Did they change the time Voyage traits change over?
Ok so usually the time of day the voyage traits shift is 6pm my time, the same time gauntlets end. The past couple of days though, I’ve noticed it not changing at this time, but instead in the mornings, at 11am my time, the time Dabo resets and event phase changes end.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Has anyone else noticed this?
Thanks for the heads-up that it's now at Dabo-reset time.
Check out our website to find out more:
It's good to see that 2019 is going to be just like 2018 for DB.
I swear patch notes are published after they find out what they fixed/broke via reading the forums. They don't actually know what their meddling did.
Totally. I think there was an undocumented change in rare component drops this week too. Who knows what else changed.
I don't know what's going on, then, as I've just ruled out ~Dabo Reset Time. I sent out an Eng/Med/Orion Voyage about five hours before the most recent Dabo reset, and it arrived back minutes ago. The one I just sent out is also Eng/Med/Orion, a little over eight hours after the Dabo reset.
I very occasionally have the issue where a Voyage ends and a new one claims to have the same skills as the old one, until you send it out and then it updates with different skills, but I've ruled that out for these two Voyages.
Shan, what has changed, please?
I officially have no idea when the changeover is. @Shan @SunshineRiker somebody, can we get clarification on this?
Maybe that's the answer, it's up to RNGesus to determine WHEN and IF you get a new set of Traits/Ship values.
I sent out a voyage and immediately recalled it. The voyage traits then changed.
Still not sure of the time of change but for me anyway it appears you have to send a voyage to change the traits. Would appreciate some dev input on this.
yes, the time would have to be ready also.
@Shan @SunshineRiker any response?
Yells over the cube walls, "Hey, when's the new voyage skill refresh? Thanks", Yeah, I've been told we reset this way. Nope, sorry, didn't ask why".
Instead everything DB has to be all cloak and dagger. 3 years in, a new event type based on ship battles, and we STILL don't have the mechanics of them.
It feels like it's on a 36 hour rotation or something, rather than 24.
This is my suspicion as well.