bottom line.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    500 chrons is a meaningless gesture.
    Detra wrote: »
    Detra wrote: »

    Sounds like it was a problem this time but not originally.

    Gotcha, I was going off
    Sure, it’s undoubtedly better than giving out sorrytons while the event is still running, but I can’t help but feel most people commenting are missing the point.

    And that is, big issue with the event (the 2nd within the same event and not a new bug either), where is a meaningful gesture of apology?

    My apologies, I wasn’t very clear.

    What I meant was that this particular event has had 2 serious issues: first, the servers appeared to get overloaded/crashed for the first 30-45 mins of the event. Second, the bugged item build on one of the missions in phase 2.

    This item build bug has popped up before, but I can’t recall if it was a previous run of this event or not.

    No need to apologize. I wouldn't be surprised if it was bugged the first time and the 2nd time. I believe there was a rerun galaxy event where the same bug reappeared twice.

    I believe I get what you are saying, bugs and issues continue to plague events. (no pun intended) a compensation is made and we move on. It is not the compensation so much that is being looked for. It is an actual fix, stability. Granted we don't know what goes on internal behind closed doors to address issues, though when we as the consumer consistency see issue after issue One is left to wonder are things really being addressed and are measures really under way to fix issues before the arise again?

    There was a thread closed down this morning. Compensation for the next event. I don't know if it was made in jest or what. I get why it was taken down. Though on serious note about it, I can understand why one would think there may be issues before it launches based on the current track record. THAT is the problem. That I feel is what need to be addressed and fix before we continue on. As always, that is also just my opinion.

    I say this as someone who didn't play the last event.

    I agree with most of your points, but not so much concerned that DB ignore these issues. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t - I tend to believe they do want to minimise disruption (even though they are called Disruptor Beam!) and player frustration where reasonable.

    My concern is that the compensation is far too small and doesn’t represent a fair or useful gesture. To a portion of players at least. And I don’t mean that it was more costly to some players who lost items, I’m referring to 500 chrons being pretty much worthless.

    In a game where packs at various price points, £9.99 to £99, are basically a short term expensive instant gratification (though not always), there is never a similar (or anywhere close) value gesture in reverse when something is broken or spoiled.

    500 chron for the build bug isn’t very useful. It doesn’t even cover the time taken to bother writing a ticket to CS, yet alone making your points heard in the forum.

    Compensation should include:
    - Covering actual loss
    - Covering time spent reporting the issue
    - Something useful to the customer so that they feel satisfied enough to continue purchasing.

    I’m sorry to repeat myself a few times but I’m banging my head against the wall why people don’t get it.

    And as I’ve said already - Compensation needn’t cost DB 1 cent. It’s all perceived value and goodwill aimed at the customer with no cost to the company. I’ve heard the argument that it could stop players purchasing packs - I don’t feel that’s really valid, since DB can simply adjust new crew stats, pack offers and other game balances to compensate.

    How much good will would say 25K honor points generate?
    How many packs/offers do you think this would stop people purchasing?

    So your alternate proposal is 25k honor? I'm not sure that's fair either, to be honest. The issue didn't impact me that much, other than slow me down slightly. I was able to construct the item, even got rare rewards from it (although I seem to be the exception, not the rule, on that one). 500 chrons is already more than enough compensation for the slow down I felt. Make no mistake: I would absolutely love 25k honor, but it would be an overcompensation in my case, and therein lies the fine line of what constitutes reasonable compensation.

    They've shown time and time again that their preferred currency for compensation is chrons (or tickets, in the case of Expeditions), and at least this time they waited until after the event. They've also stated time and time again that if you aren't happy with the generic compensation, you are welcome to submit a ticket. If you feel your time is worth more than submitting a ticket, don't.

    I hope that when you responded to their survey last week you shared all of these feelings.

    I wasn’t really affected much by the issue personally either, I just think 500 chrons isn’t enough of a blanket apology.

    Reasonable compensation should be enough to make people happy, but not to the point where it harms the company too much. DB could give everyone 2,000,000 honor points and it wouldn’t really affect their revenue much at all. May even improve it. Players might decide to buy more slots to take on more golds as a result.

    For those that were more severely impacted and lost lots of stored items, they’re the players I would expect to be listened to on a case by case basis via ticket.

    I did complete the survey.

    i am totaly desagree whit u first ur going to destroy the value of honor and 2nd because is not going be usefull to buy pack any more when u got 1 copy of the legendary for 50k for behold legendary ur going to use ur 200k honor for make 5/5 the game again going to need upgrade in threshold Reward because evry one going to have is legendary to max same for voyage in other wise if is give 2 000 000 honor is = 8 legendary FF is going to break the game

    when u know 200 honor is very rare when u air lock and legendary is 550 honor ….


    There ya go.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Saru wrote: »
    Thanks i like whenever there is compensation! Sometimes it should be better but this game is SO much better than most of the other games I've played!

    That's an argument for never playing any games rather than an endorsement for playing this one.
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