Rejoin The Collective pack
I'd love to get some pulls to try for Locutus, but I'd want to make sure the pack is working right and it's actually possible to get him.
I could use all of them but Drone Seven so I'm sure I would only get her pull after pull like the last time this pack was available.

I could use all of them but Drone Seven so I'm sure I would only get her pull after pull like the last time this pack was available.

I could use Borgi, Locutus and Assimilated Janeway though...
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There's just so many different crew in that pack for the odds to favour eyeing one specific
I will not tell you how many pulls I did before FINALLY getting Locutus.
Before him I got 2 Borg Queens and Umpire Odo, all in diff pulls.
I'd actually be interested in knowing exactly how many pulls it took
15 EASY, or more
I'm only missing One now
I really want EV Seven!
Boom: drone seven, but I did get a begold where I was able to get a Honey Bare Jadzia!
I hate you a little bit
You've gotta be kidding. I did one pull and got Drone Seven, the bane of my existence
Just in time for an Event with Dax
They have the drop rates right on there and they don’t give a different rate for him. Remember the odds of a legendary dropping is approximately 10% in the guaranteed slot. There are six different legendary crew possible. That means to get one copy of each of them at a 10 percent drop rate would be 60 packs (plus or minus with RNG). So the odds of getting Locutus, or any specific featured legendary, after purchasing 10 packs are not in your favor.
Statistically, 10 packs should get you one legendary with a 1 in 6 chance of it being Locutus.
One pull got me the fourth star for Drone Seven... ...Which I would have gotten anyway from Ranked Rewards in this event. So unless my position drops a tier this was a waste.
It was a nice pack back then, and at the right price. Today, I won't touch it. All 4* are FF'd along with the Queen and Locutus. So... a 93.3% chance of airlocking whichever pack-crew drops. No thanks.
Oh my goodness...he resisted!! It isnt futile!!!!
Too little odds of getting extra stars on the others.