Who would you like to be the Third Anniversary avatar?
in The Bridge
The third anniversary of Timelines is almost upon us! For the first and second anniversaries we received Alfadog (poodicorn) and a Targ.
In keeping with the Trek-pets theme of the previous anniversaries, which of these beloved trekimals would you prefer to be the new avatar?

In keeping with the Trek-pets theme of the previous anniversaries, which of these beloved trekimals would you prefer to be the new avatar?

Who would you like to be the Third Anniversary avatar? 134 votes
No, that's for whaling your way through the collection.
yes, it must be, because it's not yet the 3rd anniversary of the game but somehow Frank has it. He's always a week ahead of the rest of us.
Created a kingdom. Reached for the wisdom. Failed in becoming a god.
Oops, you're right, Amphi. My bad. I guess it's actually the Niners one? Wow, that's confusing.
A week only? More like a few years for me as i wont be finishing that collection for a very long time!
Cat people vs. Dog people. In the end it doesn't count in the trek universe but we are what we are
It’s likely the Monster Dog was the inspiration or original conception for the Targ but they are apparently distinct creatures, with the Targ being closer to a boar and the Monster Dog being a “Lizard-Dog.” The most consistent official statement referred to it as “monster dog,” while in the script it was also referred to as “the beast,” and among puppeteers as “Fifi Rebozo.” Fun facts!
I’d considered Phlox’s bat as an option but left it out for the sake of symmetry, sadly. I’d also considered Chief O’brien’s Lycosian tarantula Christina, but left it out because... no. Just... no.