Crew by the Numbers (All Time Through Convergence Day 2019)

Playing off my 2018 Crew by the Numbers thread, I thought I'd review the entire game's offerings to date on this, the game's third anniversary. This data includes all crew announced through this week's "To Prove Oneself" event, since it's being presented as the second half of the anniversary two-part mini-mega.
For the purposes of this first chart, I've consolidated TOS/TAS/TOS Movies and TNG/TNG Movies.

Here's how TOS and TNG break down:

For those concerned about canon:

*For this purpose, TAS has been counted as Canon.
And lastly:

For the purposes of this first chart, I've consolidated TOS/TAS/TOS Movies and TNG/TNG Movies.

Here's how TOS and TNG break down:

For those concerned about canon:

*For this purpose, TAS has been counted as Canon.
And lastly:

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Nice breakdown, interesting s always.
Good work. Informative.