Meaningless Gauntlet and The Great Merit Dump

in The Bridge
Starting to think DB has either screwed up the drop percentage of top chests or the increased chance of Armus dropping is just a flat out lie. These are all since Armus was added. First off I don't use Gauntlet calculators or anything some would construe as cheating. Just a bunch of dilithium and merits sunk into a losing cause. Thanks for nothing DB. 

eXo | Z•A•P•P
Stupid tablet acting up with WiFi starting at 1830 made me miss last set of fights. Finished like 14th? Had five if boxes below the Gold, I think. Got total of 60 Chronies and junk........
EDIT: Wasn't 14th. That would have cleared another Achievement. I got the top 25 done, though. I was 14th when I got disconnected. What would have been five second Level Chests?
0/5 Locutus (still bitter)
7/5 Guinan (yay honor!)
3/5 Caretaker
2/5 Armus so far
12 more than myself.
In the OP's defense and in solidarity ... when you start playing gauntlet the interface really doesn't do much to tell you that you're grinding for lottery tickets, not "sure things after enough effort is put in". They really should post the drop rates of the reward boxes, same way they do with crew packs.
Using dilithium or merits to win a gauntlet, just because you hope u ll get the Legendary, is a huge waste of ressources imho.
All my gauntlet legendaries i got from the first 3 or 6 streak win boxes, so the boxes with the lowest drop rate. All my several gauntlet wins and top rankings always got me crap. So i learned my lesson. I spend zero dilithium on gauntlet and only a few merits for refreshes. Thats it.
Agreed completely. IMO, once you've gotten the achievement for #1, it's pointless to spend any dil for rank (and even spending a lot of merits doesn't make a whole lot of sense, either). Go for as many streaks as you can (not necessarily the longest streaks, but as many shorter ones as possible), and I think that maximizes your chances at least as much as ranking high. I've gotten at least one of every Gauntlet exclusive so far, though I'm still waiting for an Armus to drop (not going to be that sad if I don't get one, though).
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
1 Locutus
0 Guinan
1 Caretaker
0 Armus
I have a single 65% bartender.
I've just got 2 caretakers after 13,000 rounds. One was a streak of 3 bonus, the other a rank 1 reward.
Sorry to flex on y’all
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
I have one Guinan that I received from an end box. None of the others.
The Gauntlet's good for farming Merits. Bought a Merit Pack a couple weeks ago. Got a Lt Wesley Crusher from it. I recommend the Gauntlet for obtaining 5*'s.
NEVER. Ever. Spend dil in the gauntlet. And don't let it sink merits. Chest odds are so infinitesimal as to be meaningless differences between crates and vaults. Open more chests, regardless of "rarity" and you're more likely to get something.
You're better opening up 15 boxes from 3-9 streaks than 7 boxes from a first place finish.
And better off opening 7 11-15th places boxes than 5 2nd place boxes.
In this instance, the quality is so low that quantity trumps it every time.
I got a Rejak
Got at least one Caretaker from a 3-win streak, and one for a low finish (about rank 40-something).
I have fleetmates who never got any Gauntlet character, despite playing every day.
2/5 Guinan
1/5 Caretaker
0/5 Armus
That's exactly what happened with me, too. I had ranked top 25 a few days previously.
2/5 Guinan (cited up to 4/5)
1/5 Caretaker (in the last week he was available)
0/5 Armus
Six Guinans - all dropped from 3-6 streaks.
Zero Caretakers.
Four Armuses! First 3 from 3-6 streaks, last one from a 5th position win, off the last lootbox.
Keep playing. If RNGesus smiles on you, you'll get what you want. But remember, it's random! No guarantees.
<Only used IAP for one day before it went, so that has NO influence on anythung!>
I have 1 Guinan, 0 Locutus and 0 Caretakers. I really tried to get the Caretaker by playing consistently every day, going for longest possible streaks and for the best possible rank (a bit useless when you live in Europe and it ends while you're asleep).
I still believe the Gauntlet is probably the worst designed feature of this game. If they want to keep it like a sort of reverse Dabo Wheel where 70% of the players get the jackpot and 30% get the useless 0* item on the bottom right, then they should at least change the 5* more often. (And maybe not put the only decent voyage character with an ENG-MED combination as a reward? At least Armus is finally a perfectly useless character for everything except the Gauntlet itself.)
The way the Gauntlet works now, it's as if you would put all of your effort into a faction event, use 80 time boosts, log in every 90 minutes over 4 days, unfreeze and level tons of bonus crew, knowing that you may rank 100000, while someone else who logged in a couple of times on the first day will get into 1k.
It's really not worth it to invest anything into it, except for the time needed for merit farming.