Clarification on new reward structure

Does the top 1k still get a gold crew I see the word dilithium is additional reward along with merits but there is no mention of ranks 51-1000 receiving a gold crew. Also how do you guys feel about the change seems like a step in the right direction as long as ranks 51-1000 still get a gold copy.
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
If it's limited to just the top 50... Ouch.
But I will hold on the torches and pitchforks until confirmed
Hmm a bit like my 1/5 Admiral Cartwright
too late
Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Rank 1: 5000
Ranks 2-5: 4000
Ranks 6-15: 3250
Ranks 16-25: 2500
Ranks 26-50: 2250
Ranks 51-75: 2000
Ranks 76-200: 1750
Ranks 201-350: 1500
Ranks 351-650: 1250
Ranks 651-1000: 1000
Wait surely there should be 0s added on the end of the ranks too
Will wait for Shan to clarify although our fleet chat already assumed the worse
so rank 10 gets 5k dil, and rank 2-50 get 4k dil? sure would be a fight to get ranked exactly 10th.
While I am waiting on some final clarification I can tell you that the intent was NOT to nerf the rewards in any way. So let's all keep zen, thanks
It's fairly unlikely to be honest!
It could be (probably), although since nothing changed in that announcement for 26-50 not sure why they mentioned them in that case.
well 20-50 get 4K..... poor 11-19
My assumption, giving DB the benefit of the doubt, is that they are going to start using dilithium (new) and merits (increased and more varied amounts, most likely) as the rewards to more effectively differentiate the various tiers inside the top-1000.
I think it's a great move, if my assumption holds true.
EDIT: the only frustrating part is that I apparently made my push for the top-100 achievement a couple weeks too early, as I missed out on the 175 dilithium reward! lol
I was being more literal about the "end" of the ranks, thus only one of the 2 ranks listed is at the "end" of each row.
Zen-ing... Zen-ing... Tableflip guy in holding pattern...
They'll get it right.
Rank 1: 5x 5* crew
Ranks 2-5: 4x 5* crew
Ranks 6-25: 3x 5* crew
Ranks 26-250: 2x 5* crew
Ranks 251-1500: 1x 5* crew